So I Tried MORE Touhou Games for the First Time (these ones hurt...)

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It's been a minute, but I thought it'd be finally time to dive head first into the insanity that is Touhou, what could possibly go wrong?
00:00 Intro
00:41 Addressing Comments
02:46 Mountain of Faith
07:37 Subterranean Animism
11:46 Undefined Fantastic Object
16:26 Outro
Game: Touhou

*All gameplay shown here is mine unless stated otherwise
*All sound effects, songs, and art used belong to their respective owners.

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From the lore perspective, 1CC'ed the game means the protagonists have solved the incident, otherwise they will go home and the incident will still continue in the background.


"I hate laser attacks"
Touhou 15 : Oh boy!!


Congrats on your 1CC of SA! It is one of the hardest, so the rest of the series should be not much of a problem, even for a 1CC (except LoLK, that may be a hurdle)
I am glad to see someone who grew to like Mountain of Faith, I know some people had a bad first impression and never got to fully appreciate that game.

Also, I can see where you are coming from on your perspective on UFO, especially after coming from SA, a game that is basically on the complete other side of the spectrum than UFO in the way that you have to learn the attacks to do well, but I personally like UFO is for two reasons:
-The RNG forces you to get better at dodging by reaction rather than by practice, analysis and repetition. You have to make different movements each time you face an attack, which was something that SA had less of.
-The UFO mechanic rewards you for playing aggressively, forcing you to get gud in order to get the UFOs, similar to the way SA forces you to get gud in order to get life pieces, but dissimilar in the way that SA rewards practice instead of aggressive play.

It doesn't help that UFO is arguably the hardest in the series, but it seems to me that it was made much harder by the fact that you are not the best at reaction dodging, which is just muscle memory that you develop as you play against more RNG-like attacks.

Also no one likes Shou lasers lol


Ah, UFO, the game that makes you run into deathtraps with aggressive routing into RNG hell, or starve.
Also, I love the glee in your voice when you announced your 1cc (on one of the most high-tension games of the series, imo).


Glad you enjoyed th11, and your critique of th12 is very fair and relatable ^ ^; Thank you for the video! Had a lot of fun watching it :)


Ah, I see you've met Shou "Curvy Lasers" Toramaru in the game Undefined Fantastic "Hey come back here you f***ing red UFO" Object.


3:07 well it's easy, BECAUSE *if* you use marisa *and if* you pick shot type B *and if* you keep your power between 3.00 and 4.00 *THEN* your damage output will become much higher due to a game-ruining bug that lets you shred bosses, in an instant! How, very, fun!
And 11:59 sure is a to-the-point description of UFO.


Those games aren't easy for sure, specially with 10 and 11 changing some of the core systems, kudos on you for being able to adapt. And yes, UFO is a meme for lasers and curved lasers.

At least I can hope the next game will give you time to chilland enjoy a slower pace~


In my opinion, UFO is easily the hardest game in the series. It's one of my personal favourites, but you need to get to an adequate level to actually enjoy it, or else it'll just feel like you're banging your head against a wall.

Nice work 1ccing SA, by the way. Funnily enough that game was also my first 1cc on Normal, despite the general consensus that it's one of the harder games. TBH I just think most people don't realise just how learnable the game is (nice job noticing that aspect yourself, actually).

Oh right and small correction, but the only requirement in SA to get extra life pieces after an attack is just to not die. The game doesn't care if you bomb or not.


Oh God, I see my UFO experience in yours.

The rage isn't even the complex patterns. It's the DAMN UFOS.

I remember a user ranting about the game describing it "a passive aggressive [unlikable person]" with the UFO mechanic's arbitrary nature.


Nice 1cc on SA incredible! Congratz!!
I like a lot about SA but playing was always a nightmare for me, and UFO lasers always recks me too. What you talked about made me think I should give SA more of a try to learn the patterns properly and how to deal with them instead of just wing it like I usually do with touhou - since I'm a scub that haven't yet 1cc lol


"Here's my review of the game, I couldn't be bothered to finish it, even on easy mode". You've got a career waiting for you at IGN kid.


A new touhou video?

