What is a Backslider

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Can Christians Backslide?
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Many people like to use a single word or verse in the bible and try to interpret it but don't know the meaning of it. Corey, on the other hand, goes deep into it and explains very well. Thanks for explaining it.


Hey Brother. Are you 100% sure about this? What the OT calls backsliding the NT usually refers to it as Apostate. You may be keeping Heb 6:1- in mind, or OSAS, but as I’ve studied it, Backslider/Apostate are typically Heb/Grk Equivalents.

BTW this isn’t an argument. I stopped doing that years ago. Just curious of your thinking. Grace and Peace.


I haven’t depart from the Faith, but I have struggled with my sin and even dosed myself in it. But I constantly felt a tug at my heart and uneasy sleeping because I knew what I was doing wasn’t right. I know who my God is and I know Who my Lord is.


Thank you for this clarification of backsliding. I had thought it meant someone had strayed away from the church and then later returned.


Thank you for explaining because I always thought the story of The Prodigal Son was an example of a backslider despite the fact that it's in the New Testament.


Thank you my brother for explaining this I just sent this to my wife that way she can understand it too cuz we're baby Christians we're not going to lie and we don't know everything just like no one does but we are trying to learn God's word and stay in his word and understand his word me and my wife were confused about this we've been using this word incorrectly thank you now I know what to do and I repent for what I've done we took out of context thank you Corey for correcting me this is what Christians do we help each other learn thank you see this explains why me and my wife never turned away growing up in Christ we just messed up like sin you know we were just sinful we didn't know better you know I didn't have a father or mother anymore she passed away from cancer and she was the one that taught me about Jesus but she died at a young age so she didn't get to fully get me to understand the word of God and I've always thought backsliding is what that was I thought backsliding was doing sin I'm glad that you taught me a lot of this stuff because I was confused a lot about myself and now I know for a fact I'm going to heaven and I'm going to serve Jesus Christ with my whole heart an soul because he belongs to him not me he's my lord and savior he is the messiah he died and Rose from the grave I know for a fact God is alive I know who Jesus really is now you know before I can't say that I did I thought I did but I didn't but now I know what it means what you're saying


Luke 8:13 Those on the rocky ground are the ones who receive the word with joy when they hear it, but they have no root. They BELIEVE for a WHILE, but in the time of testing they FALL AWAY.


Great study brother Corey now I understand


Hey Corey can you please speak on the First Fruits. various Churchs every January speak on giving a first fruits financial offering in order for GOD to protect your financial and other oftentimes other areas in your life throughout the year. If I don't give my first fruits Will GOD be mad at me and my house?


Matthew 11:29
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.


1 Timothy 4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;


Amen 🙏
The Gossips, workers of iniquity... will have a Firey 2023... Get Right with your Creator! Put on the New Man! ReNew your Mind! Be Baptized for the remission of sins! Be Holy! SOBER! And Vigilant! Be Born Again! In Power, Love, and a Sound Mind!
Delay IS Disobedience!!!  TO GOD Almighty 🙏 🙌  Jesus is LORD! AMEN 🙏


Guys please help. Im afraid that I've become like Esau. I was a backslidden Christian for several months. This year I made a resolution to fix my relationship with God and I started a fast. After that for two days, i backslid again. Today i tried to make an active effort to repent but the verses of Hebrews 6:4 and the story of Esau rang through my head. I don't know what to do, I want to come back because i realise how sinful and detestable ive been acting these past couple of months, but idk if i can. I know that if i dont repent, it will be bad.


The problem? Unlearned men behind the pulpit.


I feel like I've backslidden but I keep struggling with sin and I think what I need to do for 2023 is renew my mind. Renewal of the mind will allow me to get closer to God.


I've only heard pentecostals use that phrase. Since now you have just explained that it doesn't pertain to new covenant christians, that's pretty much par for the course for them.


For those who struggle, who feel like their ways have taken them down a wrong path, your salvation does not rest on your faithfulness (or lack there of), for the one who saved you is faithful!

1John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."
1John 2:28 "And now, dear children, continue in him, so that when he appears we may be confident and unashamed before him at his coming."


Just because backsliding isn't mentioned in the new testament doesn't mean it doesn't apply to new testament..and j7st because God didn't use the word backsliding in new testament doesn't mean that other words was used instead like turning away or turning back to something..repentance means to turn away from..so why wouldn't backsliding still be appropriate in New testament..I see how you still stand on once saved always saved statement, but you can't apply that to backsliding and say you are still saved ..just like a dog returned to vomit..or a pig going back to mud..definition don't change just because it's not in new testament..God does the saving not man..can't no one determine someone else salvation..you have to work out your own salvation because Jesus said those that do God's will shall be savedand those that endure till the end..people can start out good buT loose faith or whatever it is that keeps them from moving forward and people can start at the worse but end up being saved in the end ?..like one of the thieves on the cross...I would love to discuss the topic on once saved always saved....God bless


We Sheep-eses get it! Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus for your Word through Corey!


People throws these terms around too loosely. Anytime you're not living according to certain Christian's arbitrary standards, you're automatically backsliden.😂
