Laravel API Server Full Course - Beginner to Intermediate

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This is a compilation of the series Laravel API Server Ep1-53.

Installing Laravel:

Get started on Composer, the PHP dependency manager:

Installing Laravel:

Get started on Composer, the PHP dependency manager:


Source code for this lesson:

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Outro Music:
Songs Used:

00:02 Ep01 - Laravel's Architecture: A quick Overview | Directory and App Structure
10:04 Ep02 - Middleware and Http Kernel
19:17 Ep03 - Service Container and Service Provider
29:18 Ep04 - Facade
33:12 Ep05 - App overview
36:11 Ep06 - Database Design and Migration | Laravel API Server
50:24 Ep07 - Seed and Factories | Laravel API Server
1:04:03 Ep08 - All about models and relationships
1:17:19 Ep09 - Seeding relationships
1:26:14 Ep10 - RESTful API Route Design and Laravel Routes
1:39:35 Ep11 - Controllers
1:47:22 Ep12 - Laravel API Routes Best Practices
1:59:56 Ep13 - Recursively load PHP files in a directory
2:05:36 Ep14 - Essential Eloquent Methods & Properties
2:16:18 Ep15 - DB Transaction
2:20:00 Ep16 - Laravel Resource Class | API Resource
2:24:49 Ep17 - Pagination
2:30:34 Ep18 - Repository pattern
2:37:32 Ep19 - Exception
2:47:23 Ep20 - Event & event listener & subscriber
2:55:46 Ep21 - Sending email
3:06:29 Ep22 - Unit Test vs Feature Test vs E2E Test
3:12:29 Ep23 - Unit Testing Essentials
3:25:44 Ep24 - Testing API routes | Feature Testing
3:42:14 Ep25 - Phpunit with Live Reload?! Productivity Hacks
3:46:36 Ep26 - Composer Script | Productivity Hacks
3:50:22 Ep27 - Test Driven Development (TDD) Basics | Laravel API Server
3:58:31 Ep28 - Opinion on Testing: how much is enough?
4:03:48 Ep29 - Validating Request
4:13:53 Ep30 - Custom Validation with Validator
4:21:32 Ep31 - Laravel IDE helper
4:25:19 Ep32 - Config and Env Var
4:29:49 Ep33 - Documenting API with API Generator
4:41:58 Ep34 - Throttle Middleware and Rate limiting
4:47:39 Ep35 - Authentication with Laravel Fortify: An Overview
4:55:16 Ep36 - Laravel Fortify: Auth, Registration and Password Reset
5:07:44 Ep37 - Laravel Fortify: Email Verification and Updating User Profile
5:17:44 Ep38 - Laravel Fortify: 2 Factor Authentication | Laravel API Server
5:27:25 Ep39 - Customising Fortify Email Verification
5:35:32 Ep40 - Customising Fortify Authentication
5:43:04 Ep41 - Laravel Sanctum
5:59:02 Ep42 - Testing Auth
6:04:05 Ep43 - Providing Translation - i18n | Laravel API Server
6:17:38 Ep44 - Creating private links that will expire in Laravel?! | Signed route
6:29:18 Ep45 - Notification
6:38:17 Ep46 - Websockets: Concept Overview
6:47:12 Ep47 - Laravel Websockets: Broadcasting Setup and Config
6:56:50 Ep48 - Broadcasting Events and Websocket Channels | Laravel API Server
7:07:50 Ep49 - Laravel Echo & WebSockets | Building a Chat App
7:18:48 Ep50 - Private and Presence Channels
7:31:08 Ep51 - “P2P” WebSockets?! - Whisper | Laravel API Server
7:35:48 Ep52 - Laravel Websocket: Sending Realtime Data With RPC
7:48:53 Ep53 - Laravel Websocket with SSL
Рекомендации по теме

“If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.” This is one of the best Laravel courses for beginners!


must be the most underated laravel tutorial video on youtube


Cant believe this channel provides these contents for free.


This is one of the best laravel series I've ever watched. So many details well explained. Congrats man!


This is the best API tutorial on youTube. thanks you so much. i really learnt the theory behind API from this course. Thank you


Bro the amount of your work spent for this video totally worth it, thanks a lot 🔥🔥🔥


The Best laravel series I have watched till now❤


The best course ever, I have been looking for this kind of complete course for a long time to work with laravel in a pro way
Thanks a lot


you are a very good teacher, everything explained so well


This video was incredibly insightful! The way you explained the concepts was clear and engaging, making it easy to follow along. I especially appreciated the practical examples you provided, they really helped solidify my understanding. Looking forward to more content like this!


Just watched 20 minutes of content and I am seraching eagerly where is the like button. Kudos for the content.


Thank you for this tutorial! It's so detailed while still very simple and clear.👍


Watched 80%in one week..Awesome series


Damn, still can't figure out how this amazing course isn't getting the attention it deserves! This is probably one of the best courses I've ever laid my eyes on, and it completely free 🤯


Perfecto! I learnt a lot thanks to this amazing well explained course. And now I'm pretty confident when I develop and API


really great😀😃😃 channel with advance level and best materioal with complete concept.

Thank you so much sir!


So great and usefull video. Understanding service container, service provider, Laravel from root ! I wanted to like many time ! Thanks a lot for this gold !


This code may lead to a bug, if an ID between 1 and model count was deleted, you will get an ID that doesn't exists. At 1:21:34


I just started the tutorial, am really enjoying it. Kudos 💪


Amazing tutorial, underrated channel, you got a new sub and I'm being able to learn a lotta stuffs!
