Change anything! Use skillpower over willpower | Al Switzler | TEDxFremont

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When he said : " I know I should change, I want to change, I don't change" I really feel that...


I will try to summarize everything and attempt to show how this can be done step by step.

Those who succeeded in changing a behavior have this thing called Agency: The capacity to control our own behavior.

You need to create your own plan. What works for others may not work for you. You need to understand what influence your behaviors.

First, identify your crucial moments: You are not tempted 24/7. Identify which time, place, and/or people makes you most tempted.
Second, create your vital behaviors: What do you HAVE to do when you are at risk. (If you can refocus your behaviors, not succumb to the urge, for just 3 or 4 mins, then you can get back to wanting to do your own behaviors.)
Third, in order to achieve this everytime, you need to engage all 6 sources of influences (or at least engage most of them).

The 6 sources of influences:
1. Personal Motivation- Do I want to? Am I motivated? (How much do I want to change and why? E.g. Sharman used a card to keep reminding herself when faced with food temptations.)
2. Personal Ability- Can I do it? If not, can I learn a skill to achieve it? (E.g. AJ knew her Dad was a stumbling block she had to overcome. She would succumb whenever he offered a cigarette to her. She learned how to talk to him about this issue.)
3. Social Motivation- Do I have encouragement and support? Someone who keeps me on track? (Identify friends from accomplices. If you can’t turn accomplices to friends, i.e. they are not serious in helping you, stay away from them!)
4. Social Ability- Do I have someone to coach me, give me feedback to improve?
5. Structural Motivation- Do I have any rewards or incentives to keep me going?
6. Structural Ability- Am I in an environment which helps to control my space? Is it possible to make my good behavior easy and my bad behavior hard? (E.g. Get rid of junk food in the house. Make healthy food easily available and junk food out of reach.)

Remember, it's not a willpower problem, it's a maths problem. No. 1 and 2 derived from yourself. No. 3 and 4 derived from external help. For no. 5 and 6, you need to make plans in advance to create the environment.

Finally, the last step is to make bad days into good data. To prevent relapse, you have to plan for what happens if you ever failed to control your behavior. Understand what went wrong, analyse it, talk to someone about it, know what to do about it, etc.

"A plan is not a plan, until it specifies how you deal with setbacks."


This video has been one of the foundations of my improvements. I have seen it years ago when i was at my lowest point in life. In the meantime i quit smoking, i started eating healthy. I was allarmingly underweight, then got slightly overweight but eventually found my balance and i picked up a healthy gardening hobby, improving my mental stability, muscle strength and willpower. I'm on my way back to a fitting job now and i am no longer considered fully disabled. I still have challenges, but with the right placement and some support, those will likely dissove as well. This way of looking at problems in life is absolutely spot on. So many times i pictured those people pulling on the rope when i wasn't doing so well. It changed everything. Thank you so much.


"skill power" is my new favorite phrase. As fitness trainer and coach I'm going to share this with all of my coworkers and of course clients. This really needs to be in everyones toolbox that wants and need to shift their life. Big thanks Al, you are a rockstar presenter! Thank you for sharing your research with us.


The lessons about "change-ability" in this video are profound. The most impactful for me is that *it's not all about you*. There are other elements that influence your ability to change successfully.

You first need to be aware of what they are. Then you need to find a way to change or control those other elements so that they support your personal change effort. If you don't do that, there's a really big risk that you will keep failing. On the other hand, if you apply the lessons by controlling those other elements, the chances of you succeeding are much higher!

Good luck to all changers! And many thanks to Al Switzler 🙏🏾


This is the very first time i hear of and from Al Switzler. Despite that i managed on my own to get results in my own life, by a very similar system i created to reach my goals, as the one that he describes here. It is so amazing to find others that travel similar paths with mine. Today i feel less lonely in this world than i did 19:01 minutes ago. And of course i m out there to read and watch whatever other info is out there for me to find. Thank you TEDx and thank you Al Switzler!


After so many years i finally found this video again. i love it so much. It helped me with my addictions.


The point about acute temptations only lasting for a few minutes is something that really helps. We are not trying to overcome a craving or strong urge that lasts for hours on end - only for a few minutes this time. Of course, in the middle of the battle those 3 minutes feel like 3 hours, but that's where these strategies come into play. And the difference between friends and accomplices is priceless. As I read this morning, "If you want to be wise (successful) walk with (hang around) wise people." "Leave the presence of a fool when you realize nothing worthwhile (helpful) is coming out of his mouth." Thank you Al.


I was slighly overweight, but I stopped eating more than needed when I got in deep touch with my body, through tai-chi and yoga and when I realized than all the food in the world could not prevent me from feeling discomfort or pain.   


This is a really smart ted talk. The demonstration he gave with the rope was very clever and really drove the point home. His points make sense and give me things I can immediately put in to action. Genuinely appreciate this, it's gonna help my life.


This was one of the greatest speeches I've ever seen. Thanks so much for sharing your inspirational message!


Great talk! Most of the talks with this subject conclude in just be sure to build up good behavior - no one else has this great insight with the six sources of influence. Brilliant...


Watch all Tedx talks at 1.25x speed.

Thank you for coming to my TedX talk. ;)


One of the best TED Talks I've ever watched! A must watch! Thank you!!!


We usually get information like this by paying money.. so thank you very much. It is the most valuable information i've heard within the last week or so


Would love to make new friends with people who listen to these videos 🤓⚡️


Wow. As a person that embraces change the picture at 8:45 was the point with the greatest impact on me. This visual cue of "willpower" pulling alone..that was what I needed. Not to see how futile this is but rather what a potential there is.


1:05 the problem is how to control behavior
2:39 ratio 600 success out of 5000,

3:09 the willpower trap, control sources(personal motivation, social pressure, enviroment.)
7:42 before and after going home, which will change the sources to support you
motivation -- want to
skill and knowledge -- can to
people surrouding you -- cheer you up, train you (vs) pull you down, lure you away
rewards and incentive --
struture -- no ice cream, no soical media,

9:09 scientist and subject --- we need a personalized solution
-- identify your weakest moment --- think about vital behaviour at that moment to defence
12:00 six source, structure means things other than people


Al you rock! This is the best science to behavior change and can help all of us.


Thank you for such great content !
One of the messages I took from this is the importance that, not only we can use willpower to go against adversity, but also to make sure adversities themselves are dealt with.