Luther Took Out 7 Books From The New Testament

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The 7 books removed during the reformation were eliminated from the OLD Testament. The books Luther wanted removed from the New Testament were Hebrews, James, Jude, and Revelation. Although he tried to cite the Jewish Council of Jabneh in AD 90 as his reason for elimination of 1 and 2 Maccabees, Tobit, Judith, Sirach, Wisdom, and Baruch, along with additional passages in Daniel and Esther, he neglected to mention the questionable Council also condemned the New Testament in it’s entirety. The Council of Trent, which opened in 1545, reaffirmed the official Canon to include all books, and was justified centuries later with the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls which included fragments of those Old Testament books removed by the reformers (and supposedly Jabneh). Scripture clearly warns against the ill-conceived addition or subtraction of God’s inspired Word. Deuteronomy 4:2 Moses declares, “You shall not add to the word which I am commanding you, nor take away from it, that you may keep the commands of the Lord your God which I command you.”


As a Catholic and a former Lutheran, I am especially appreciative of these episodes. Thank you.


Jude is a great book. Love listening to it when I drive the five minutes to my church.


As a former Protestant now just starting RCIA, this is very helpful. Thanks for the video!


Luther NEVER removed books from the Bible. This is FLATLY FALSE. Roman Catholics always re-writing history. Luther INCLUDED them in his German translation of the scriptures. But he knew like all the church fathers before him that the Apocrypha was always held as lesser books and never used to establish dogma for the church. Its easy for anyone to verify this fact online from numerous sources. This is evidence that Roman Catholic claims should always be suspect.


Hey man thanks for putting your thoughts out there! I just wanted to point out that Hebrews 10:26 is referring to the inefficacy of the law for salvation (which was understood to be works based righteousness by the jews), not an annulling of Christ's atoning sacrifice for those who live by faith.


I see youre still pedaling the 'Luther removed books' myth. I commented on this like 8 months ago and here we are. Sorry, no offence but your scholarship hasn't improved. I saw exactly zero facts during the entire video. Lots of opinion. Heres a fact or two;

The rcc never had a declared, dogmatic canon until Trent; session 4 1546. They even tied a nice anathema to it.

- Luther took nothing out. *He completed his n.t. in 1522 which had every book we have today.* The o.t. in 1534 which had our complete o.t. + the apocrypha. Here is roman catholic Luther scholar on his translation;

Hartmann Grisar - Luther- Vol 5 pp 497

"In Feb., 1532, he had finished the prophets, which appeared in a volume apart. He was now at last able to set to work on what he called the "Apocrypha";
regarding them as popular tales his translation of them was very free. Among these he included Judith, the Book of Wisdom, Tobias, Ecclesiasticus,
Baruch, the first and second Book of the Machabees, portions of Esther, etc. *They found a place at the end of his Old Testament.* "

I have every confidence you'll be back in three or four months spewing the exact same thing with no proof. Its as though you've done zero research on Luther. You regurgitate what every other uneducated lay internet catholic says. You should be ashamed of yourself. All youre doing is cheerleading for rome, nothing else.

-You said something about Damasus, 380. The council was in Rome 382 and no declared canon was made.

- Jerome was at Rome 382 and just over 10 years later wrote in his vulgate your apocrypha isn't in the canon

Jerome; Prefaces; Samuel and Kings
"This preface to the Scriptures may serve as a “helmeted” introduction to all the books which we turn from Hebrew into Latin, so that we may be assured that *what is not found in our list must be placed amongst the Apocryphal writings. Wisdom, therefore, which generally bears the name of Solomon, and the book of Jesus, the Son of Sirach, and Judith, and Tobias, and the Shepherd are not in the canon.* "

Sorry to be so harsh but you are doing the very thing i criticized months ago. I guess as long as your catholic audience gets their daily dose of anti prot rhetoric youre good with that. Its sloppy apologetics. Read a book.

One more thing. Regarding Romans 3:28 you obviously haven't read Luthers An Open Letter on Translation. Give it a read, he tells you exactly why he added the word 'alone'. And its not that hes so paranoid about sola fide. I have an older copy of the D/R. Did you know that it has the word 'penance' in place of 'repent' 50 times! Hmm, but lets mock Luther for doing it once, even though he explained why. I've yet to see rome give a similar response why they removed repent in lieu of penance. Which isn't biblical.


“Protestant Revolution” automatically 👍 like


I have always wondered, how people determine which version of the bible is "right" because there are at this point like 7000 translations. Luther removed books from the bible, Catholics didnt add some books. The Ethipoian Bible is older than all of them and has books that arent even translated into English. Like the bible you like (the general you, not specific) isnt the "right" bible just because you like it! If tht makes sense


Jamnia 100 years after Christ doesn't cut it. They were no longer the Church.jrsus had already established it.


Respectfully may I state it would nice to have a conservative Confessional Lutheran Missouri Synod theologian/historian to explain Luther's theology on this video.


Protestants like to cherry pick the readings in the bible, take Gods' words, and use them to suit them and not be responsible or accountable for their sins...


Tell us how you feel about Protestants...
Seems very biased and filled with picked facts.


We Protestants are utterly wrong!
James 2:24 + Saint Ignatius of Antioch = Luther is in hell
