The DARK SIDE of SPIRITUAL AWAKENING | Depression Loneliness Hopelessness

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Spiritual Awakening isn't all love and light. Sometimes there is darkness. Sometimes we may experience deep despair; what is often referred to as the Dark Night of the Soul. In this video we explore this darkness in order to understand and transcend it.

(I apologize for the poor video quality. This was recorded outdoors very late at night with poor lighting conditions, but perhaps that suits the topic well.)

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Background Music:
"Later Fruits" by Axletree
(CC Attribition)

#SpiritualAwakening #DarkNightoftheSoul #ShadowWork
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This is why i avoid people always wanna be alone .. Always felt like an old soul. Its like i can see thru peoples lies im not a material person


I didnt know there were other people like me...ive felt so alone for so long and i still do.

Edit: thank you, all of you i did not expect the love in the comments


In the beginning I lost all things...friends, family, career, home and social status...but then I began to find myself.


i thought the dark night of the soul happens only one time, now i realized every time after a big growth, it would hit again for you to face deeper issues, and release deeper negative energies


I remember I was walking through london's subway with my parents. I saw a man lying there who froze to death over night. My heart sank and time slowed down. I needed to do something. People were walking by like he didn't exist. I looked up to my parents and asked them if we could call the police and I'll never forget what they said next. " just keep walking." 💔I think about this all the time. How can people be so cruel. I felt like the only one in the world who cared. I felt so broken for that man and still do.


One day it’ll all make sense. Eternal love, eternal peace, eternal light.


Krishnamurti said ''To be well-adjusted to a sick society, is no sign of health''


Once we wake up, we don't go back to sleep. I traded in my depression for anxiety.


Tears over here too.. Anyone need a real loyal positive spiritual friend I’m here for you.


Depression, frustration and loneliness. I’ve been going through all of those things and yesterday I was feeling really low. This morning I woke up feeling frustrated but I made myself get up, shower and wear something other than sweats and tee. After that I decided to go for a long drive because it’s something I enjoy. I let myself cry and sob because I had been holding those emotions in these last couple of days and after I released them I noticed the beautiful weather. Then I noticed the green grass on the hills, how the sun makes long shadows when it’s behind them and I saw yellow/oranges leaves hanging from trees. Everything will be okay, feel the emotions and release them. This is all part of the process.


I hope everyone is doing ok. Let love guide you not fear. Stay blessed and fearless!


I feel like I was born into the wrong planet. Ever since I was a child I’ve seen through all the illusions of society, all the unneccecary suffering and my way of thinking and perception of reality is so very different from all my friends and family. It feels very good to know there are others like me💙


When the quarantine started I found myself stuck in time. I saw things nobody could and my view of life had completely changed. I thought I was going crazy, suicide crossed my mind a few times. I was crying every day, because I saw everything with new lenses. I thought many things were wrong with me, and so did my doctors. Eventually I got institutionalized and got diagnosed with depression. My “problem” wasn’t cured yet and I felt as if nobody understood me. Clearly everyone wanted to convince me I was crazy because my ideas seemed irrational. I had thoughts like “what’s the point of life” “why are we here?” Etc. to the point they became obsessive. Now two months later I can finally realize I was awakened and am in a better place than I used to be. I wish I could have seen this video back then, but then again everything happens for a reason so I watched it at the right time. Thanks for this.


I was born old and now am ancient. For many years I’ve felt exiled in a strange world trying to find my place in it. I can barely exist in it, with no one to have a meaningful chat. Everything and everyone seems so shallow. What appears so obvious to me is amazing and even alien to others. Thank you for this video, I felt better knowing I am not the alien.


Sadly I feel more alone than ever. Feeling very let down. Thought knowing truth would bring me much needed/wanted peace. Found the entire opposite.


I prefer being alone because being around others makes me feel like an outsider.


"you are the universe experiencing itself for a moment." Ego will do whatever it takes to make you think differently.


The ultimate gift the universe can give you is love and clarity


Find one person, one child, one animal for whom you can enhance their life. This is enough


Beautiful. Just beautiful.
My mother always said, "don't worry, everything will turn out alright, you'll see."
She was right.
She is with God forever now.
