Neuroplasticity: How the Brain Repairs Itself | San Joaquin Valley Rehabilitation Hospital

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Neurological rehabilitation can be necessary after suffering a brain injury, stroke, or infection. Events or conditions like these can leave your neurons severely damaged. Through intensive repetition in rehabilitation, our neurons adapt in various ways to allow our brain signals to get through.


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At some point in nearly every life, the need for physical rehabilitation services will become a reality. It might be as simple as physical therapy for a sprained knee – or as life-changing as recovery from a brain injury. Located in Fresno, CA, San Joaquin Valley Rehabilitation provides comprehensive physical rehabilitation services to meet each need.

Our inpatient services are for those who have suffered a debilitating injury or illness. Patients in this setting receive an intensive, short-term rehabilitation program.

Our outpatient rehabilitation services include physical, occupational and speech therapy as well as several specialized services.


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Excellent. Very simple idea. Rpairing is not easy but very possible. Force to do, exercise, reading and writing is necessary so that we can back to normal, as close as possible. Good health is the first line.


Myofascial pain syndrome is the MOST common manifestation of chronic pain. Bioplastic changes in the organism lead to agonizing quality of life


Do you do nerve rehab not stroke-related? Specifically, for residual leg and pelvis numbness from back surgery? Was told by my recovery team that nerves just take a long time to grow back, but nobody ever had a plan for me.


That is a clear video...i have a question...
When your brain is working slow/ sending wrong signals because of burnout and or 3 years of stress/ tired it possible that my brain will recover (when i get out of tge stress/ anxiety circle) again? I mean, now my brain/ mind/ body is so exhausted that i feel a delay in signals all day long... i just would like to know, is my brain capable to recover itself? When i get the rest and do the right things again? And will my brain be able to process everything up to speed again?


I had a traumatic brain injury back in March. I suffer exhaustion occasionally, have mild sequencing memory problems and I also lost my smell completely, but I can sense a strange chemical / aromatic smell at the back of my nose, yet if I have lost my sense of smell how can this be ?


It may work a bit but you will never be back to normal. I had a tbi at 8 53 years ago 3 concussions since. My life was a complete failure because of it. 2nd grade education. I have no memory for what i read or hear. I could play piano and read music at 6. lost it i have been trying to learn guitar for the last 13 years but cant get beyond beginner. It just doesnt work.


Im five years post stroke my arm not recovery


I just don’t care anymore! I have a Severe TBI and I’d rather be Dead
