My driving was rated by a drivescore app!

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How accurate are the scores you get if you're driving his monitored by a driving app?

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After reviewing your scores, it seems to me that Mr. Ashley Neal was playing candy crush on his phone whilst power sliding around a bend


The company I work for forces us to use a device called light foot. The verbal warnings are very annoying and distracting. And certain times when you need to drive fast like moving onto a motorway you end up getting penalties for. So you drive slow when you should be speeding up. They are all about saving fuel not safe driving.


The scoring on "acceleration" is a big problem in my eyes, because it totally lacks context. Yes, there are clowns on the road that deploy their acceleration at every opportunity, no matter how (in)appropriate it is. But I also, on a daily basis, see people who cause problems by not accelerating enough. *Especially* on sliproads, where it's a *surprise* to me when traffic in front gets up to a good and appropriate merging speed, instead of the norm.

These apps aren't going to be used by the people who they would actually help - the idiots who treat the road like a racetrack. For everyone else, they won't change the most common and problematic bad habits - tailgating, inattentiveness, and a lack of consideration for other road users. You could "drive like a saint" and score highly across the board, while being near oblivious to what's happening far ahead, around, and behind you.


As with all things, if you try to reduce down something very complex to a simplified set of variables, there will be significant inaccuracies.
Unfortunately, once the insurance companies adopt this sort of thing as "required", there will be little to no ability to disagree. They will just behave as if the App is infallible and refuse to engage. Cos that is cheaper for them. Until some government legislates the use of these apps appropriately, i fear a lot of people might be treated unfairly


Assessing driving skills by a blindfold device that can’t see where you are or what’s happening is like tying Ashley up chucking him in the boot then fifty miles later asking for an appraisal of your driving abilities.
This is like a builder using the spirit level app to build a house or going orienteering with a compass app and street view.
Driving is one of the most complex variable tasks we perform, this is degrading it to a TV Quick questionnaire


Use it on a blue light run and see your score! It’s quite funny 😂


My former employer trialled this sort of thing in compnay cars for a while (I can't remember the brand). I had interesting email exchanges with the monitor's compnay representative: Apparently people who live where there a lots of roundabouts got a consistently low score (I saw this whenever I went to MK), because the app noted repeated lane changes! Similar low scores resulted for anyone living out in the countryside, as winding roads meant that the lateral acceleration was constantly changing (countryside roads not having engineered constant-radius bends!). The worst for me was when I was driving a single track lane, just coming abreast of a passing place and saw in the cross-view a large vehicle in the opposite direction. My controlled swerve left and stop, to leave the larger vehicle room, was not liked by the app. Apparently I should have gently approached the oncoming truck then blocked its way whilst reversing back around a blind corner.


The primary concern with these apps is that you give them all this data, and whilst today they claim they only give your data to insurers with your consent and only if they feel it will improve your quote, this could change. The company could be bought tomorrow, roll out a new set of terms of service and start handing over that data to your insurer (or in aggregate to practically anyone).

I would strongly advise that unless you actually intend to use their integration with insurance companies, do not install these apps on your phone and do not give them the data they ask for.


I tried one a few years ago - I think it was Aviva - but it didn't like my driving. For example, to get out of our village onto the bypass - a busy 70 mph dual-carriageway with no slip road, just a T junction. Most of the time, it required fairly significant acceleration to get up to a reasonably safe speed. I was marked down on this almost every day, even worse because I didn't even have a very quick car. Since it was a trial, there was no hand-over of data to any insurers but it was enough to put me off using one.


I’ve got DriveScore and I’ve found it helpful for showing me areas where I could improve. A big one for me was harsh braking which is clearly poor anticipation and seeing that on my drives and now being able to work out where and why it happened has genuinely helped me adjust that part of my driving. I’ve not been driving for a full year yet so I’ve not been able to see whether there’s any benefit for my insurance at renewal date but I do hope so, first time driving insurance is very pricey so anything that I can do to bring that down will be good.

That being said I wouldn’t have a mandatory blackbox policy if I can avoid it, they’re far too harsh and penalising for younger less experienced drivers.


This a video about an app or the flaming Dashcamera ? 🙃


Your conclusion strikes a chord with me. My son had to have a black box installed. Initially we could see our driving scores and my son was always scoring low. So I drove his car to see if I could score better that he did. It took a great deal of effort and only when you drove well under the speed limit, didn’t use the brakes (just run over old ladies less your insurance rate takes a hit), went round corners so slowly you became a hazard and accelerated impossibly slowly - all during odd daylight hours of working days. It was impossible to score well. Furthermore, any good driving miles are instantly destroyed with an avoidance manoeuvre or, worse, normal driving. These things are are a con of the highest order.


I've seen so many people say that the GPS messes up and ends up saying they're speeding when they're not. Given how often my maps does this, it wouldn't be something I would use.


I've not used one of these apps, but everything I see in the comments and everything you say simply confirm the reasons I've chosen not to. I find it very odd that it measures acceleration when that can be subject to so many variables that no "app" can possibly assess. Maybe as a bit of fun they're OK but I'm not taking the chance on having my data misused


So the problem I have with these "monitoring systems" is they can only monitor speed, acceleration, braking and turning forces but they don't monitor a drivers actual road manners for example I drive for a living and our workplace monitors our driving with a system like this and some of the highest scoring drivers, whilst they may accelerate and corner at appropriate speeds and brake in plenty of time they will run red lights, cut people up go the wrong way down 1 way streets use their phones etc etc they're not exactly a good measure of someone's actual driving ability a road manners


thought i was on Dragons Den for a minute with the sales pitch about the dashcam


that green bar to tell us when the ad is finished is a great touch Ashley. I wish all YouTubers were so considerate!


My dad needs this! He literally drove 80mph on a 40 in our Bmw x2 M35i and had me in the car (im 12 y.o) and my mother banned him from driving it, which was hers. The weather was wet on a corner too. He says he is a good driver too! He even forced me to film the speedometer to show hos friends. I wish we had a dashcam. He's completely deranged!


The biggest problem i have found with these systems that use a range of sensors from gps and accelerometers, they refuse to use any sort of visual recording. Where i work we have the masternaught system installed into all of the work vehicles, these record everything from speed, acceleration, turning, and speed bumps, you can in fact get penalised for life saving and excellent driving. Your driving in the fast lane doing 70, last minute a lorry tries to overtake someone else only doing 50, you have to brake hard to avoid a collision, all the masternaught system sees is you braking hard, set a load of different sensors, and reports you as braking hard, it doesnt record the actual circumstance behind it. You swerve to avoid a child or someone opening their door, you get reported through masternaught as bad driving as you were swerving, these system are so bad. I see these insurance apps working the exact same way, life saving and excellent driving will be reported as bad driving because its a dumb system. You save a childs life by emergency braking, well done, your insurance company is going to charge you an extra £10 a year because you braked hard, it works great on paper but doesnt take everything needed into account.


Avoid having your score marked down for harsh braking or acceleration by simply shooting every red light at 5mph below the limit.
