Top 10 Mandela Effect Examples In Logos

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We're about to put your memory on trial. For this list, we’ll be looking at the collective false memories people have when it comes to logos and mascots of various brands and companies. Our countdown includes Ford’s Curl, Tony The Tiger’s Nose, Starbucks Star, and more! Is there a logo that you feel has mysteriously changed? Let us know in the comments below.

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Is there a logo that you feel has mysteriously changed? Let us know in the comments below.


I've seen hundreds of these Mandela effects, and while very many of them I also misremembered, the fruit of the loom one is the very first that has me questioning reality for a specific reason. I remember there being a cornucopia that angles back to the left. As a kid, not knowing what a cornucopia was obviously, thought that it was a loom. I asked my dad what a loom was for, referring to the logo, and he told me that it wasn't a loom, but a cornucopia. That logo IS THE ONLY reason I frickin know what a damn cornucopia is and now I'm struggling with the notion that my memory of the logo itself is wrong, but also that my personal experience with my dad concerning that logo never happened. Wtf mate?!


I remember my bank account having more in it. Must be a false memory.


the monopoly man is the one i distinctly remember. i can picture him with a monocle from when i was a kid. we played that game a lot back then


I literally remember being at the store with my mom when I was younger and asking what the fruits in the fruit of the loom logo were IN. THERE WAS A CORNUCOPIA. I remember drawing photos of the logo too when I was younger and I remember drawing a cornucopia


The cornucopia WAS in the fruit of the loom when I was a kid. That's the only one I'm positive about tho I don't remember Tony the tiger ever having a blue nose; it's unrealistic and clashes too much to forget I THINK...


LOL YouTube recommended this to me right after I watched a video about the CERN particle accelerator. I am now convinced that our universe has been altered ever so slightly


A former employee who made fruit of the loom products, mentioned the cornucopia in an old newspaper. There is a song based off the logo, it is referenced in tv show and movies.

The company itself has also mentioned that workers remember the cornucopia.


Honestly, I passively noticed the change in the fruit of the loom logo over 2 decades ago. I didn't pay it any mind at the time because I sincerely thought it was just a real logo change.
But, I also remember the cornucopia being on the logo very well as a child in the early 90's. The fact it NEVER was there supposedly is a true mystery.


The monopoly guy definitely had a monacle in the early 90s. No I'm not mistaking it for planters peanuts. They aren't similar at all


There WAS a cornucopia on my underwear tags. There WAS a Jiffy peanut butter. I've eaten it. There WAS a monocle on the Monopoly man. I vaguely remember a black nose on Tony. But then it was made blue. And bigger. The Quaker man's face changed from a simplistic middleaged looking realistic sketch to a colored, puffy in weird spots, animated kind of face. I don't remember the hat shape. I do remember the curly part of the F though. Because, being a stickler of proper cursive, it used to bug me. 7-Up always had that red dot. Target was always just one ring around the dot. The cow had gold rings either in her ears or nose. Whatever this is showing is new to me.


Ford's loop really threw me for a loop.


So, just to be sure, 3 of these examples were NOT Mandela effects because the logos actually were different? Pretty sure the Mandela effect only applies to "remembering something differently when it was NEVER that way to begin with."


Gotta admit, the Monopoly Man one got me, I thought he had one (kinda blame Ace Ventura for that one)


laughing cow 100% had golden ear rings. I saw it while living in Vietnam.


Fruit of the Loom is the craziest one to me. I wore that brand of undies, and remember learning the word "cornucopia" around age 6. 

The even crazier one for me (not depicted in your list) is the character Dolly no longer having braces, in the James Bond movie Moonraker. Not only do I visually remember the braces, but at the time I was watching the movie with my dad, and didn't understand how a "good girl" like Dolly would be friends with a bad guy like Jaws. My dad explained that they both had metal on their teeth, that was the joke. Pretty sure I didn't hallucinate that conversation. The scene doesn't even make sense now, including the smash-zoom on Dolly's brace-less teeth.


The only Jiffy I know is the muffin mix. The peanut butter has always been Jif to me


I never seen the quaker oatmeal a different way cause I always thought my aunt looked like him when she smiled😂😂😂


I literally remember Fruit of the Loom having a cornucopia in the early 70s. Mandela effect ?


The only one I recall was the cornucopia in the Fruit of the Loom. I recall seeing it as a kid in the 70s and not knowing what it was until almost a decade later. We never had any in our house.
