Myofascial release vs. massage [Chiropractor explains fascia]
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Myo- means muscle and fascia is the sticky web of connective tissues that weaves throughout muscles, binding them tightly together. Essentially, fascia gives the muscles the structure and support to move and stabilize us.
When you hear these two words together; myofascial, it’s used to describe the unity and interconnectedness of these two systems.
Myofascial release
The therapist uses manual techniques (hands/instruments) with the specific intention of manipulating or changing muscles and fascia. Either to reduce pain or to improve the function or movement of the body.
release fascial restrictions
rejuvenation- Transverse friction massage increases healthy collagen.
Pain relief:
Improved circulation. Trigger points are taught bands of muscle that respond to the deep pressures provided by myofascial release.
Nervous system reflexes:
Position sensor receptors (proprioceptors) are in muscles and especially fascia. They tell the body where we are in space. Mechanical force/pressure stimulates those receptors providing a pain relieving effect and may enhance body positioning and coordination.
What is the difference between myofascial release and a massage?
Myofascial release is a type of massage. However, there are other forms of massage that are not myofascial release. For example a lymphatic massage. So myofascial release is a more general term, whereas myofascial release is specific with the intention of influencing muscles or fascia.
When you hear these two words together; myofascial, it’s used to describe the unity and interconnectedness of these two systems.
Myofascial release
The therapist uses manual techniques (hands/instruments) with the specific intention of manipulating or changing muscles and fascia. Either to reduce pain or to improve the function or movement of the body.
release fascial restrictions
rejuvenation- Transverse friction massage increases healthy collagen.
Pain relief:
Improved circulation. Trigger points are taught bands of muscle that respond to the deep pressures provided by myofascial release.
Nervous system reflexes:
Position sensor receptors (proprioceptors) are in muscles and especially fascia. They tell the body where we are in space. Mechanical force/pressure stimulates those receptors providing a pain relieving effect and may enhance body positioning and coordination.
What is the difference between myofascial release and a massage?
Myofascial release is a type of massage. However, there are other forms of massage that are not myofascial release. For example a lymphatic massage. So myofascial release is a more general term, whereas myofascial release is specific with the intention of influencing muscles or fascia.