Why did Martin Luther reject the idea of Purgatory?

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I was raised a catholic, and that’s all I ever knew, but when I got saved, I found out what the true meaning of Christ is all about, thank you ABBA, for saving me. God bless 💜🙏🏻✝️🕊


1 John 2:19 These people really did not belong to our fellowship, and that is why they left us, if they had belonged to our fellowship, they would have stayed with us. But they left so that it might be clear that none of them really belonged to us.


Excellent declaration about the most important aspect of the Gospel-The imputed righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ who purchased it with His active obedience. Thank God for the ACTIVE OBEDIENCE OF JESUS CHRIST. WITHOUT IT THERE IS NO HOPE!!!!


"The only "purgatory" is a priest's pockets!"- Sister Charlotte


While I am not a Catholic and do not follow any of their doctrine, I have always found the OT concept of Sheol fascinating and would love a video with an explanation of where their (OT writers) concept of it comes from and how it differs from heaven/redeemed earth.


the seed of the snake always trying to escape the only condition GOD has prepared for them.THE LAKE OF FIRE, they cannot enter the kingdom of GOD.


If you look back and read up on Martin Luther you will read that he was an incredibly paranoid man who never thought he was good enough for God. He viewed God as an angry authoritarian rather than a loving father. Hence he changed the faith to suit his own deeds by omitting faith and works. By omitting works he declared himself as good enough to enter heaven


Many people have been shown a purgatory by God...where there are people who die who were not good enough for Heaven but didn't deserve Hell. It only makes sense that we would have to do some sort of penance (God giving us another chance) so we were not really bad people...but we could make recompense through a pergatorial suffering. Martin Luther was NOT God and he had many many glaring faults...not of God. Please look into the REAL life of Martin Luther...he was rebelling against God... not only the Catholic Church.


That sounds a straw man: purgatory isn't for people "without enough righteousness", but for people who, although saved, committed some sins for which the did not repent nor received justice in life. For example, suppose that saying a dirty word is a minor sin that wouldn't count enough for someone to go to hell, so this guy dies after saying a dirty word, not repenting from it and without justice being made. Since in this condition, the guy is not pure and there is a demand for justice (if he had repent, then the sacrificial death of Jesus would do the justice part, but he didn't), he goes to purgatory for that justice to be made.


Do you really think God will allow us into his presence attained the way we are? No way a lot of purification will have to happen Jesus invites people to the wedding feast but they have to come in the proper attire
