Unlimited Fusion Cores Caps and Power Armor Farm/Guide - Fallout 76

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Very very informative, polished, mature, and to the point presentation, .
You do not waste your viewers' time, very much appreciated.

I look at these games as an affordable sandbox experience to explore and adventure in that family obligations to aging relatives near to home will not allow me while I am young enough to do, as I am now retirement age myself.

Many of us early days of gamin players will get here if we live long enough, we don't have a lot of free time to waste, and we need to stay relatively close to home.

Thank God for trust worthy guides like you.


The fact that this hasn’t been patched yet is fucking hilarious


A power armor frame with or without armor pieces still weighs only 10 pounds. Also understand that Raider Armor is unlocked at level 15 and Excavator armor is unlocked at level 25. If you build a full suit of excavator armor and register it (part of the mission) you get the plans for the power armor workstation. This is one of the best suits of armor in the game... because it lets you carry an extra 100 pounds. Also it levels up so when you turn 35 and 45 you can build slightly better armor. Just understand the legs take a tone of springs (level 45 takes something like 44 each... and 33 just to repair them). You also get the strongest, armor wise, set of armor for finishing I think the BoS missions. This is a special suit of Ultracite armor. It is level 50 and is dark gray with some redd parts on it. There is another mission that gives you plans for the X-01 experimental armor too, but the Ultracite armor is still better.

Just be warned... fusion cores weight 3 pounds each. And like others have pointed out you can not sell any ammo and that includes fusion cores. Really though fusion cores are all over the place. Usually where the power armor frames are there is usually another fusion core laying around nearby. I have to prune my fusion cores all the time when my stash or character is getting too full.

And yes when you are in power armor and especially in a group the game will seem easy. Go take a silo or fight 4 scorched beasts in the cranberry bog. Yes there are empty spaces and a lot of locations that just feel empty. Stick to the main and secondary missions as these locations are the most polished. There are lots of areas Bethesda needs to finish. My big issues though is how fast the guns break and how expensive they are to fix. The power armor is horrible to fix too and food spoils way too fast. There are also a few exploits and they are bad. There are a few minor ones too, like I found you can unlock optional furnature4 when building your camp. So instead of building the camp fire you can build the camp stove. Just build the fire, then store it. Go to place it again, but hit the right arrow (on PC) to change to the stove before trying to place it. Then lift it up into the air and bring it back down and you will see the lock disappeared and you can place it. You can't go up or down the menus though so this does not lets you say build better turrets, but it means you can build the clean bed right away and use some better lights. Events give you tons of plans though, so by the time you are level 60 you will have a good chunk of the plans (I am level 59). You can also purchase plans from vendors and such. The ones that are harder to get though is the brick home plans, so I bought them off the super mutant trader that wanders around (with is braman moo moo). They are expensive though. i think I paid 600 caps for it.

The problem I have now is I made a run for the silo and failed repeatedly. This used up all my stimpacks, ammo, and broke all my weapons. It took me 2 days of grinding to get enough springs and adhesives to fix all my weapons and build up my ammo and stimpacks. Of course now the nuke codes are no good. At least they are not so bad to find once you are the general for the Enclave, but that was a pain. If I fail again I will likely do an exploit that effectively doubles you perk cards effects, so lone wanderer ignores 40% of damage instead of 20 and my rifle does +60% instead of +30% damage. It is also supposed to make your melee much faster too, but you might need the perks to do that. Otherwise I am done with the game. I have finished all the main mission but to launch a nuke and all the side missions. I have done a bunch of events and explored around most of the map. I have probably explored 90% of the locations. I can take on anything in the game one on one... even a scorch beast. The grind for springs, screws, lead, nuclear material, and adhesives is crazy. Make sure you flag all of these right away as it will help you later on... especially if you like improving your weapons and such. I am bored though with the game. I might spend a day this weekend getting the nuke codes (the Enclave has a computer that tells you where to go, so it will not take too long) and then I will make another run for the silo. It is one of the largest locations and takes over an hour to get through. i think I ran across 10 assaultrons minimum throughout the silo facility. After I launch the nuke I will likely not play until they update enough locations to make it worth while or the mods are officially active.


... you can't sell fusion cores to vendors


The Rusty Pick just north of Belching Betty spawns a frame in the basement with raider power armor pieces


For fusion cores you can also go to postfeminist energy plant


1 years later and this hasn’t been patched haha


sweet now i got something to do when I get out of work thanks


for fusion core just go to a place like posidon energy plant and clear it out and use a generator and hook it up to the palnt and create unlimited fusion cores without having to fix the plant back up


I’m just glad to say a recent Fallout game is actually fun. So much to explore


Well here's the thing am I tell you that's how much it's worth in the value for the cores but vendors even if they do buy them will not give you the same a capsule probably give you like maybe 10 or 20 caps and that's it depending on the amount on them as well


I am posting this comment for people like me I came to this video for a glitch and honestly it does work but not every single time as time grows more people will be doing this one out of eight worlds I get armor and fusion cores you cannot sell Fusion cores but you can sell armor I have over 20 pieces of armor and this does work you just have to be patient also a tip put your camp near the bunker so you can put all the armor in Fusion cores in it I found it better doing this when I did not have any armor or Fusion cores in my inventory


Not once did i actually see you show us how to do it. You spent so damn long explaining why power armor is cool


To the east of this area there is a generator with a core in it also so you can get 2 every run


Keep doing Fallout videos bro, this helped a lot.


I have just discovered (maybe someone has mentioned this already idk) if you have a power chassis and drop it from your inventory, it drops with a fusion core, but doesn't take from any existing FC's in your inventory. Seems that it spawns an entirely new FC to go in the dropped power chassis. You can just drop the chassis, transfer the FC, claim the armour again, drop it again, spawns another FC. Take about 5 mins to get 20 and I got bored 👌


Why are you covering a game that you told everyone not to buy?
After playing the BETA...your anti Fallout 76 videos influenced me to cancel my order.
Just scratching my head...hmm🤔🤔


In Fort Defiance, there’s Straight Jackets which you CAN sell to vendors and sell for 200 CAPS, I have 1 Charisma and no barter perk btw. And every time you reload the world every outfit respawns. Only downside is Ghouls or Scorched spawn in Fort Defiance and I usually find a Bloated Glowing One.


Hey brother! I found a tip that quickly recharges fusion cores while install in a power suit. Idk if this has been discovered but I havent seen this method on YouTube.


Update: been trying this for about an hour now. Only way I have been 100% been able to get the frame with parts and cores in it is to close the game, reopen, load in, grab what you want and repeat. Server jumping while leaving the game running isn’t very consistent