GIMP 2.10 Basics: COMPLETE Overview for Beginners | Free 2 Hour GIMP Course

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In this GIMP 2.10 tutorial, I provide an in-depth and up-to-date look at the latest version of GIMP as an introduction to the program for beginners. I cover how to download and open GIMP, how to edit your preferences for the best performance on your computer and the best settings for new compositions, and a comprehensive overview of the tools found in GIMP. This is the perfect starting point for new-comers who have just starting using this amazing, free photo-editing and graphic design software.

Enroll in Our GIMP Photo Editing Masterclass:

Though this tutorial is for beginners, I think experienced users of GIMP will also find the tutorial helpful as this is our most comprehensive general GIMP overview. This is the perfect beginners starter kit!

Get my GIMP Book of Layers E-book:

Intro 0:00
How to Download GIMP 1:00
Customizing the GIMP Theme/User Interface 3:02
GIMP Layout Overview 8:10
How to Open an Image 12:34
Customizing the Toolbox & Tools Intro 15:55
Image Window Overview 18:03
Create a New Image/Composition 20:07
Tools Overview 21:34
Rectangle Select Tool 21:53
Ellipse Select Tool 29:48
Free Select Tool (Lasso Tool) 31:34
Fuzzy Select Tool 34:10
Select by Color Tool 36:31
Intelligent Scissors Tool 38:23
Foreground Select Tool 40:46
Paths Tool 43:48
Eye Dropper (Color Picker) Tool 50:05
Zoom Tool 50:42
Measure Tool 51:07
Move Tool 52:22
Alignment Tool 53:47
Crop Tool 58:06
Rotate Tool 1:00:09
Scale Tool 1:03:47
Shear Tool 1:04:50
Handle Transform Tool 1:05:18
Perspective Tool 1:06:45
Flip Tool 1:07:53
Unified Transform Tool 1:08:22
Cage Transform Tool 1:10:16
Warp Tool 1:12:23
Text Tool 1:14:31
Bucket Fill Tool 1:16:27
Gradient Tool 1:18:08
Pencil Tool 1:21:07
Paintbrush Tool 1:24:32
Eraser Tool 1:28:02
Airbrush Tool 1:30:24
Inkbrush Tool 1:32:39
MyPaint Brush Tool 1:33:32
Clone Tool 1:34:20
Heal Tool 1:37:31
Perspective Clone Tool 1:39:26
Blur/Sharpen Tool 1:42:06
Smudge Tool 1:42:47
Dodge/Burn Tool 1:43:00
How to Save/Export an Image 1:43:56
Conclusion 1:45:42

I use the latest version of GIMP (at the time of this tutorial), which is GIMP 2.10.4.

You can learn more about this program on our website or in tutorials on our YouTube channel (links below)!

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Download the latest version of GIMP 2.10:

Watch our GIMP tutorial on Layers:

Read our article on how to customize your GIMP user interface:

Download the images used in this tutorial on Pixabay:

Twitter: @DaviesMediaDes

#GIMPBasics #GIMPTutorial #LearnGIMP
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UPDATE: I mentioned at the beginning of this tutorial that they hadn't put out a download of the latest version of GIMP for MAC users.. They have since released a MAC download! Just visit the GIMP downloads page in the video description.


10 minutes in and you've already solved the mystery of the missing tools. This is just what I needed!


I'm not done watching, but so far this is the most helpful beginner tutorial that I have seen. Thank you so much!!!


7 minutes in and I can already tell this is going to be a great tutorial. Also, THANK YOU for putting an index in the description box. You legit thought of everything!


I am new to GIMP and never figured out Photo Shop.... I was so lost when I first downloaded GIMP 2.10.8 and trying to look for videos to help and most were ok, but this one has helped me so Since viewing this one I've watched many more from you guys and you rock!!! IF I can learn from you, anyone can!!!! THANK YOU for all these


I stopped GIMPing about 10 years ago and decided to watch this tutorial to refresh my memory because I'm pretty rusty. This video is AMAZING! It taught me a lot of things that I didn't already know. Awesome video. Thanks for taking the time to make it


I don't comment often but, I'm 30 minutes into this video and I'm having trouble concentrating because I keep wanting to hit like and subscribe(again) for my appreciation of this tutorial. I honestly wish I could personally thank you so, this will have to do. Thanks again for being part of the growth of myself and so many other artists. Peace


I have been using Gimp for over 5 years now, but I have taught myself thru trial and error. I am enjoying going thru your Tutorials as I am learning things I never knew. Thank You for all the time & effort you have put into these as many of the features still apply even in the 2.10.14 version.


Couldn't have been done better, absolute best tutorial on GIMP here! Simple but covers all the most important tools, exactly what I was looking for. Thanks for putting this together :)


I haven't been able to use Gimp because I had no tool options window on the left. Thanks to you, now I do. Now I can start learning/using Gimp.


I never had thought that GIMP can be so powerful. I used to think of it as a MS Paint alternative for Linux. Left me quite impressed after this tutorial.


Thank You. For years I've been researching and figured out things as I went. I wish I would have watched a video like this a few years ago. Some of the things you show I knew how to do, but there are many things I had no idea what these items did. This will help me a great deal. It helped me with a couple problems I was having with a current project I'm working on. Again, I wish I would have watched this video a long time ago. I will continue to watch more videos. I will watch the layer one and 5 things you didn't know Gimp could do. Thanks again. Bye the way I have watched your videos in the past and they were helpful; which led me to this video. It's my fault I didn't really watch a long "intro" video. LoL.


The tutorial I'd been looking for. So grateful for this. Really comprehensive and easy to follow. So many others rush through things so fast, you can't follow if you're a beginner.


After watching just the first few minutes of this video I realized it is what I have been looking for. I have had GIMP sitting in my computer for a long time, but never really used it except to color correct a photo once and awhile. I knew the program had great potential and this video has opened the door to the hallway of fully understanding it's full capabilities and potential. Thank You !! And yes I have hit the subscribe button and the bell.


There are many videos on YouTube of people claiming to know what they are doing and even if they do, they certainly do not know how to deliver the information. You have way exceeded my expectations at initial click of start and I still have yet to finish the whole tutorial! Great informative & valuable video. Worth saving and referring back to. Thank you!


Thank you so much for this. I need to edit some photos and found GIMP, but had no idea how to use it, lol. This tutorial is incredibly helpful and detailed. I especially love how you put in the timestamps in the description, it makes things sooo much easier.


Wow, thank you so much. I used to use a super simple program called Digital Image Pro and loved it. It was so easy and did what editing I would ever need. Unfortunately, it is not compatible with Win10. GIMP is way more than I'll ever use and I was overwhelmed after downloading it today. Finding your video gave me hope I may be able to figure out some basic editing again. I like to add text and clone areas out of various shots-- a beautiful shot of the Columbia River just loses something with a garbage can in the foreground - LOL. Now to find a jukebox program to replace MusicMatch would be great and I could get rid of my Win7 computer once and for all.
Cheers and thanks again.


This is a very good GIMP tutorial and after an hour and forty-five minutes you had only covered a small part of the program. I am new to GIMP so this was just what I needed. Thanks!


This is one of the best tutorials I've found on youtube. Detailed but easy to follow, and moves at good pace. Thank you


THANKS FOR YOUR TUTORIAL, I hope that no big tech company will buy the license of GIMP in the next 200 years
