7 Tips For Approaching Girls That Any Guy Can Use

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These 7 principles of approaching will take you from feeling nervous and anxious about talking to girls to being able to talk to a beautiful girl as if she were a friend. Review and practice these 7 ideas often to make approaching girls and getting numbers a regular thing you do.

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#1. Approach fast (within 3 seconds).
#2. Don’t overthink the opening line (don’t need anything fancy).
#3. Approach often.
#4. Don’t worry, calibrate after.
#5. It’s not exactly what you say, but HOW you say it.
#6. Approach the girl you are interested in a group and then calibrate after the fact.
#7. Ask for the number even if you are unsure if she is interested.


*It’s amazing how small adjustments can make such a big difference in confidence when approaching someone.*


Man, the approach anxiety is a real thing, it’s less about the fear of rejection it’s just a fear of how badly the conversation may be, im alright at talking but sometimes its one sided or she’s dry, but I just gotta go for it. Im gonna try to just go for it and do the 3 seconds thing and approach of a few people cus let’s be real these dating apps are god awful and you never really get anywhere the majority of the time.


Thank you Tripp! I really appreciate this videos.


Hey coach.... I seen alot of videos you teaching us how to get a girl, spark attraction.... But i had time maintaining a relationship and spark attraction on long term basis....and i hve seen your video on that.... Trust the process but still there is more how to create interesting convo, flirt in new ways everytime seeing her and more... Please make more videos in a little deep Because i m submissive person how to genuinely dominate her without offending her what mistake am doing i don't know or she does Love your video it been a ton help to me ....


I will admit, I sometimes still feel like an incel despite having a girlfriend, probably because I feel that my 20s were a waste, didn't have a serious relationship until the beginning of my 30s.

It causes me to envy and resent couples out there younger than me, people who got to experience having a serious long-term relationship before I did and yes I know people will always say comparison is the thief of joy or don't compare yourself to others.

But I believe it's always has been and always will be part of the human psyche, been that way since the beginning of time to feel upset and depressed when you feel you are not part of the norm.

Because of that I feel like a forever permanent incel for all time, even when I did manage to get a girlfriend.

So yeah even while I did have a girlfriend, I still felt like an incel.

I don't see myself ever getting over this, it will be a pain and wound for the rest of my life.

And I'm not afraid to admit that there have been times over the years I have hated being born male, because I know I'm not the only guy in the world that has this mindset, that men have to do everything in dating and relationships and seduction.

Yes I know tons of people say what's the point of being angry and depressed over what didn't happen in the past or not?

Well I'm entitled and I have a right to my mindset, I believe it's always been part of human nature or just the human psyche to always be sad and depressed or angry and resentful over good things that they wish happened to them in the past but didn't.

I know I'm not afraid to admit I have had these thoughts, and I'm sure other guys have thought this way, we feel that if we had been born a woman, we would not have been single that long.

Probably because women just have to exist and they are guaranteed attention and options from Men, that requires no skill or no social dynamics, no game or no seduction.

Guys, men, have to know or learn all of these skills, behaviors, talk a certain way, behave a certain way, act a certain way, walk and stand a certain way, breathe a certain way, have a certain lifestyle, because leading or taking the lead is something that is behavior based, skill based, think a certain way, and many more things, that i either don't know or forgot.

Women just have to exist and breathe and they are guaranteed attention, options, that doesn't require any learning or skill development, it mind boggles me and makes me annoyed when people say women need skills to succeed in dating.

One person I remember I heard said that women need game as well which I thought was the stupidest thing I ever heard.

So ya I still feel like an incel for all time despite managing to get a girlfriend eventually, and I still get irritated and annoyed whenever people and society say that men have it better than women do in the human mating game.


For the love of Christ Tripp you HAVE to open the whole group, especially in day game. These girls will amog you if you sneak your way into convo with one girl.


Did you say when approaching those women “I’m single because your dating her cousin”? Keep playing it back maybe I didn’t hear it right, doesn’t make sense to me. Clarify Tripp please when u can brother. I want to use this. Thanks bud!


What if you are physically unattractive, self conscious and tall….. I hate the way I look.


Hey do you want to hang out in my parent's basement? That what a lot of men will be saying these days. Plus I'd be nervous approaching strangers because women are generally either crazy or have huge egos waiting to reject you.


Don't ask for her number right away because she doesn't know you.


Haha ... I don't want approachable girls that any guy can use ... just special women.


I just don't know about any of these tips. I have a group of men that I hang out with socially from time to time. We hit the town and do concerts or interesting events. We have this one friend that has always done well with women in social situations. He just has this knack of being able to make easy conversation with women. The rest of us struggle to have any success with this. I can tell you from experience just why "Magnum" as we call him, does so well. He's 6'4" 220 pounds, muscular, chiseled, and always looks good in whatever he's wearing. This is the reason he does so well. The rest of us are average even though we all workout and do the best we can with presentation. He's just damn taller and better looking than the rest. Sorry men, whatever Tripp is spewing here is bullshit if you don't have the physical attributes women are attracted to. Confidence, good conversation skills, energy, you name it. But they aren't worth a damn if you can't get the woman to even talk to you. Congrats on 1 million subscribers. I just don't know how you've pulled this off spewing the same shit all the other creators spew. The thing that is worse is just not telling the truth and spreading false hope for money.


Don’t say situationship. You are not degenerate Jada Pinkett Smith 😂