...Subterranean aneuris- I mean Animism? oh no... should I offer you a prayer?

I agree with you on MoF. I think it's easier thanks to bombs but... it's still quite difficult.

Minor fix about SA, you can bomb and still get a life piece, it's just getting hit that's not allowed.

I'm pretty sure UFO is often considered harder than SA. IDK though since I never bought/played the game...

Ten Desires should be easier, though you don't get many resources at all. I think it's fun but that's the second Touhou game I don't own/didn't play.

Touhou 17's mechanic is basically improved Touhou 12's mechanic imo.


I actually like ufo because I enjoy the macrododging it offers; weaving around the bullets to collect things feels so satisfying. But your experience with it is valid too and I can see why you didn't like it. I'm very curious about how you'll enjoy 13-15 next.15 has a reputation of being extremely hard, but it's actually one of the easier ones to survival 1cc once you get how it works and I find it extremely satisfying (for different reasons than 12, so don't worry there). If you want to go for a hard 1cc, I actually recommend going for it on 15 after you do 13 and 14 on normal since it's not as much of a difficulty jump between normal and hard in that game


8:18 actually this is half-correct. You can earn a life piece from bosses through not getting hit and ONLY not getting hit. You're free to bomb them as needed so long as you don't take a hit.


Idk if you're aware of this, but UFO has a very unique effect on players. I call it The UFO Dichotomy:

Basically, high level players (including non-touhou shmup players) ADORE Touhou 12 because of its demanding patterns and deep scoring mechanics, but newer, less skilled players tend to really hate it for the same reasons you pointed out in the video (heck, i Lunatic 1cc'd it and i still have some grievances with it lol)

i will say in its defense that, while i don't find the boss fights all that enjoyable, i do really love the stages. They encourage routing, since the color, spawning and movement of ufos are *static*, which means that if you learn where the ufos are and their color pattern, you can get the results you desire 100% of the time. In case you didn't know, you can also delay color switching by following the ufos very close, which is an additional layer of memorization, routing and execution that i also like.

You can watch my Lunatic 1cc on my channel if you're curious on what routes i came out with (and how i spammed bombs throughout the entire game cause fuck it LOL)


I share your exact same opinions on 10 and 11, 10 feels like such a massive step up in difficulty for a new player. And 11 is my favorite in the series, with Utsuho being one if not my favorite fight in the series


Nice, good 1cc on sa, most of the games you've yet to play are some of the easier ones (except 15 but pointdevice mode is so fun). 13 gives you almost no resorces but most stages are relatively easy when compared to other games, 14 gives you quite a few resources though so that's nice. i would also recommend trying out 12.8 GFW, as while it is a spin-off it's structured more like a mainline game (but with 3 stages and 1 extra rather than 6 stages and 1 extra) that being said it's one of the harder ones.


Congrats on making it through! The 10th, 11th and 12th games are a nightmare, 12 especially is making me regret trying to 1cc all the games on lunatic... Anyway, feel free to take the games at your own pace- 1cc or not, normal or easy, it's awesome to see people having fun with it!


Very well-made and enjoyable video. And congratulations on your SA 1CC! I'm glad you enjoyed the games enough to stick with them to this point.
Regarding the difficulty of MoF, I think you've answered it pretty well yourself. The games' survival difficulties are compared for a 1CC on default settings. At least from my experience, a game like PCB with its long stages and limited bombs, despite the borders, gives you a lot more chances to make mistakes and starve yourself out of resources, especially with only 3 starting lives, while you can almost ignore most sections in MoF by bombing through them and restocking in no time. In addition, you probably already know this, but the 5th power level does not increase your power, being essentially a free bomb, which contributes to the game's resource leniency.
There's also the MarisaB bug another comment has mentioned which is quite funny if you want to try it yourself.
And about UFO, your criticisms are very fair, but like another comment has said, I do hope you'll come back to it later. It might seem impossible at first, but the UFOs are very consistent after you develop a route. Routing hard sections using UFO bullet cancels can help you skip a lot of them, and give you enough resources to spam through Shou as well.
With that said, good luck and hope you have fun on the rest of your journey through this series (and maybe the rest of the genre if you're interested).
