Deadheading and Pruning Limelight Panicle Hydrangea including Clips of Results Up to 1 Year Later

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Hi, I really enjoyed your video. (Except the closeup of the Lynx Spiders) lol - Like you, I am not a fan of leaving my blooms on throughout the winter months. I'm just waiting until the blooms get browner. We are having a heat wave here in BC Canada. Some of my Limelight blooms have some scorching. We had a rain storm just prior to all this heat and my hydrangea collapsed. Most of the blooms are still big and beautiful and although some are laying on the ground, they still look pretty. It was fun watching your video. Thank you for sharing your pruning tips.


Beautiful! Nice work. This was helpful so outside I go and do it! Thank you.


Great tips!!! We could use those dried heads for our fall decor;).


I have 2 limelights with flowers that are looking more brown everyday, is it too late to deadhead them or can I deadhead them now and will they still bloom one more time before winter? I’m in Dallas, TX.
