Does Gastritis Cause Dizziness or Weakness?

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I strongly disagree… after eating oily/spicy food i feel light headed / diziness, loss of concentration, some sort of tiredness across my eyes nerves, Fatigue, bloating, weakness, loss of control, short of breath and all of this can sometimes cause anxiety and panic attacks from where things only gets worse overall…
Thankfully i managed to get over panic attacks as i realised that my stomach is causing all of it so i no longer worry about it and whatever sensation i get i just cope with it.. i strongly advise to calm down and think of it like « it’s only my stomach, no need to worry, just be patient and all this will go away eventually »
Ps: no doctor seems to understand such case


Dizziness and vertigo is a thing, speacially after eating


Yup I had gastritis from Hpylori and still have it and I get weakness when I eat sugar foods. So yes, it causes fatigue lol I have it


This is what is wrong with doctors, they are bookish they never approach it in a manner of curiosity. Gastiritis cause torednes very tiredness


When your stomach is upset, and your dealing with indigestion. Its going to cause weight lose fatige, amd few other symptoms becuae your body is not observing the nutrition from the food


I think I am also one out of you all those commented here. I am also facing dizziness mostly after eating and I do have gastritis. Don't know what's the solution. If anyone is aware please let me know.


I have gastritis and it makes me feel both because it puts a great deal of stress on your digestive system and it impacts your Vegas nerve, as well as impacting poor absorption of nutrients. So, work on your vagus nerve, think about how you can ease off of your digestive system and take some supplements such as B vits and magnesium!!!


Does Gastritis cause growling sounds in stomach?


Are you a doctor? I have a errosive gastriris and i suffer dizziness and weakness everyday😊


I just throw up when I get crazy headaches from GERD its the only way to make the pain stop
