Laravel Complete Course | Laravel 8 Full tutorial for Beginners

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This is the complete and full course of laravel with latest version 8. this tutorial is designed for beginners and cover full series of laravel 8 all topics in one video
Topics of video
0. (00:00) Laravel introduction Introduction
1. (05:07) What is Composer
2. (13:03) Install Laravel 8
3. (21:08) File and Folder Structure
4. (29:06) Make the First File
5. (34:50) Routing
6. (47:50) Larval 8 Controller
7. (56:12) Laravel View
8. (1:07:04) Component
9. (1:16:17) Laravel Blade Part
10. (1:29:09) Laravel 8 Html Form
11. (1:37:10) Html Form Validation
12. (1:47:26) Middleware introduction and Global middleware
13. (1:56:20) Grouped Middleware
14. (2:10:34) Start with the database
15. (2:16:25) Laravel model (DB)
16. (2:27:36) Laravel HTTP Client
17. (2:38:38) HTTP Request Methods in laravel
18. (2:53:053) Session in laravel
19. (3:05:21) Flash Session in laravel
20. (3:16:58) File Upload in laravel
21. (3:24:10) Localization
21. (3:37:20) Get User list from database
23. (3:47:18) Laravel pagination
24. (3:56:42) Insert data in db
25. (4:21:24) Delete data from the database
26. (4:21:24) Delete data from the database
25. (4:31:36) Update data from the database
27. (4:42:17) Query Builder in laravel
28. (4:53:40) Aggregate Query in laravel
29. (5:08:54) Migration in laravel
30. (5:16:00) Migration import command in laravel
31. (5:26:28) Laravel seeding
32. (5:33:00) Accessor in laravel
33. (5:39:56) Mutator in laravel
34. (5:49:16) One to one relation in laravel
35. (6:08:09) Stub Customization in Laravel
36. (6:14:43) Route Model Binding
37. (6:21:29) Markdown mail template
38. (6:26:33) Make custom commands
39. (6:32:50) Multi db connections
40. (6:43:41) Interview Questions
Topics of video
0. (00:00) Laravel introduction Introduction
1. (05:07) What is Composer
2. (13:03) Install Laravel 8
3. (21:08) File and Folder Structure
4. (29:06) Make the First File
5. (34:50) Routing
6. (47:50) Larval 8 Controller
7. (56:12) Laravel View
8. (1:07:04) Component
9. (1:16:17) Laravel Blade Part
10. (1:29:09) Laravel 8 Html Form
11. (1:37:10) Html Form Validation
12. (1:47:26) Middleware introduction and Global middleware
13. (1:56:20) Grouped Middleware
14. (2:10:34) Start with the database
15. (2:16:25) Laravel model (DB)
16. (2:27:36) Laravel HTTP Client
17. (2:38:38) HTTP Request Methods in laravel
18. (2:53:053) Session in laravel
19. (3:05:21) Flash Session in laravel
20. (3:16:58) File Upload in laravel
21. (3:24:10) Localization
21. (3:37:20) Get User list from database
23. (3:47:18) Laravel pagination
24. (3:56:42) Insert data in db
25. (4:21:24) Delete data from the database
26. (4:21:24) Delete data from the database
25. (4:31:36) Update data from the database
27. (4:42:17) Query Builder in laravel
28. (4:53:40) Aggregate Query in laravel
29. (5:08:54) Migration in laravel
30. (5:16:00) Migration import command in laravel
31. (5:26:28) Laravel seeding
32. (5:33:00) Accessor in laravel
33. (5:39:56) Mutator in laravel
34. (5:49:16) One to one relation in laravel
35. (6:08:09) Stub Customization in Laravel
36. (6:14:43) Route Model Binding
37. (6:21:29) Markdown mail template
38. (6:26:33) Make custom commands
39. (6:32:50) Multi db connections
40. (6:43:41) Interview Questions