Your body is talking to you, are you listening? | Lizzie Braicks-Rinker | TEDxUofW

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Lizzie dissects the wellness industrial complex and reframes health holistically. Lizzie Braicks-Rinker is a well-rounded wellness enthusiast. With certifications in pilates, fitness, and health coaching, she is passionate about helping others navigate the modern world with less stress and anxiety.
Lizzie competed as a D1 rower in college until losing her mom to colon cancer. After losing her mom, Lizzie wanted to understand how to nourish herself spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. She's since become a passionate advocate for understanding wellness on a holistic level. The core of her work centers around learning how to listen to what our bodies and brains truly need, and to tune out toxic messaging that we receive around food, exercise, and body image.
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I recommend people picking up the book by Gabor Mate “when the body says no”. Many times we are not listening to the body or taking care of traumas that are impacting us. The body does not forget what has occurred to you and this can lead to a variety of chronic illnesses.


I really admire her ability to be vulnerable in front of an audience while talking about her mother's death. I watched my dad die of cancer, so I truly know how she felt.


She is so right in what she says and points out in this talk. I realised lately that being in physically good shape is only part of being able to feel good. My mental state is struggling and there is no joy almost in anything. Without being 'healthy' mentally, it is impossible to be 'healthy' and content with myself and the world and the fact that we are here for only a short time.


Love your message about wellness. I am 65 and am finally understanding how to support my wellness.


Remarkable perspective. This makes so much sense. True wellness needs to be embedded in the things we love. Thank you for sharing your perspective.


This was an absolutely incredible talk! Lizzie, you absolutely "get it" and you so beautifully articulated what I like to call person centered wellness. Our individual wellness journey is unique to our personal experiences, environment, culture, relationships and so much more. Thank you for this amazing talk.


My body finally Made me stop and de-stress with a life threatening condition. I lost 55 lbs on the cancer diet. Had to clean up my diet. Manage and eliminate my sources of stress. So far with prayers and hard work and modern medicine I’m getting better.


As someone who lost my dad to a sudden fatal illness, I felt for her and the ways that she shared about her mom. This is such a brave presentation and such a wonderful message. You really do understand health/wellness in a different way when you watch someone you love take their last breaths. Holistic wellness is so so so important!


Speaking of feeling good instead of looking good is way better, feeling good that is…I found out I had scoliosis after I was hurt on the job picking up something way to heavy with another woman when it should of been 2 men. Anyway I had no operation like everyone thought I should, and now 32 years later I still look bad with a huge bow on the left side of my back but I feel good only because I made myself the last 6 years start to exercise and get my strength back and went back to work! I’d rather look bad and feel good than look good and feel bad!! 🌹


Thanks… helpful… I’ve been struggling with an autoimmune disease and feeling like it’s my fault for not having the willpower to eat less inflammatory, exercise, sleep more etc but the truth is I had two babies in three years, have moved houses across the country, and changed jobs several times and all in lots of hardship. I bet my autoimmune disease is absolutely from stress, lack of sleep, inflammation… but life ebbs and flows… I’m hopefully my best version of wellness is now and always in just letting things be. I love health and wellness and it’s part of who I am so it’ll balance at some point I’m sure.


This moved me to my core. Thank you for your wisdom! ❤


Honestly! Thank you! I am turning 50 this year and I am just beginning to come home to myself. Thanks for the confirmation and the access to see myself as well and that my environment has to pull for that too. I am more inspired by this and now I am going to delete all the yoga instructors I am following wishing I could morph my 50 year old body back to it’s 20something shape. I honestly like my body the way it is and I just want to get stronger as I grow older and also have all the other parts of my life working.


totally awesome session. so compassionate and so adaptable.


I am so happy to have gone over what I know deep down is the truth of what she share with so many of us including myself obsessing about wellness but not pausing and re-evaluating our actions and thought processes of stressing about everything I enjoy this video and it was an insightful reminder of what is exactly I need for my wellness journey thank you I am filled with much gratitude by this lecture what touches me most when she shares about her mom passing she has a smile and to be it shows this lecture is not only educating her audiences but celebrating who her mom was by remembering these important and loving details I love this so much 🙏🏽


First time watching this Lizzie! You need to do more talks, you're an impressive speaker.


*Just to make one thing clear* : you can get all the nutrients you need from a plant-based diet, in fact vegans have less nutrient deficiencies than omnivores in general (a fact). Many athletes have actually went vegan in recent years because it has many advantages and makes recovery from training faster. Some of the best ultrarunners and triathlonists in the world are vegan, for example.
She makes it sound like something was wrong with the vegan diet, when the problem was her own ignorance.

Veganism isn't just a diet, but a whole lifestyle which aims to reduce the amount of suffering caused to animals as much as possible and practicable. When you actually do your research and eat well, everyone wins. The animals, your health and our planet. ❤
8+ years vegan here ✌🌍


Outstanding and very impactful!! This talk covers various perspectives surrounding health I had not considered. Thank you.


This was so REAL!! Thank you so much ❤


Wow that was really good and inspiring... thank you - totally agree that if we really listen to our bodies we would be healthier and happier humans.


I love everything about this!!! Great job Lizzie!!! I need to give these talks to those around me and in my area!!! Thank you for sharing!!!
