Michio Kaku - Is the Universe Fine-Tuned for Consciousness?

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That the universe is fine-tuned for life, with multiple physical laws required to be within small ranges, is generally accepted. But can we then make the additional argument that the universe is somehow required to contain consciousness? Such a conclusion may not follow. But the key question is this: is consciousness wholly contingent or somehow special?

Michio Kaku is an American theoretical physicist and a communicator and popularizer of science.

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Oh my god. This all begins to sound like magic when you really consider it’s possibility.


Consciousness is the SOURCE of the this universe and all universes!


"no one is blinder then he who chooses not to see"
-Chuck Smith


Ηere we go again... :-(
We have no evidence, clue, or even an indication that other universes exist. It is just a speculation. The only reason they started to speculating about it, is because we have found out that the Universe is fine-tuned for life.


Always fascinating to explore possibilities that explains our most fundamental questions, sometimes though it feels like a consciousness behind it all would be the simplest explanation, especially now when we’re brining in advanced future civilizations creating new universes and sending DNA to the next one, ironically a divine consciousness suddenly seems more likely, at least we know that consciousness actually exist. Still, very entertaining.


We're lucky that we have scientists like Dr. Michio Kaku. I always love to listen his arguments.
Please make more videos with Dr. Kaku.


Consciousness is the ground of reality


Michio Kaku will believe in the most outlandish science fiction explanations possible, but a creator god is out of the question...


I liked the part where Michio Kaku said we are special. That the Universe knew we were coming! Its actually quite mind blowing.
For, what point is there to create a work of Art ( The Universe) and not have anything that can appreciate it??

With regards to there being multiple universes, an idea concocted just to do away with some kind of "Creator, " let me say this:
This would be an extremely wastful endevour! Its like saying that I am a Baker, I make loaves of bread but every day I produce 1000s that I deliberately burn to a crisp or 1000s that I don't even cook at all, but only one good loaf comes out of the lot!!

Our concept of a Creator is at fault! The Creator is not some kind of being or entity that exists in a single place. The Creator is more akin to some kind of Force that brought all this into existence and is sustaining it! Light for example is the only thing that we know that transcends the whole Universe, it links every part of the Universe, with every other part. But in the future we may discover that there is something else that transcends all of space and all of time, that exists outside of it all but at the same time, connects all of space and time.


Always a Delight to Listen FLAWLESS Talks of DR KAKU


Puddle of Water: "This hole I'm in is so perfectly tuned to me as if it was designed!"

*eventually shrinks/dies still thinking the same thing*


Why have my feet exactly the same length as my shoes? It's a big mystery. My legs are short, yet they hit the floor, how comes? We have ears just at the right place needed to put the glasses, isn't it strange? I love physics, there are so many weird problems.


Very inspirational! Gives me ideas for writing short stories


This conversation needs a definition of consciousness. The interview is built on the premise that consciousness is just a function of life. Consciousness is the paradox of an entity that is separate while it contains the properties of other things. In short it is what it is not. The paradox of consciousness is not being an attribute of a carbon-based life form. Perhaps non-carbon-based also have consciousness by knowing that which they are not. This is the mystery of consciousness, and by many accounts, more specifically, quantum physics, inanimate matter (to us) may be conscious as well.


Einstein said, energy doesn’t die out, it transforms. We are energy. Where do we go when we die then? There MUST be a God/Grand Creator


This was a wonderful interview. Interesting ideas about evolution in relation to universes.


If you can't see there is a creator then you haven't looked around hard enough


I haven't come across any interviewee thus far that's as well balanced as the interviewer.


This is part of the lyrics of a song from Grateful Dead “ wakeup to find out that you are the eyes of the world” perhaps


The great artist Salvador Dalí says we humans are unique and singular in the universe.
