Michio Kaku has some news about simulation theory

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Sorry, you’re not Neo and this isn’t "The Matrix." Michio Kaku gets real about simulation theory.

Are we all just living in an elaborate simulation?

After movies like "The Matrix" (1999) posited the existence of a superficial world layered over our own, human imagination has run abound with theories about the nature of our reality. To a small but passionate minority, the red pill that can awaken us to this illusion is right at our fingertips.

World-renowned physicist Michio Kaku isn’t quite ready to take that pill. In fact, he’s skeptical that the pills even exist. He explains why.


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About Michio Kaku:

Dr. Michio Kaku is the co-founder of string field theory, and is one of the most widely recognized scientists in the world today. He has written 4 New York Times Best Sellers, is the science correspondent for CBS This Morning and has hosted numerous science specials for BBC-TV, the Discovery/Science Channel. His radio show broadcasts to 100 radio stations every week. Dr. Kaku holds the Henry Semat Chair and Professorship in theoretical physics at the City College of New York (CUNY), where he has taught for over 25 years. He has also been a visiting professor at the Institute for Advanced Study as well as New York University
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It's like Mario saying he's not in a simulation because there's no way he himself could build an Nintendo Console out of blocks, goombas, powerups and flagpoles in the Mushroom Kingdom.


That's absurd: The universe is not a simulation because we can't create today a simulated Universe. Is like saying in 1398 A.D. flying is impossible because we can't fly.


And why are we assuming that whoever is simulating the universe is using the latest Nvidia GeForce graphics cards?


That’s exactly what a computer simulation would tell you


A simple counterpoint to what he said is that you are assuming that the "real world" follows the same rules of physics. Their version of quantum physics could perhaps easily allow for a whole world to be simulated. We could be in a "lite" version of their world with simpler physics.


That's exactly what someone in a simulation would want us to think 😂


In the simulation, there's a line of code that executes a scientist named Michio Kaku declaring "we do not live in a simulation".


Michio Kaku is the lead programmer and this is all damage control to convince us we live in a real universe


Michio is pretty much saying "you can't do it because you need a big computer". Wow he really debunked the simulation theory 😂


am i missing something or did he basically just say that reality is not a simulation because we can not simulate it with our current technology? isnt it implied in the theory that our reality is simulated by presumably far more advanced technology?


Is the universe a simulation in a quantum computer? This idea, dear Michio Kaku, will never die... Who said it was a simulation on a computer built by humans?


If we are in a simulation, the compute would be something we couldn't fathom today. Michio is comparing compute to his current understanding 'of what's possible'.


this guy's whole argument can be simplified into "we cannot do something therefore it cannot exist".


Kaku is, I think, the science communicator of today that I find the least illuminating. I mean, I find the guy interesting as a person. He seems likeable. But it seems like whenever I see him offer an opinion on a subject, he's unable to communicate things in a way that makes it seem like he's thought them through. "We don't have computers powerful enough, therefore it can't be done, " must be the one of the weakest arguments imaginable to refute the simulation hypothesis. Saying it's "mathematically impossible, " on nothing but the same basis, does not help his credibility. He might have very good reasons, but if so he's really poor at sharing them. Other communicators, take Brian Cox to name one, are so much better at this.


Absence of proof is not proof. The problem with simulation theory to me is the same assumptions can be used for proving God, not much difference between a computer running a simulation and god


50 years ago it was not possible for computers to live stream HD video over a network, yet here we are.


The matrix wasn’t about aliens, it was AI


The universe only needs to compute what is observed, just like a computer game only needs to render what's on the screen.


A dream feels pretty real when I’m dreaming. This world feels pretty real while I’m here too.


You don't need to simulate the motion of every atom in the universe. You only need to simulate how you experience it.
