Retargeting animations for Unity3D and Mecanim

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In this tutorial I retarget animations for a humanoid rig in Unity3d and Mecanim:

You can also use the Unity3D Mecanim demo to retarget the robot in the scene there with anoather model. The precondition to make this work is thatyour model has a humanoid rig like the character in the demo.

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Thank you for this video.  I'm a noob to game creation so I appreciate the time this community donates to help folks like me.  I used the Unity 5 Characters Asset as a bases for my scene so the process was a little different from your video such as having to delete the imported model's Animator Component because I was getting a Quaternion Error. The Animator in the ThirdPersonControl from the asset package had an Animator that used a script. So after fixing that issue all was well.
After hours of trying to understand this process, watching and reading other resources and never getting my model to even move I was delighted to find a clear example of the process in your video.  Thanks again!


have your mouse show up on tutorials, it's impossible to see where you're dragging and clicking unless you very carefully, thnx


how to make parents move after a child, the child has an animator


Not working in Unity 5 when trying to use ThirdPersonCharacter. There is no "target" on the Third Person User Control Script.


Hey, I discovered a secred, because what you teached is good but not working for me ! I get it running, when I have my Model-Rig on Humanoid, but I get also serious fault deformations, aspecially on the arms... when I adjust them in Unity, they got better but still to wrong. I tryed to use a Generic-Rig instead of an Humanoid-Rig and its working, but only if your Model-Rig has a Humanoik or Muscle-Rig with 65 to 110 bones ! If that is the case, you just leave the Model on Generic and do it just like showen in this fantastic Video !! If you still get serious deformations, than it is, because of the Scale difference between your Model, that keeps the Animations and the Model, that shell use them as well... so just go to the Model-Panel and change the scale Factor to raze them (so they have to be same). After that ist done, you still can change the Scale with the Scale tool, but only when its set up like showen in this video (just with generic model-rig !!). I found, using the Generic model is a better way to retargeting the Animations, because you wont get any deformations at all (as long as the scale Factor is the same) and you do not need, to put (and disable) the model with the original animations! Try it for yourself. BR, Ben. (Sorry for my bad Englisch) --- oh and you have to disable "Write Defaults" on the retargeted Animation Controller of the Object. For this, Click on the Object with the Animation Controller and look on the Animator Window. Then click on all Animation states so the Panel with the features will apear. Then search the field "Write Defaults" and disable it ! Only then it will work ! Be sure that both Object have the same Rig-sceleton type but do not give the Avatar of one Object to the other, only the type (for exaple humanic or muscular) have to be the same and the names of the bones too (but this is done automatically : The Object with the Animations and the Object you wont to retarget the Animations to !
