15 Specific Frugal Living Tips to Save Thousands

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Want to save more on a tight budget? Try these tried and tested frugal living hacks.
In this video:
00:06 - Give it up or downsize
01:12 - $1/use rule
01:54 - Reusable period products
02:45 - Get it free or cheap
04:32 - Upcycle
05:04 - Face your "nice-to-have" spending
05:57 - Have boring dinners
06:28 - Make your own cookbook
08:11 - Use AI to reduce food waste
08:40 - Cut your energy bill
09:31 - Share streaming services
10:18 - Don't pay for insurance monthly
10:33 - Find cheaper fuel
11:14 - Embrace sustainable living
12:05 - Frugal savings

Tools I use 👉

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I’m not a licensed financial adviser. These videos are intended for educational purposes only. No official financial advice is being given. Please always check with a licensed professional before making any investments or financial decisions. Your investments are your sole responsibility, and in these videos, I merely share my own opinions with no guarantee of gain or losses.
Рекомендации по теме

I don't cut or color my hair (it's gray). I don't wear makeup. I don't color my nails. I use basic soap and water for washing. I wear the same clothes for years. My husband says I'm beautiful and that's the only opinion I care about. One of the blessings of aging. You stop caring about the opinions of others. :-)


Well explained. Thank you for bringing up this video. Financial education is indeed required for more than 70% of society in the country as very few are literate on the subject, thanks to Mrs Charlotte Walsh the lady you ones recommended


Bravo for you for encouraging reusable period products. Oh my gosh, it’s so awful that period products have to be taxed. by reusing, it gets women totally out of the market of buying them again and again.


I cut my own hair, I don't wear make-up or fancy beauty products. I don't get my nails done. I buy my clothes second hand and look for deals. Garage sales are nice as well. I buy food on sale when I can. I also enjoy going on outings that are free or inexpensive as well. I also enjoy upcoming events that the community hosts. I enjoy free YouTube and other inexpensive subscriptions like Roku tv. I cook from home and budget my outings.


I know everyone unfortunately can’t afford to do this, but I recently put solar panels on my roof. My energy supplier had a deal going so I took advantage of it. It took two days to install and around a week for the scaffolding to come down. The newer panels and battery packs in my garage are very efficient and so far even without that much sun my electric bill has gone from around £170 a month to less than £50 so far. I will also be receiving a small payment for overflow power being sent back to the national grid. Not sure exactly how much yet, but that will also help recoup a little money each month from now on. I love checking the App to find out that I’ve not paid a penny for power used that day and the battery is 100 percent full. I get a lot more excited when the sun shines nowadays.😂


Great video. We are all seeking for financial independence and a better way of life. This is not difficult to achieve with savvy investing, a frugal lifestyle, and cautious budgeting. I'm glad I learned early on to work hard for financial independence. As Warren Buffet said, he has seen this happen many times in his life. Not an investor, My husband and i never earned more than a middle class salary. We plan to get retired at 58 with a stock portfolio worth $1.7M. We have never sold so much as one share of stock.


Love how your videos are no fluff, just straight to the point with great tips 😊.


I have a little red notebook and in it I write down all the tried and true recipes that my family WILL eat. Nothing goes in there unless it’s family approved. 😊

Another money reducer we practice is line drying our clothes. (I understand line drying is normal in many countries outside the US and even in some places inside the US.) I live in the desert with harsh hot summers, so the weather does the work for us, saves us money, and makes our clothes smell like heat & sun. ☀️


Really great list. I came up with my own customized list, and I recommend others do the same! Just notice what you are spending money on and try to think how to save on that. Also include noticing what circumstances increase your spending--for example, switch from shopping with tired children or with your mother-in-law to shopping alone when you are fully rested and fed.


I have a few recipe binders, I just laminate the recipes and flip through them to do my weekly meal planning, which I have done for over 30 yrs


I am planning on installing a bidet to my toilet which will save me hundreds of pounds as it will cut back on purchasing lots of toilet paper each year. Better for my pocket the planet & also way more hygienic.


Sometimes it’s also good to check where you can space things out more rather than give them up, eg a haircut every 12 weeks rather than every 8. Biggest money saver for me was giving up my vehicle. I’m a member of a car sharing club if I need access to one and I got a basic folding e-bike that lets me get around town for distances that are a bit far to walk regularly (who has the time!) and it’s size versatile enough that my kids can use it too.


I have a seasonal capsule-ish wardrobe and I list each items on a spreadsheet and try to calculate cost per wear. I say “try” because I don’t keep it up religiously, and I do guesstimate the number of times I’ve worn something. It’s still really helpful though!


Make an agreement with family members that you either do not need to buy expensive presents for birthdays, Christmas etc. that probably are unwanted or unused ( set a spend limit) ….or alternatively don’t buy presents at all. Bring some food or drinks along and have a picnic. Time spent with loved ones and friends is way more valuable than a costly present. Some elderly people can’t afford to buy presents for all their kids and lots of grandkids, set them free from the burden.


Period pants are amazing, my daughter uses them and I wish they'd existed when I was younger!


Another plus to doing things like revamping/upcycling your own furniture and other belongings is that it gives you something to do/provides an activity. Whether or not you enjoy it is up to your personality and experience with it, but still, at least you can be proud of yourself for making something with your own two hands. 😊


The public libraries have a ton of I don't buy just check them out from the


Upcycling furniture and all other things is a great way to make extra money. I started doing it years ago and it helped us get a house deposit together


About every four or five months, I go to the local Beauty College for haircuts, usually mostly done by the instructor, thus a great job, and inexpensive.


I think I can be frugal enough and put some cheap make up/skincare on and dye my hair with a mix of henna, because I like to see me put together even if I work alone. Very important to me is working out almost everyday, 5min arms, 5min standing abs, 5min legs...there are plenty of videos here on YouTube that over the years made my body stronger, toned muscles prevent from bones injuries, and doing it make me feel better both phisically and mentally... Cooking for several meals, so I dont have to think about whats for dinner...making my own bread and yogurth...I save plants from the bins at the cemetary😅, thean I watering them with the water I used to wash veggies.. I soak chickpeas/brown rice with the water from draining pasta....I make laundries on Sundays when the energy is cheaper...I have reaserched quite a lot were to put a Little extra money to beat the inflation but so far I dont have a clue...
