THIS Is Why You Should NEVER Take An Ex Back

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I wanted to get back with my ex but after some time I realise its not worth it she left me for someone else I have to accept that.


I have been asked why I turned a deaf ear to an ex-girlfriend’s request to come back to me. I answered his question with a question, “After taking trash to the curb, would you bring it back into your house?”


You will never be good enough for the wrong person!


You take her back, your peace of mind is lost " you will always be wondering?"


Even if she didn't monkey branch, at the end of the day, she didn't value you and thought she could do better. Don't let her come back. You're her back up plan and she will leave again if she thinks she has found someone better.


She is your ex for a reason. She comes back because her "better" option failed. Always be her first option. Anything other than first and you lose....


Bro my ex said " I hope we work on ourselves in a year or so get back together " to which I replied " There is no reconcilliation after betrayal. I have to see you for who you are".
Later on my ex seen me on a dating app and sent me a message how heartbreaking it was to see me there.
The audacity


I started watching LFA last year after I went through a bad breakup. You have helped me process things and come to terms with the situation. You are like the big brother I never had. Your advise and stories from your experience are invaluable. I can’t thank you enough.


I have never taken an ex back ever and I am certainly not going to start now especially after my most recent relationship with a female narcissist. She initiated a breakup in January but in actuality it was a ploy to regain control over me and keep me in the relationship while simultaneously triangulating me against a low quality suitor. I saw her "male friends" and believe me when I tell you they were all low quality. Essentially I called her bluff and walked away and blocked her everywhere thus forcing her to accept her downgrade. Game over and I win. Gentleman never ever be afraid to walk away. We actually hold all the power and these women are fully aware of this fact. That's why low value women are full of games because they know they have absolutely nothing of value to offer.


When you find a good girl, you don't need to shoot much game. A girl that likes the simple things is a keeper.


Couldn't agree more. I was very upset when she left me after two years via text and it hurt when I saw pics of her with a new man shortly after. I can't prove she monkey branched, but there was no explanation from her as to why she ended things, so I suspect he was the reason. I really couldn't care less now. She wasn't the woman I thought she was and I've learned lots about myself and women in the process. Also on my mission at the mo and loving it. He is welcome to her.


Never take your ex or anyone's ex back. That will solve the excess supply of males for females and cut their power. The only reason women have so much power in western society is because men have low standards and will take low quality female. 15 years ago a Turkish taxi driver told me that in Turkey back in the day, a woman that had been married would have no man would go near her. She would have no chance of another marriage. Think about the incentive that placed on the woman to make her relationship work.


You are speaking pure truth brother!
I have 48 years experience with one women, the mother of our 7 children.
Men NEED to grow a set of balls in that empty sack!

As a one/Won and done, I am happy in my celibate life of 15 years, no women, No porn, no NEED for female validation other than I am a skate dancer and the women dig my moves! Talk about a tease! Hahaha!

Thank you for helping men hear the truth! God is great!


It's the Halo Light, LFA. The reason why most guys take the girl back is cause they can only think about the good stuff for a few months (1-3) after a breakup. But once they start doing things like training, spending time with family, spending time going on long walks, they realise the logical part of the brain starts to think about what was wrong and you start focusing on that. Lads, don't go dating girls immediately thinking you'll get back to square one it's no different than using PMO to cope with your urges. Focus on your surroundings and then you'll naturally focus on yourself.


It’s tough for men to do this, because they don’t realize that their lack of self respect was the reason for her leaving in the first place. I personally let her slide too many times and in hindsight should’ve walked away 5-7 years earlier. I also had to stop beating myself up for having oneitis. She was great for a modern woman but still needed the right training. Let her go and do some introspection. It’s a prime opportunity to level up as a man. Don’t take her back. You’ll regret it.


My ex fiancé was cheating on me for 9 months when I fell of hard physically, stopped lifting and started eating like shit due to depression but now I’m back getting back into lifting


That is definitly the best advice. Take it from me.Just walk away. Don't take them back. It's never worth it.


If she left when you were in your low, she doesn't deserve u when u are up. Like why even pay attention to her.. while u were broken working on ur empire, chances are she was ran through like a highway. U leveled up man, have some respect for yourself and don't take her back. If she was real one, she would stick with u.


I've only ever gotten back with one ex. That's was enough for me to learn never to do that.


No woman/human should ever celebrate depression, which is a disease which could lead to suicide. Those people are very sad. They don’t respect themselves or human life, and they shouldn’t even be giving advice to anyone when a man loses his wife, his children his family or job it could be devastating to him. He’s the provider, he’s the king of the house, and he should be looked at as that. Men need women women need men and we need to respect each other 100%. 90% friendship, 9% respect and 1% passion without that you have nothing.
