Conservatism vs Leftism and Free Speech | Ben Shapiro | POLITICS | Rubin Report

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Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Ben Shapiro (Editor-in-Chief, The Daily Wire) about conservatism vs leftism, free speech on college campuses, gay marriage, gun control, his debate with Piers Morgan on CNN, and more

Is the state of US news driving you crazy? Does the coverage of political news rarely seem “fair and balanced”? Serious discussions on US politics is vital to having a healthy democracy. No matter what political party you belong to, we need to be able to hear a variety of political perspectives. Whether you majored in political science or just want to have a deeper understanding of the issues you’ll want to check out this playlist:

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Looking for smart and honest conversations about current events, political news and the culture war? Want to increase your critical thinking by listening to different perspectives on a variety of topics? If so, then you’re in the right place because on The Rubin Report Dave Rubin engages the ideas of some of society's most interesting thought leaders, authors, politicians and comedians. The Rubin Report is the largest talk show about free speech and big ideas on YouTube.
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All art on the set are original works by Caylin Rose Janet.


Ben Shapiro
Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Wire, and Editor-at-Large of Breitbart

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I feel like Ben Shapiro got so used to debates where you only have 30 seconds to respond that he found a way not to breath when he is talking.


Anyone asking for Dave to confront Ben on his views doesn't understand the point, or at least what I've drawn as the point. Dave has taken on the mantra of a traditional Liberal and is therefore open to other peoples ideas, he's doing these interviews so he can hear those ideas even if he disagrees with them. I know it's easy to get frustrated when you hear ideas you disagree with, I myself disagree with many of Ben's points, however refusing to listen leaves you woefully ill informed about your opponents position. Debates are for counter arguments, Interviews are for learning about someone views.

Edited to change 'Ideas you disagree' to 'ideas you disagree with'.


This is why I respect Rubin. He has interesting conversations with everyone, even people whom he doesn't agree with on some issues. Most people, especially on the internet, just crawl into a fetal position and shut their ears the moment they are presented with an opinion that differs from their own.


I was liberal, but then I found Ben Shapiro and have seen the conservative light.


Ben Shapiro is a genius, I'm glad Dave is open minded enough to appreciate him as a guest


As a homosexual I'll have to agree with Ben Shapiro, any church should be allowed to decline a gay wedding. The only reason I'm pro gay marriage being in law is because of the fact there's any marriage law at all. As long as it's a legal thing; it needs to be equal for everyone.


I disagree with Shaprio on a lot of things but my God is this man brilliant.


It is unbelievably refreshing to hear a calm, respectful, intelligent, logical and fact based conversation for once, when our society is overwhelmed with PC emoting, psychological bullying and name calling.


I watch Ben Shapiro debates and interviews instead of porn


i really liked this, i just find something so comforting about two poeple with completely diffrent views talking about things in such a sensible calm and understanding way, politics should strive to be more like this show.


Very interesting to see two men debating without yelling the entire time


I think Dave Rubin's ability to interview is exceptional. Knowing that he doesnt agree with Shapiro on many things, only highlights his skills. The world could use more Dave Rubin's.


If only Shapiro and Rubin were our two choices for president....


I'm pretty conservative and agree with almost everything Ben Shapiro says. Watching Rubin here, the dude is so open to ideas, even ones that are not his own, even those that may offend him. He is exactly the kind of person, never mind liberal or conservative, PERSON that makes America great and I hope will restore it to it's glory. Someone open to hearing other peoples thoughts, ideas, principles and understands that civilized dialogue is the key to solving our collective problems in America. Not angry or violent, not offended or "triggered", and he appears to be someone who understands the best path forward probably lies somewhere in between our two halves of government and most certainly can not be reached without those two halves striving together to move forward. Very cool, you have earned my subscription, sir.


I find it interesting how Ben Shapiro is on the right and Dave Rubin is on the left. Both literally and politically.


Ben Shapiro needs to run for president!!


If I could choose anyone to kill zombies with, it would be Ben Shapiro <3


I am convinced... Ben Shapiro should be forced into 5 years of the senate and then run this country till it is fixed. I shit you not. I have never heard a better American speak in my life.


Dave, I just want to say how much I appreciate your show. I don't agree with much of what Shapiro says (though on some fronts, I do) or with all of what your guests say, but I still think it is of astronomical importance that we hear them. Just because there is someone that we generally disagree with doesn't mean that they have nothing of value to share. Once we are no longer hearing opposing viewpoints, growth is impossible. Please, keep up the fantastic work. This is one of my favorite channels on YouTube.


i really like the way Dave interviews, he offers opening questions and lets his guests speak their mind. Really good way to get different views on an issue.
