Should I Ever Take an Action I Don’t ‘Have Peace’ About?

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Ask Pastor John
Episode: 1251
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"Lack of peace over possible danger is diffrent from lack of peace from possible sinning" so good! I was thinking of Jesus sweating blood in the garden when u said this.


I was having a tough time making a decision and came across this incredible audio. Thank you Pastor Jhon.


A good discussion, though I think Pastor John missed the "Charismatic" undertone of this question. Being from a Pentecostal background, I heard this phrase often. When people talk about making decisions because they do or don't "have peace", they often mean neutral decisions (not good or against conscience) such as buying a car, choosing a job, etc. They use this feeling of peace like a metal detector. If they don't have peace, it must mean God doesn't want them to do said thing! Here Pastor John conflates a feeling of peace with a feeling of correct conscience. I'm not sure that's necessarily what the writer means; I think he means should he only make these important neutral decisions when he has some abstract positive feeling towards it. This is certainly how this term has been used by people I have encountered.

Now, I fully believe that God can speak to and guide us through our feelings and we can hear from Him, but at the same time we are also flawed individuals who can get these things wrong. A lack of peace shouldn't be the only factor in decision-making. I'd have been interested to hear what Piper makes of this "metal detector" style of decision-making among some Christians.


Thank you for sharing. I needed to hear that too. Thank you Lord.


Love this!! So Needed this!!! I wish I had this biblical wisdom and guidance when I was younger. So thankful I have it now and by God’s Grace I can teach my teens this today! Thank you!!


Acting on inspiration prepares you for a new way of life that promises more peace, harmony, and fulfillment, which positions you to fully enjoy life!


This was important to discuss. God bless you both


Please pray for me to make the right decision on what college I go to.


Another beautifully presented APJ podcast


This is the biggest problem in my life and I'm 57. Ever since I got divorced and it wasn't me I'm afraid of marriage. I've been engaged for years. I do love him but I have no peace. And... we don't live like a married couple.


help us to have your peace Lord give us the wisdom to make good decisions


But just act every decision I have ever made and growing closer to the word of God and faith, has came with the rebottle with my human nature, my flesh always fights against my steps of faith for God deep down, so the wrestle between conscience and that which is of our flesh, almost made me fall down a deep spiral of rethinking every single step of faith, I have done, if it was sent, because I had doubt, until I was July 25, 2024, 2:33 PM Grimsley reassured that our human nature will always have dealt, and I will need some major assurance on that fact, that every decision that we will ever make our human nature and evil will fight against, Ephesians 6:12–20__ July 25, 2024, 2:33 PM


So if I have an overactive conscience I should just not make decisions then? Even if it's not definitely spelled out as sin in the scriptures? I'm not sure that's good advice.


What kind of a person would receive something from you that would cause you loss and pain to give it? I would say, I can't let you do that. Now if you're led by the Spirit and you can afford to be generous do it cheerfully.


The bible says "Be thou angry but sin not". When is anger sin?


The Peace Meditation Die Friedensmeditation. Old Lyran written as: Salome gam nan ben Urda - gan njber asala Hesporona! pronounced as: Saalome gam naan ben uurda gan njjber asaala hesporoona! English: Peace be on the Earth, and among all created creations! Deutsch: Friede sei auf der Erde, und unter allen Geschöpfen!


No! Remain in your comfort zone!, Better be safe than sorry😁
