r/Maliciouscompliance Karen Murdered My Best Friend

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0:00 Intro
0:09 Trying to use the shoulder lane to escape traffic
4:15 Tragic example of why you do not use shoulder lane
10:02 120 dollar refund for a cup of orange juice
11:33 Following the GPS at my bosses request
14:40 Building codes for the win
15:32 Hurricane damage and the landlord

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Technically the Karen was blocking a real lane, not the shoulder. Which is worse. I don't understand people that get ultra offended about passing. It's not a race.
I will admit petty glee when I was in Dallas, and someone who "cleverly" used the shoulder to speed past regular traffic. They were instantly pulled over by a cop.


Shoulder lanes are for emergencies ONLY. If people weren't so inclined to use just because "they're in a hurry", this kind of malicious compliance wouldn't even exist.
My brother in law almost died because a bastard wanted to skip the traffic jam using the shoulder lane. He was driving 40km/h higher than the speed limit because he was "late to work". The thing is, where he was, the shoulder lane suddenly stops with no warning sign and there's a concrete wall at the end. It's not an issue for an emergency vehicule which rarely drives that fast.
But this absolute waste of oxygen didn't know. Instead of crashing into the concrete wall, he crashed into my BIL's car at something like 80km/h. His car was totaled and when the cops saw the damages, they couldn't believe my BIL was still alive.
Shoulder lanes SHOULD NOT BE USED, except for real emergencies. I honestly understand OP's frustration, even though they shouldn't have played vigilante.


My husband's grandmother used to slow down and block lanes whenever she thought the person behind her was "going too fast for their own good" until I asked her "what if they're trying to get to the hospital?"
Her "thats what ambulances are for"
Me "ok, what if one of your great grand babies was in the hospital dying and some jackass ahead of you decided you're going to fast for your own good and you miss saying goodbye because they're dead by the time you get there?"
She cut it out after that conversation.
*She was an awesome person and legitimately thought she was preventing accidents by do those things.


Here in Europe we need to form emergency lanes when there is a traffic jam (left lane cars go to the left and right lane cars go to the right/shoulder).
These kind of arseholes that overtake traffic on the emergency lane can also get people killed. I've had to escort an ambulance that had a bleeding person on board. We hit a traffic jam that was caused by road work about 10km down the highway. We went to the middle emergency lane and everything was fine until the last 200m. There at the end there were around 20 cars on the middle emergency lane that got stuck in it when trying to overtake the traffic jam, only to get stuck once the lanes started to merge. We couldn't get past because it was a mess, they couldn't even give way because there was no room.
We lost around 10-15 minutes there and needless to say the man in the ambulance passed away just before we managed to get off of the highway.

Yes OP MIGHT have endangered someone that MIGHT have had an emergency. However the people that overtake traffic jams like that Karen are even bigger arseholes. What OP did is 10x better than what the Karen did


In my country, when an emergency occurs, we put a white piece of cloth out of the window and honk to get it noticed. It usually works, others realize it's an emergency and move to the side. It's not written in any law but is taught to every child.


Some years ago, my little brother discovered his allergy to bee stings by having a terrible reaction. My mom drove like never before, passing cars one after another. At some point, one guy decides no and push on the gas while my mother was passing him. Both cars going to 140 km/h on a 90 km/h road. I could ear my mother praying, beggging him to let her pass with a muffled voice. Eventually, we passed him. He threw us a middle finger while we were on his side. My brother arrived minutes before having a heart attack.


I still call the city inspector after moving out to give them the middle finger if the landlord is being that terrible.


it's one thing to block annoying people abusing a shoulder and completely another to block people on a real lane. I don't thing the 2 situations are comparable.


For the second story, I assume this isn't in the US (as I am). I have a few police friends and I'm %110 sure that if that happened as is I was in this situation, those 2 cars and their drivers would have been charged with involuntary manslaughter. Their actions indirectly caused a death and/or caused the chance of life to become slimmer by blocking op.


For the blocking the shoulder story... like people are saying if it's an emergency then use your hazard lights to let people know what's going on. HOWEVER, Karen herself admitted to the officer that she was essentially driving on the shoulder and not a lane. THAT'S why OP blocked her. It's for EMERGENCY VEHICLES ONLY. Not for traffic beaters. There was no one else in her car.


Blocking traffic story: I understand both sides of this. I'm a retired truck driver with over 20 years of over the road experience. I have been in many, many traffic backups, some due to construction, some due to accidents and more than a few just from idiots ogling a traffic stop or MINOR accident (like a flat tire) on the other side of a divided highway. I've also seen more than a few serious accidents caused by people passing traffic in the breakdown lane and the median. Yeah, I get the medical emergency aspect of it, I've seen more than a few of those as well over the years. All I can say people is to be patient and drive safely. Don't be in such a damned hurry!


While the friend passing is a tragic story, I've seen people and cars completely nailed by someone trying to use a shoulder illegally and an EMS blocked because some idiot can't get over due to bumper to bumper traffic. It's not safe for someone to use a shoulder, that's why it's not a lane. Driving with hazards on is (in the US at least) how you identify an emergency


My father is a fireman, I grew up around EMS, Firemen, and police. If having a medical emergency in traffic and the shoulder is open I've been told to drive on the shoulder and honk my horn "honk honk honk honk" quick succession. Making sure i'm heard and seen. This is an indication that you aren't trying to "sneak by" but that you are using the lane as a last resort.


honestly the story were the guys are trying to get their friend to the hospital I would have actually pressed charges on that Karen


Hey Rslash, just wanna let you know there's an error with the first two timestamps. The first story is incorrectly marked as being the shoulder lane story


The worst wreck I ever saw, I was in Florida and some "big buff burly guy" had been rear-ended by a senior citizen. He barreled out of his car and beat the hell out of the senior citizen. I WAS STUNNED... it was an accident!!! The poor guy (the old man) was more worried about his wife going to be mad because he had frozen items and they were thawing... I of course gave my statement and when I told my husband... he was stunned too... big guy, he got arrested, I never had to testify so I am guessing that he took a plea.


Blocking people from illegally cutting you off on shoulder is NOT the same as going slowly on the highway to prevent someone from passing


Advice for anyone on the driving stories.
USE! YOUR! FLASHERS! that is how people know its an emergency.


Blocking someone from illegally passing you on a shoulder and purposely going under the speed limit on an interstate because you think they're going too fast are two totally different things. There is no correlation


I’m convinced if you’re a new manager you have to go to a mandatory training and they tell you your only job is to make life worse for all the workers
