Russia and China INVADE Alaskan ADIZ 4x in one week!

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With all of us caught up in the election, it's important we pay attention to what's going on with our Military.

Russia and China have entered the Alaskan ADIZ 4x this week. We intercepted them of course, and in a show of force beefed up our military presence on Shemya Island.

The Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) is a designated area of airspace over international waters where the United States requires aircraft to identify themselves for national security purposes. This zone extends beyond U.S. territorial airspace, covering regions like the Chukchi Sea, Bering Sea, and parts of the northern Pacific Ocean, butting up against Canadian ADIZ in certain areas. The primary purpose of the ADIZ is to ensure that the U.S. has adequate time to respond to potential threats by identifying aircraft well before they approach or enter U.S. or Canadian sovereign airspace.

Event Details: On September 11, 2024, NORAD (North American Aerospace Defense Command) detected, tracked, and intercepted two Russian military aircraft, identified as Tu-142s, which are used for maritime reconnaissance and anti-submarine warfare, within the Alaska ADIZ. These aircraft remained in international airspace and did not enter American or Canadian sovereign airspace during this incident.

Response: U.S. fighter jets were scrambled to intercept these Russian aircraft. This interception involved ensuring the Russian planes were monitored and escorted through the ADIZ, maintaining a readiness posture to respond to any potential deviations from expected behavior.

Context: This incident is part of a broader pattern where Russian military aircraft frequently operate in the Alaska ADIZ, often as a demonstration of capability or to test U.S. and Canadian responses. However, the joint operation with Chinese aircraft in July 2024 marked an escalation, indicating closer military cooperation between Russia and China in regions close to U.S. territory.

Significance: These interceptions are seen as routine by NORAD, emphasizing that such activities are not considered immediate threats but are monitored closely. The presence of both Russian and Chinese aircraft together in July was noted as a first, signaling increased strategic cooperation between these nations, potentially aimed at testing or signaling to the U.S. and its allies.

Public and Political Reaction: While these incidents are treated with a degree of normalcy from a defense perspective, they often spark discussions on national security, military readiness, and the geopolitical implications of such close encounters. For instance, Alaska Senator Dan Sullivan described the joint Russian-Chinese flights as an "escalation," pushing for enhanced military capabilities in the Arctic region.

#russia #china #alaska #usmilitary #adizone #campaign2024 #NORAD
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