Understand Laravel basics 2024 | Laravel tutorial | Laravel for beginners

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Understand Laravel in 25 minutes | Laravel tutorial | Laravel for beginners

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Hey what’s going on
Today were going over some laravel basics

I was looking up some other laravel tutorials and for some reason they are all like 4 hours long and lets be honest you don’t really want to watch a video for 4 hours.
So my goal is to keep this video under 10 minutes

By the end of this video you’ll know how to build a basic

application in laravel. You’ll understand how to make views, create models and migrations, basic routing, and inserting and editing records in the database.

With that being said The best way to learn a new framework is to build something with the framework
Which is exactly what were going to do.

Were gonna build a classic CRUD application and the most common

Simple todo list

The best way learn something is by actually building something

So were gonna build the classic todo list

Create new laravel app
edit blade to todo list
create form post request
create listItem model and migration
create endpoint to saveListItem
return view with list items
create endpoint to make item complete

Ok so Our todo list is working and it does everything we want it to do

I hope this gave you a basic understanding of building applications with laravel

If I missed anything or you want to know something we didn’t cover in this video feel free to leave a comment below

But yeah that’s basically it thanks for watching!
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Perfect timing on this, I was looking at the exact same 4+ hour videos when I found this! Thanks for the video, hope you keep making these and grow the channel!


Thanks, I already knew a lot about php, html, mvc's etc. So having a somewhat faster tutorial was extremely pleasing.


I'm experienced with OOP php and Symfony and that was very well explained, a quick fyi to everyone: maybe for total newbies you'll have to go through the php docs and have some knowledge of OOP php so that you can understand this better. Don't take shortcuts because there are few concepts you might want to know before getting started with Laravel.


I'm here because I did not want to watch a 4 hours video haha


I wish I could upvote this more than once! What a clear and concise intro into Laravel. Really appreciate you making this.


Great!, All the sub 1hr tutorials spent so much time on front end design and so little time explaining the laravel functions they were using and how they were interacting with each other. This was amazing. Thank you!!


Just landed my first developer job while finishing my degree and I needed a crash course to get back up to speed with Laravel. This was perfect and straight to the point. I appreciate you!


Thanks Matt... pretty cool to start quickly, specially for those like me who works a lot with native php but never got used to frameworks.


Perfect tutorial man. Great job. I've used code igniter v3 for years and since version 4 I've decided it's time to take the plunge into Laravel and this video explained exactly what I wanted to know to get going.


Really nice tutorial. Very clean. Very little time spent on page layout, no third party downloads, just the basics to get a Laravel app started.


Its 2024, and this is the "Laravel basics speedrun" i've been looking for, Thanks Matt!


ive worked with codeigniter 3 and trying to learn laravel to get in line with current industry, this is so straight forward and easy to understand for someone that is familiar with mvc, its a little different from ci3 in that sometimes routes are not used very often and the form submit goes directly to the controller url, at least in my case but maybe other people practice using routes more. other than that its just the syntax and automated functions such as creating stuff with artisan, at least from what i've learned from this video alone


AWSEOME! LOVE THIS VIDEO! Currently I am expanding my knowledge of PHP frameworks from Symfony to Laravel, and this first video made so much sense. It's so beautiful and wonderful! Thanks a million for sharing this info with us!


this was beautiful, i'm a newbie to laravel and I was struggling to put it all together, i would understand things here and there . This tutorial really gave me a clear understanding of the bigger picture and now I feel more confident. Thanks Matt !


Can you please explain all of this? You write all the code but beginners are looking for explained code. But before that we need to know how to get databases set up, how to set up the environment etc


Great tutorial! Exactly what I was looking for. I was trying to get my head around models, controllers and views and how they interact with each other. I read some articles using examples like the pizza analogy. But it was still a bit abstract. Thanks so much for taking the time to put this together! I get it now.


started learning php yesterday, today Laravel with your video. Finally, I'm starting a new expedition. Thanks, man.


this short video answered the main problem I have with other longer tutorials. That is the built in dev server. I have Apache installed on both Windows and Linux machines for development of my other projects. Every tutorial starts with the built in dev server and spends 20-30 minutes just getting the environment set up. I dislike having dev environments different than production, I don't want to spend a lot of time learning a new dev server. The short length of the video allowed me to get to the "meat" of Laravel quickly. Thank you!


i was looking for a short video tutorial laravel project to understand how it works and i found this!
thanks Matt!


As someone who's back into Laravel is very overwhelming tons of videos with tons of information, thanks for this amazing video now I refreshed a little my knowledge of Laravel, thanks again.
