The ULTIMATE explanation of the Goldlist method to learn vocabulary without memorizing!

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✨ How does the Goldlist method work?

00:00 Intro
00:07 Explanation of the Goldlist method
00:42 Result of your testing two weeks later and what to do next
01:16 Why the Goldlist method works
01:36 Do you have any questions about the Goldlist method? – You can find answers to all of them in my FREE E-BOOK The Goldlist Method in a Nutshell
01:56 Why I love the Goldlist method more than any other method or app to learn vocabulary

I'm a TED speaker, a polyglot, a conference interpreter, and a language mentor who has lots of tips on language learning. Subscribe to the Language Mentoring channel to never miss another video. 😉

Learn how to learn languages the way polyglots do! 💪
Рекомендации по теме

I just watched your TED talk - the secrets of learning a new language. I re-started learning German a few days ago but came across your talk and I am now ridiculously inspired! This Goldlist method looks brilliant and it's really decent of you to offer such guidance for free to us all... that's a rare quality. Thank you for making me feel I don't need to be a gifted linguist to learn a new language - you rock!


I've been using this method for a while now to learn Japanese, and it is brilliant! I'm so glad I stumbled across this video! Thank you so much Lýdia!


Hello Lydia! I am learning English, my mother tongue is Spanish, today I was watching your speech on Ted YouTube channel, it was the fist time I knew about you, you mentioned this method and I paused the video and I started a search in Google, so I get here with your video! And I am so excited to try this method! Thanks a lot for sharing!


After trying this method for 6 months I have to say that it works BUT the time it demands is definitely underestimated. This method is perfect if 1. you are dedicated to learn languages full-time, 2. you have a part-time job/studies or 3. you are retired. If you are not part of any of these 3 groups you will need to reduce your list to 10 phrases/words or so. The first month is not a problem, but when you reach the 2nd distillation you will notice that the method sucks ALL your time available to learn a language.
Searching new words in phrases that are short enough to put them in the list and still you can remember the context takes A LOT of time. You can find new words reading articles, books, etc. But often they will be part of long phrases that you do not want to have in your list.


Are you supposed to not hear, not speak, not read, basically not encounter those words ever again for at least two weeks? It's just that, what if I accidentally stumble across a number of those words in between the two weeks?


You did well, Lydia, to simplify David James' method. It took me a longer time to understand his much longer and more convoluted description. I remember using it about 6 years ago as the first method different from traditional learning styles to learn some Japanese. I too enjoyed sitting down with a cup of coffee in the local Joyfull Restaurant for an hour or two doing this practice. As well as employing long term instead of short term memory, I feel that its other main strength is to reduce the 'affective filter' i.e. it removes all the stress around language learning.


Thanks to you, I've been using the Goldlist to learn phrases in French. I really appreciate your help, Lýdia.


I have started this method today.. I am a Japanese language student, I am doubtful I will remember the words after two weeks.No harm trying :)) Its my 2nd day, so I have written down 40 words by now.


This is an extraordinarily clear explanation of the method & how to use it .It is better than the free ebook ! ( no offense ) just wanting you to know the immense difference of your very clear explanation here for people like me. I have brain injury & already my language application skills have improved. You are a great person helping us for free ! I'm rapt with your methods & free ebook. Thankyou so very much. I'm wanting to converse in Mandarin, later Japanese & Russian !! You've inspired me to try those last 2 as goals that will also exercise my brain & with the make up, of my family, will be practically useful too! I hope God blesses you for your unselfishness, & kindness. Thankyou is to small a word but Thankyou !


One of the bests explanations about goldlist method ! Im gonna try this on my Journey to learn french. Thnx for this video and hi from Brazil 1


We all do know Lydia very well but what is more we are grateful for her tremendous hits and tips that are priceless 😀😀 You are fantastic 😀😀 And the scene behind you ??? I absolutely love it 😀😀 Have a lovely day whatever you do 😀😀 Best wishes from Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, UK


Saying that you will remember 30% is very optimistic, if you can remember any words at all then you should be proud and even remembering 5-10% proves that the method is viable. I goldlist as well but when I started and people were saying that you will remember 30% and I didn't, it put me off the method. I think the point I'm trying to make is don't make your expectations high when it comes to how much you're gonna be able to memorise after those initial 2 weeks.


The more you review a words translation, the longer you will remember its translation. I go through a stack of 40 to 50 flash cards repeating the foreign word and its translation every day for the first week, and then every other day for four or five sessions and back off from there only if I am still getting good memory results. To look at something once and remember it works only for easy words for me, like Für in German and for in english.


Wow, I've been using this technique for learning Insurance courses over the years. I never thought about using it to learn spanish!


I am learning 3 languages at once
Turkish ( Türkçe )
Russian ( русский )
Persian ( فارسى )

I'll try this method ❤❤


Wie witzig. Ich habe mir ein 45 min langes Interview mit dem Erfinder dieser Liste angeschaut und ich fand es umständlich. Du hast es in nicht einmal 3 min erklärt und es hat mich gepackt. Ich werde es ausprobieren. Danke 🙂


Great gratitude for your generous spirit! I am a native English speaker. I grew up in California surrounded by Spanish speakers. I learned a tiny bit of Spanish and French in middle school. I studied Latin in high school and Italian in college. I have since studied a little Swedish, learned how to read Hebrew, and I am learning and helping revive our native Chochenyo language, indigenous to the area. Since there are no textbooks or YouTube or any other resources except for the original research, I love this method and I will be using it.

PS I also learned a little sign language, ASL, in high school. I have used it successfully to help me learn to count and to help memorize words in a physical manner. I think it also helped when I went to Italy 🤣😎😇


I am Brazilian and I have been trying for some time to learn English. This new method is very interesting, it will help me a lot on this journey. You are to be congratulated. Your explanation is easy to understand. It would be easier to understand an American if everyone spoke like you did. But I know it's normal for people to speak differently and with accents. Thank you very much, I'm your fan.


Haaaa, I did this but at first to a about 3500 basic words with prefixes, sufixes meaning and translation lots of work but it works, and for me it was obvious that is a very beginning to learn so complicated topic as foreign language :)


it's a bit tricky, but the idea is:
Step 1: on the 1st page, create 2 columns (A and B), in A column add 20 phrases you want to learn and in B column add these translated in your mother language.
Step 2: After 2 weeks, restart the method from 1st page, repeat it only the 70% phrases you dont remember, use the next page to do this translation as you mentioned.
Step 3 and Step4: Repeat step 2, until the % of phrases are less and less.
is it right?
