Biggest pill for Mormons to swallow

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Mormonism rejecting psychology basically makes it the twin brother of Scientology, with L. Ron Hubbard hating psychology because it is evidence based in contrast to both of these new age "religions".


I lived Ogden area for 18 months.
1. Once the church realized we were not interested in converting, they shunned our children in grade school. We moved onto military base in 48 hours. Ended that problem.
2. First black member of choir! Oh, such a celebration.
3. Despite at that time, caffeine being frowned on, the church purchased a massive cola manufacturing/distribution company.
Believe me when I say not one missionary has knocked on our door in the many years since. I have actually seen them cross the street to avoid our house.


We should all be thankfully for organizations like the Mormon church. They truly remind us that even grown adults can be completely irrational.


I was assaulted by a grown man at church, and it was blamed on... you guessed is, me!


They also say they don't apologize, EVER. Take that for someone who cares about you, Christian or not


‘Joseph Smith was a massive pedophile’. That’ll get them going. Just mentioning that smith participated in polygamy, in front of my in-laws, jumpstarted a rather butt hurt discussion about how he NEVER had other children without Emma, therefore he never had sex with anyone but her. 😂


My favorite was denying a widow help because her adult son could just step up. He was significantly developmentally disabled, and she was caring for him. RS went around a bit in the beginning and then just stopped. That's what got to my mother. I was already out. Btw, she continued to help the woman get to her appointments.


Many years ago, THE WIFE of a branch leader got fixated on me. She would stop by, unannounced, unplanned, any time, to "see how I was doing". Finally, she stopped by DRESSED AS A MALE MORMON MISSIONARY WITH HER HAIR IN A "BOOYAH". She knocked on my bedroom door through the railings of the deck (she knew I would be in bed, likely sleeping). She had brought me a bunch of underripe bananas?!
When I let the Bishop know what she had done, I was ostracized and she&her husband were elevated to special Temple status. They don't care until they care a bit too much. They don't know their boundaries. They use what they know about you to look down on you!!


The utter lack of caring is on display twice a year at GC when a parade of mostly men climb up on their plywood mountain to tell you everything they can think of that IS DEEPLY WRONG with you, and is keeping you *just* this side of being worthy and loveable.


Oh, it's like when I had up to my hair with Jehova's Witnesses: they kept telling me "Hey, what would you think He would feel if you started calling him God instead of Jehova, his true name? He'd be pissed!"
My answer: "Listen, I don't want to be all high and mighty, but you've called Him with a name that it isn't even His. The real vocals to the Sacred Tetragram got lost almost 4 millennia ago since it was (and still is) forbidden to say it, so you can call Him "Banana" and it would be just as good as any other name. You're making a mountain out of a misprint, not even a molehill."

They didn't talk me for years and ended up as "Persona non grata" in every Italian JW temple.

For Mormons... well, in Italy we have some LDSs, and they're outright mocked. The statement that made them so angry that THEY slammed the door on me was:
"If Moroni wanted to give credibility to the Newest Testament, why did he choose Joseph, a huckster and a proven fraud? It'd be like Jesus asking Judas to write down everything."


I work at a bank in Utah, and wow. I see people literally crying over finances specifically because they’re struggling to pay for tithing and fast offerings. These poor people would have so much more money available to them and much better security in their lives if they weren’t made to feel morally evil for not paying up. More proof that the church does not care about its members, it takes advantage of them


They care, but at their discretion. It's TRULY conditional love!


One of the things that hurt about leaving is that it was obvious that they didn’t care. Even local leaders. Off the rolls. Off their list to care about.


I can’t believe I thought they where all volunteer


Hey can I share with you a bit of an argument I had with my dad recently? So we were talking about Fanny Alger, and he's a big fan of Brian Hales and the theory that JS didn't pork her in the barn, but that he was "getting married to her" in the barn instead. Main thing I've noticed (as have you, of course) is that Mormons only ever live in a bubble and never have any follow-up questions to apologetic explanations of things. So, essentially, my response to my dad's assertion that he didn't have an affair but rather got married, was this: "Well Dad, the problem with that is that it brings up two other points, which makes things a bit more complicated.

1) Why would God command JS to enter into a secret temporal marriage (since the sealing power hadn't been restored yet) with his maid, if he wasn't going to have any children with her? What the hell was the point to that commandment? Was it to test him? And if so, then is God okay with ruining the lives and reputations of his "beloved daughters" just to teach one man a lesson? And if this temporal marriage wasn't to have sex and procreate, then why would he command him to do it at all, since that's the only reason to ever practice polygamy in this life? In other words, Brian Hales' argument is that JS was engaging in a secret temporal marriage without the intention of being sealed for all eternity, and also without the intent of procreating and having children. Let that sink in...

2) Let's say that JS secretly received the sealing power before we believe he did and that he was getting sealed to Fanny for all eternity, all in order to "bring to pass the fullness of the gospel". Does this then mean that we don't need temples in order to perform sealings?? Can we just do it in a barn? If we don't NEED dedicated temples, then WHY THE HELL are we spending billions of dollars every year to build these great and spacious buildings? Wouldn't it be better to spend that money on humanitarian efforts? Like, imagine if it was Mormons who cured cancer! Imagine the bragging rights and the growth rates!"

It's so stupid


Never apologize or admit your wrong the true mormons cult way


They could otherwise be the best people, but as JS put it: absolute power corrupts absolutely


The evidence is they put the good name of the church above the wellbeing of members.


I think telling them they are a cult really sets them off.


After becoming their scapegoats ask Matthias Cowley and John Taylor just how much the Church leadership cared about them.
