How to Sing Falsetto | Tutorials Ep.12 | Find Your Voice

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I'm with Jeremie - in falsetto, it feels like a whole different voice in my body with its own range whereas head voice feels like an extension of my chest voice and requires more breath. My lower falsetto notes (where my secondo passaggio starts) feels as comfortable and easy as my lower chest (my normal tessitura) so I don't have to utilize as much breath.


I agree with Jeremie. Falsetto and head voice have a completely different feel.


I agree with this man And he’s examples are exactly me!!!
I’ve strengthened my falsetto for months but forgot how to unlock it. This video was literally a falling domino that connected EVERY FOR ME! I can sing (Most of) Jordan Rakei, (Most/Some) Daniel Caesar, and (A good amount of) Ariana Grande now!
The part where you explain that your falsetto is where you vocal cords don’t touch helped me the most! For a while I’ve been pulling up my chest voice not understanding or unlocking my truest potential!
You guys rock!


As a male I find head voice and falsetto to be different. Falsetto lacks power, proper chord closure, dynamics and vibrato. Whereas head voice has all of those things. With the right teacher I believe everyone can learn to access head voice, male or female.


as a very lowly trained high tenor, he is absolutely right. Chords are open and not connecting, but you can push the sound around into the front of your face if needed.


Here's what I have recently learned. This is based on the old definition of the 70s apparently : Falsetto is something soft and breathy with a back placement. Reinforced falsetto is the same thing but it has twang to give it some strength. Head voice is a falsetto that has compression added to it. Apparently what is considered a falsetto for men is what is called ahead voice for women, so women don't really have to worry about all this stuff. That could be why Tara thinks that falsetto and head voice are the same.


As someone who trained and performed as an operatic mezzo soprano (with a voice that went through female puberty) and then transitioned into a "male" voice via HRT, I have to heartily agree with Jeremy. The head voice that I had with a "female" voice just doesn't exist in the "male" voice. There's chest, mix, and then falsetto, and the differentiation between them is really obvious on the inside, even if it's not readily heard on the outside.


falsetto and head-voice are both within M2 (laryngeal vibratory mechanism #2) and Jeremie is basically demonstrating levels of cartilaginous aDduction in M2


As a singer myself, I have a head voice and falsetto. Being such a massive fan of Beyoncé, and a little bit of Whitney Houston, it made it very clear to me. However, I will say that I do agree with Tara, there are times when head voice and falsetto are synonymous. I always feel head voice in my nose, it’s so forward.


Thank you for acknowledging the confusion between head and falsetto. A long time ago I realized I don't understand the difference and I spent so long trying to find the answer


The King of a Natural Falsetto is the late Bobby Debarge. His voice is beautiful and doesn't sound false. He's my top singing mentor.


I’m with Jeremie - everything feels in the throat for me, even when I bring the sound forward, I still feel it in my throat


Hey Tara, can you do a video like this on how to develop a vibrato ? Btw, I really find these videos helpful! Tysm n love you!


I feel like Falsetto is a vocal range unique to each singer and that head voice is a technique used to help get you into the lower end of your falsetto range.


9:32 wow she just casually drops that kinda legendary thing


For Mitch Grassi: his high notes are more head voice.

For Kevin: his high notes are more falsetto.

I think Jeremie is right because I have a falsetto and I think I have a head voice from making a nasally tone (something like Mitch’s)


Jeremy you're 100 % you are singing using falsetto !! male head voice is completely different. Thanks to you both for doing these videos.. Great work!! Sending love from Australia


Ok, for me, girls do have chest, mix, falsetto, head and whistle vocal ranges. I have my voice switches to a light airy tone ( mix) for G of the 4th octave and head voice mostly from G of the 5th octave and I can falsetto from there upward then to my whistle range from G of the 6th octave. So there you have it. Men do have the same features, take DIMASH for instance. It just depends on individual, what he or she has, prefers and trains on, ok. And oh, I love to warm-up with and I feel at ease when using them than and Love you Tara 😍🥰😊☺️😘😚😙😗💕💞💜💙💚💛🧡❤️♥️


Falsetto and head voice feel very different for guys. I didn't feel his demonstration did it justice though. Doing a strong or weak falsetto is very easy- it's connecting to produce a head voice that takes effort. Everything about falsetto is easy but doesn't mean head voice is louder; that might be why is hard to hear the difference. It's easy to produce an extremely loud sound in falsetto (ex: if you hear a guy cheering "woo-hoo" he's using falsetto because it takes less concentration.) But even though falsetto can be powerful, it doesn't sound good that way because it's sounds very different from the rest of the voice (chest mix and head voice) because it's literally disconnected from them. Also, to make it more confusing is that male falsetto sounds almost like a female head voice. I think it's harder to tell when a girls voice is connected through because it sounds so similar 🤷‍♂️. Good video once it got to the tutorial part.


For me, falsetto and head voice are absolutely different things. Exactly as you said, Tara, more behind my throat than where my eyes are.
