Pathfinder Lore: The History of Golarion

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My first video!

This is a brief history of the World of Pathfinder - specifically of the Inner Sea Region. There's a bit of a preamble, so if you're just looking for the history of the ages jump ahead to the bookmark listing for the Age of Creation at the 4:43 mark below. Cheers!

▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

0:00 - Intro
0:12 - What is Pathfinder
1:38 - The World of Golarion
2:18 - Golarion Overall Themes
4:43 - Age of Creation
6:03 - Age of Serpents
7:20 - Age of Legend
8:41 - Age of Darkness
10:08 - Age of Anguish
11:26 - Age of Destiny
15:22 - Age of Enthronement: P1 The Taldan Empire
21:16 - Age of Enthronement: P2 The Chellish Empire
24:47 - Age of Lost Omens


#paizo #pathfinder #golarion #innersea #roleplaying #rpg #history #lore #timeline #dnd
Рекомендации по теме

Having played Pathfinder since its inception, I have to say this is one of the best Golarion lore videos out there. I'd love a remaster of this with a better mic quality, as the video itself is great.


I'm new to Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous, and after watching this video, I can safely say that I know far less than I thought that I knew, time to do a deep dive into this channel to learn more!


As a new player migrating from D&D do to the dark times upon us, I thank you so much for this video !


I asked on Reddit if there was anyone who could create a high level timeline drop of Golarian lore and they sent me here.

This was an amazing video. Thank you for that. Youve got quite the narrator voice and your video editing skills were on point for this presentation.



So far my favorite thing about Golarion is accidentally finding the exact NPCs I want for my story, conveniently settled near where I need them. For instance, in a game I am starting at Sandpoint, I needed a lvl5 Necromancer. I started building one til I read about the Hinterlands, and the Sanatorium, which houses exactly what I needed.
Lucky lucky. But even better is how NPCs are interconnected. Players kill Kanker at Pauper's Grave? Suddenly they're on the radar of an Intellect Devourer and a cult in Magnimar.


I am so grateful for this channel! Pathfinder is too good to not have dedicated lore channels, when D&D has so many!


Phenomenal! Loving it as a 5e refugee. What an amazing world.


Easily the best channel for an in-depth analysis of Pathfinder lore. I've been listening to these for days now, thank you!


This has quickly become my favorite source of Pathfinder YouTube video lore channels, and it’s all thanks to you. Your expertise in the setting, casual but passionate narration, and use of visual aid are sensational. Have a great day everyone! Thanks for the vid.


This is exactly what I was looking for, a somewhat high level and chronological description of events that spans millennia. Thanks for making the video!


Vey good videos, few comments:
1. Nidal was present since the Ageof Darkness, while you show it appearing in the Age of Destiny.
2. Dwarven empire of Tar Taargadth was much more extensive, it also ruled over what is modern Druma, and had its outposts in many other places. What you shown are the remnants of the empire, the areas that the dwarves still control today, long after the fall of their empire.
3. At the time of its founding in the Age of Destiny Taldor was much smaller, the are you showed in the video are the moderen borders, and Taldor didn't get that big until the time of the First Army of Exploration at the beginning of the Age of Enthronement.
4. Qadira isn't its own empire, but only the westernmost province of much bigger Empire of Kelesh.
5. The Forlorn Elves are not the elves that remained on Golarion while the majority left for Sovyrian. The Forlorn are modern elves who grow up in human cities and therefore are culturally different than elves who grow in Kyonin and other elven societies.


Never had played original or any pen and paper rpgs, but playing kingmaker and wrath of the righteous i became huge fan of world of pathfinder those 2 games have become my all time favourites.


Great video! I never played tabletop pathfinder before. I discovered the setting in the pathfinder CRPGs and loved the universe but wanted to know more, thanks for that!!


With in influx of new players (and importantly, GMs) this video will be incredibly useful as we work to navigate and build upon a cohesive theme in our campaigns.


Been looking to GM some PF 2e and I needed a guide into Golarion, as I've been a Forgotten Realms fan since I was a kid. I'm so glad I could come across this video, for it was really well presented, with great maps and descriptions. You have helped me immensely, sir.


Thank you so much for doing these videos. I’m super new to DnD and the Pathfinder worlds. My son wants to start a campaign and I’m the GM, but being super new, my knowledge is practically zilch and listening through your videos has felt like a godsend. We plan to start the campaign over the summer, so hopefully I have a good base of knowledge by then and get creative with a decent story not completely void of history.


Well done sir. Your videos are articulate, well paced and enjoyable. Paizo really did their homework while creating their world and I am much impressed. Thank you for expanding my awareness!


Like so many (former) 5e fans, I've started playing Pathfinder 2e, and, accessing the wiki, I was feeling overwhelmed by the amount of lore there. Thanks for this! I hope you make/have made more Golarion content!


Thank you for covering Pathfinder in such detail!


I an greatly appreciative of this channel since I run Adventure Paths at my local Boys and Girls Club and I'm always looking for accessible resources for my kids to immerse themselves in the setting. I love the Tower of the Tomes channel as well, but it doesn't always have content I can show my students. I'll be looking forward to more from you. Thank you so much!
