How to Sew a Simple Strong Seam by Hand: A Step-By-Step Beginner’s Guide

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"and a little knot if you're feeling cheeky" sometimes I do like 3 knots if i'm really scared so I must be feeling extra cheeky when I hand stitch.


When I was in the Army, I sewed all my patches on by hand. We had a major inspection by some big wig who had a bee in his bonnet about hand sewn patches. If he saw one, he would rip it right off. My turn came round and he had to ask if my patches were hand sewn cuz he couldn’t see any stitches, either machine or hand. I told him “yes” and he immediately tried to rip it off which didn’t work. Well he tried again and managed to nearly tear my sleeve off with the patch perfectly intact. The next day, his assistant hand delivered me a brand new uniform top and patches.


Villain/Hero rips the damsel's bodice--not on the seam cause that'd be too hard. Damsel: "DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW LONG I SPENT SEWING THIS?!" Damsel proceeds to beat Villain/Hero with a convenient frying pan.


Have finally remembered the nursery rhyme I kept thinking of watching you sew so beautifully - although I appreciate that you don't exactly match the person being approached in the rhyme - 'Curly locks, curly locks, Wilt thou be mine? Thou shalt not wash dishes, Nor yet feed the swine. But sit on a cushion And sew a fine seam, And feed upon strawberries, Sugar and cream' - perhaps we can upgrade it slightly ...

'Time travelling seamstress, Wilt thou film more? Thou shalt please us greatly, For thou we adore, Please sit on your table And sew a fine seam, And floof yon Cesario, And follow your dream'


No one ever taught me how to sew. I always just did the best I could when trying fix garments. I learned more from this video than I have ever known. Thank you so much. And by the way I love all your other videos. I love seeing how things were made before our modern machines took over.


My mother made entire garments by hand. She would love your site were she still here.


when I was little my great grandmother taught me to sew without doubling the thread.Then I put sewing down a bit and a few years later I took a class where I started my thread like that and I was told that it wasn't a thing and I needed to double my thread. I feel very validated right now


Thank you. This is exactly the kind of education I'm seeking. Not "how to backstitch, " rather why use backstitch and how to make the backstitch more effective, ways to make the felling stitch smooth and less visible, etc. Too many forgo these finer details, and then the work becomes sloppy. My monstrous appetite for perfectionism will not tolerate such neglect.

Also, I think I put too much honey in my tea... Please excuse me.


I swear I learned so much about history AND sewing in one video, like I can’t explain how entertaining/educational this is I-


I giggled when you talked about the thimble bc I remembered when my mom, a seamstress of 30+ years, once threw away a thimble saying “I never knew what this was really for or how to even use it”


Due to your inspiration, I have pulled some clothes out of my, "oh no they are broken and I can't throw them away because maybe someday..." box and I have hand sewed them and in effect fixed them. 🙌🕺I mean, the stitches are wonky but it's a start. 💛


I also hand sew entire dresses as a hobby and I can assure you handmade back stitches are 20 times harder to remove than machine sewn ones.


Nice. I like that you don't only explain what to do, but why do it that way. In school we were taught sewing for one project only and it was so non-passionate, so dull, so badly explained, I didn't think I'd ever want to sew again after that. I even forgot all I learned, so this is super useful to learn again. "again". I don't count the first time. (final piece was pyjama pants, made out of... curtain fabric. teacher's choice.)


I have a slight addiction to hand sewing, I learned the art from my Grandmother who hand pieced all of her quilts. Her quilts went for big bucks. One that she had placed in a county fair went for 2000 back in 1980. The man asked her if he could take the quilt before the showing was over but she told him he had to wait until it was taken down at the end of the fairs exhibit. When he came to pick it up he brought his wife who was so excited. I sew clothes, quilts dolls and much more. I love people who share their tha tens for others to learn from. Subscribing today. 💕💕 P.S. I still have the quilts she made me. All of them well loved and still in great shape because of her skill.


At 5:30 I got a little emotional - my grandma used that single thread technique, and it's the first one I learned. I haven't used it in decades. Thanks for bringing that memory back. ❤️


This is all useful information even if one just wants to hem dish towels and mend clothing. It doesn't have to be historical. The lack of skill in ordinary hand sewing these days for every day purposes is very sad.


Such a thoughtful and useful video for sewing newbies whom have been enchanted by the lure of handsewing. This is a valuable resource and a pleasure to watch. As someone who is used to hand sewing little projects such as mending but new to properly making seams, finding the grain, using a thimble and so forth. And thoroughly enamored by historical clothing and learning how to do it, I thank you most earnestly!


For fellow fans of bake off, did you know there is a program in the same style for sewing? It's called the Great British Sewing bee. It's on BBC and it's just as delightful.


I’m trying to learn to sew with the aim of one day making my own clothes and following along with this was super helpful thank you! I made my first seam :D


I tried hand stitching once and cramped my hand so badly that I couldn't use it for an embarrassing long time. NOT ONCE did I think to pin my work down to something to save my poor non dominate hand all that work.

I think I'm ready to try this again, but in a more thought out and intelligent way. Lol
