Ask Prof Wolff Live - May 15, 2024 with Jared Yates Sexton

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Today on "Ask Prof Wolff Live" Professor Richard Wolff will be ready to answer your questions and will be joined by Jared Sexton Yates. They will start by discussing how we would allocate resources in a socialist or communist society to meet our needs and how union and worker demands can overcome the limits and constraints of the global labor market while maintaining their leverage?


“Marxism always was the critical shadow of capitalism. Their interactions changed them both. Now Marxism is once again stepping into the light as capitalism shakes from its own excesses and confronts decline.”

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Working for the benefit of others is always good. Selfishness is avoided and its evilness. Thank you Professor Wolff and Jared Sexton. We appreciate your insight.


This is great, keep up the good work ❤ greetings from the Netherlands


First, thanks for the introduction of Jared YS to the show and Q&A. Prof Wolff, you have introduced me to Lee Camp & Jimmy Dore and I thank you for that!

Second, this explanation of communism is so helpful. In high school Government class (formerly known as Civics & I have no idea if it is even taught in schools anymore), we were reading about the differences between Capitalism, Socialism, Communism etc. I almost burst into tears when my teacher read the very short, inadequate explanation of Communism. I asked why every government didn’t choose Communism since it cared for everyone? He was amused, slightly condescending but be at least did not bad mouth it. I would have joined the Communist party the next day in 1987 if it had been an option for me. I consider myself more of a marxist Socialist now - at the time I was only 16. But I still wonder what the world could be like now if the US hadn’t destroyed and demonized those options!


Thank you, gentlemen! If I may, I think Jared's contributions to these critical undertakings would be enhanced and more beneficial to the average viewer if he weaves the causal political, economic, social and historic realities with greater specifics on corrective, ameliorating/mitigating paths and solutions - to realize the many radical changes needed to move our globe to a fair, equitable, just, morally sound, sustainable and uplifting experience for everyone. It's good he attempts wider framing of the issues but it's essential that his answers proffer concrete, substantive ideas too.


In his lastest book, Temples of Enterprise, Michael Hudson says governments don't need to borrow to run a deficit. The problem is The Federal Reserve is not part of the government; they are the privitized cabal of banksters that decided to pay themselves interest on every dollar in circulation. Sovereign nations do not need to borrow money, even when they spend more than they receive in tax revenue. Please explain the difference between privitized Fed Reserve and the government's bank account, , , US Treasury.


The idea was wonderful. It was only reality that stood in its way.



Healthy people require their daily needs. Unhealthy people need what their doctor prescribes. Even healthy people must receive their vitamins and minerals. Children need their families - and so do we all need our healthy families. Tell the co-ops to make sure we all are taken care of so we can be healthy and strong enough to do our part to take care of each other. Love is what we all need.


No discussion about markets and how decisive they are. No discussion about inequality that is built into the market economy. No discussion about alternative systems to replace the current flawed system. If we really want change, alternatives have to be discussed.


I was really hoping you would get to my question about professor wolf's opinion of cpusa and their desire to push members to vote for the fascist biden, and how they also don't believe we have fascism


Was a project like the Sistine Chapel a profit driven project or a community driven project?


SHIP building to move goods around the world is when labor by Corporations moved to the poorest population moved the building for manufacturing to place with NO laws on cost to that immediate land got all the work as waste products of that manufacturing occurred dumped into that local property including the water/air/land poisoning local communities. UN law with soldiers to have same laws to protect people NOT corporations.











Excellent question: How does society determine the needs of an "economist" who decided to
study Marxist B.S. because everyone else was ignoring it, while he ignored everything that resulted
in his receiving his permission slips, and then proceeded to "educate" others into following him
down the rabbit hole and ended up concluding that "democracy" was the answer, even though he ignored that
very democracy in choosing what to study?

Clearly, this person has consumed far more resources than he deserved and caused others to do the same
achieving a level of economic and historical ignorance that knows no modern equivalent except for
the actual dictators who have rendered their population equally destitute while securing their more than equal status
by virtue of the FORCE of government.


Feudal fascism. Fascist feudalism. Wolff, you're losing steps.


A total bore. You people are on the extreme laughing. You don't even know it. Not gonna waste my time much more important things to do.
