Concrete Is Expensive. Do This Instead

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I hope to inspire you to create your own projects at home. If I can do it so can you! I want you to know that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Learn how to become self-reliant and have fun doing it!
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If a driver rolls his eyes to tailgate spread then he's flunky driver. A real driver wouldn't have dumped on your lawn like that he'd have pulled forward to keep in in the driveway


Man Dad was a dump truck driver for years his company would actually write you up if you didn’t spread the rock on a job that needs you to spread it, it really takes only 1 extra minute to spread a driveway


The dump truck drivers aren’t very good if they can’t spread it out. It’s very little extra effort on their part and would’ve saved you a ton of time (pun intended). The driveway looks fantastic though!


We had a gravel delivery driver dump our gravel slowly and he spread it all the way down the driveway. That man was priceless to us that day. 😊


I have three boys and it would be a nightmare trying to get them to help. And your girls are helping. That is a sign of your superior parenting skills.


Shame on them for not spreading that gravel! Apparently they haven’t been trained or just lazy but most drivers should be able to spread. Driveway looks great!


When I was a teenager, my dad wanted a gravel driveway instead of a dirt driveway. He didn't have heavy equipment or money to buy gravel, but he had boys, shovels, a wheelbarrow, wood & wire mesh. We made sifters by making frames from wood and stretching wire mesh over them. Then he had us dig the driveway and much of the yard up, to about a foot deep and put it in a big pile. then we sifted the pile, and what went through the sifters we put back on the yard, and the rocks that were separated out we put on the driveway. After a few days of work, we had a rocky driveway and a lawn that didn't have any rocks in it. Then we smoothed out the dirt on our lawn and spread grass seed.


I used to do driveway construction 30 years ago . I ALWAYS used a product called TERAM, a road laying fabric on a roll, under the stone dressing top surface . I regularly drive past customers driveways that I built in the early days of my business and they still look good all these years later


Worked for a builder do many years and what they used for driveways to save money was used 2inch recycled crushed concrete first, 17:12 then add 3/4 clear stone. First, 2inch creates a strong harder more stable base especially if u have water pool pockets/ sink holes, then use the 3/4 as dressing. We used to get that from asphalt company’s that recycled old concrete. Hey, I’m always learning new tricks, can’t get them all, and luv your honest family channel! And I like u even more because you remind me of Waylan Jennings . Shoot, if u even got half a decent voice sing the dukes of hazard for us ! That show saved our life here in the north of Canada !
Someday the mountain will get em, but the law never will !


As a landscaper i wouldnt have used boulders, or fieldstone on the edge like that. its all corners for tall grass to grow in that you cant get with the mower. So basically youll be stringtrimming for days every time you want to have company over


As a father i love your interactions with your daughters and how they work well with you ❤


MOSS TIP OF THE DAY: If you like the look of moss on rocks you can order or find whatever color and style of living moss you you LOVE. Next, blend several handfuls of moss in a blender with buttermilk. This gives you a mass inocculant slurry which means you can mist it on the rocks or for a wilder look, use a paint brush and draw patterns on the rocks. In no time you will have flourishing moss growing.


I'm a truck driver. After two years of driving over the road I drove a dump truck for 6 months. Spreading gravel is so quick and easy. Ridiculous if they won't do it for you.


Great to see the whole family getting involved. I used to do that kind of high-speed work with my Dad back in the day. He's 88 now and we still do projects like this together.


4:52 keep the shoe of the reciprocating saw up against the timber. Otherwise what was happening will happen... the timber will just be shaken backwards and forwards by the saw. And it is much worse on your wrists etc. too


15:42 man that was sorry of him. How was it such a problem to spread it while he dumped it.


I've NEVER had a driver not spread the gravel if I asked. I'd never call that company again.


You should have sent the dump truck driver back. And told them to send someone that knew how to tailboard the gravel for you. And the gravel he got in your yard I would of made him scoop it up and clean up his mess. There was plenty of room not to have gotten in the grass to begin with.


We installed a gravel driveway, but the dump truck did all the work spreading the gravel. Now several years later all the gravel has sunk and we are back to a dirt driveway. Concrete is the only thing that will last 100 years.


I think the best part of this video is how all of your kids pitched in. It was nice to see young people getting outside, exercising, and enjoying themselves while doing it. Great job at raising those young ladies.
