I Regret Buying an Ultrawide Monitor (as a programmer)

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The super ultrawide 49 inch monitor is an expensive piece of technology. As a software developer and content creator, is this worth getting to improve your productivity as a developer?

In this video, I go through my likes and dislikes after using this monitor for over 180 days. You might be surprised with what I have to say.

This video is NOT sponsored or gifted in ANY way.



My gear 💻

0:00 Intro
0:36 Specs
0:46 My Workflow
0:58 Dislike 1
1:38 Dislike 2
2:14 Dislike 3
2:32 Dislike 4
3:05 Dislike 5
3:25 Dislike 6
3:54 Like 1
4:32 Like 2
5:06 Like 3
5:21 Like 4
5:42 Like 5
6:03 Closing Thoughts
6:36 Productivity Booster?
6:54 Outro
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I have been loving being able to create much more content lately. Thanks to everyone who watches my videos and sticks around through this crazy journey of mine :)


Stop I literally just bought an ultra wide for programming 😭

UPDATE: Bought another monitor alongside with it, the end.


UK dev here. I have the exact same monitor, got it for £900 and I don't have any complaints about it coding wise. I found having VScode as my left half, then the right half as two browser tabs one for my code output and the other for youtube or browsing.


for coding, as someone who uses just regular ultrawide now, i tend to use the center as my typing space then surround it with the tools that i need.
i find placing my typing space at either side hurt my neck in the long run. as for previewing the compiled, i prefer an entirely separate monitor for it.

the curves makes it almost counter-productive for graphical works for me since it physically curves out a supposed to be straight line.

from experience from using bigger ultrawide before, the sides would honestly just be an unused space for the most part.
they are cool for windows that you would open for a long time and look at from time to time though, so if you need those then you need those

theres a clear workflow distinction between using a single giant monitor compared to using 2-3 separate monitors.

i used to think that im a "super ultrawide" kinda guy. but after trying it for a bit, i much prefer a regular ultrawide without curve with a regular side monitor. still thinking if i need a 3rd, but 2 it is for now.


When you realize an ultrawide monitor just gives you more space to stare at code you still don't understand


I have a super ultrawide plus a 3840x1600 ultrawide stacked on top. It's kind of a ridiculous set-up, but I love it. It is great for gaming, programming, 3d modeling, streaming, and my various other dumb hobbies. I don't think I'd ever go back to regular 16:9 monitors.


I don't know why people be spending so much money. I just bought a Samsung viewfinity s5 34 inch flat panel for 199$


Thank you for validating my already strong opinion


Honestly, if you're getting an ultrawide with a 5120x1440 resolution, there are a few things you’ll need for optimal productivity based on my experience:

1] Adjustable monitor arm – This is a must for better ergonomics.
2] Curved screen – It’s essential; otherwise, the edges can be hard to see.
3] Resolution insight – 5120x1440 is like having two 2560x1440 monitors side by side.
4] PBP mode – Some monitors allow Picture-by-Picture (PBP) with just one cable, letting you split the screen into two separate workspaces. It’s a much cleaner setup compared to using two monitors.


For me it's always been 3 regular ass monitors. The one in the middle is for whatever I'm working on (actual coding etc), one for notes and communications (chat, email etc). And one for running and displaying builds. This way everything is separate and clean and I can see absolutely everything at a glance without ever screwing with windows.


I love my Samsung 57" Odyssey Ultrawide: 7680x2160. I use Microsoft PowerToys to split my giant screen into 4 bezel-less 1920x2160 screens. 1920 wide and 2160 tall is perfect for my IDE. The other 3 extra "screens" are for terminals, test area, and browsers. My primary use is productivity and gaming is secondary. I used to have the Samsung Odyssey 49" 5120x1440 and split it into 3 screens, but it was a little awkward. The 57" 7680x2160 OTOH is perfect!


34", 21:9 and I definitely do NOT regret it. I have 2 of them.

One with 1440p for my private PC and the older one (9 years) with 2560x1080 for my workspace for programming. For me it's the perfect size.
I thought about getting the ultra ultra widescreens (32:9), but 34" in 21:9 is wide enough.


You have not talked much about ppi, For coding text clarity is single most important factor IMO.


The only thing 'super ultrawide' in my life is the hole in my wallet 💀


I have been using a Samsung 49 ultrawide for coding for 2 years now. No issues. Love it. I use my laptop and the app Rectangle to split my monitor into 3 sections, so I technically have 4 separate areas for placing apps if you include my laptop screen. It works great.


I used a G9 Neo for about a year for coding and decided I disliked it so much that I went the complete opposite direction. For now I'm running a single LG DualUp and am loving it for coding. Using it with workspaces is a game changer. How I make it work is I'll have my editor on one workspace, browser or any other tooling on separate workspaces and then set those workspaces to hotkeys to quickly jump between. Personally I believe it increases my productivity by forcing my focus at a single thing at a time.


I have the same monitor and use it for programming and gaming. Yes I do have to move my head quite a bit, but otherwise, I don't regret getting it. I set everything up with power toys and I found it to be a great way to have multiple windows open and not constantly have to shuffle them to different desktops.

My only gripe is that no one else at work has one so presentations are a bit difficult.


Super ultrawides only have a couple uses from what I can tell:
- niche productivity where having everything from multiple screens on one is superior to having the multiple screens in the first place (think something like NASA having 2-3 monitors per station instead of like 7 or 8, lol)
- bragging rights in the gaming sphere, lol
- more immersive gaming in simulation games

for best productivity, I feel that the standard ultrawides (21:9/21:10) would be the better option. It balances screen size with the work, and you can have curved or flat based on preference. If needed, you can always have 2 of them, but you're likely better off with a 21:9 + 16:9 combo if you need extra space outside of the ultrawide.
I'm currently running dual 16:9 monitors, but have found that I need a bigger one to improve things, and looking at how much space everything takes up currently, I believe the basic ultrawides would be the best option, and I'm aware of how valuable the standard widescreens are that I would like to keep them, even after upgrading to an ultrawide.


To me, 21:9 + 16:9 monitor is the perfect middle ground.
Another setup i've grown to like a lot recently has been 2x 21:9, stacked HOWEVER - your secondary is actually below, at an angle - almost like a drawing tablet


i feel like everybody goes through this and realizes big monitors suck because you have to move your head constantly
