☘️ What I Stopped Buying When I Started Decluttering • Things I Don't Buy As A Minimalist

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☘️ When I started decluttering I realised there were patterns of things I was decluttering. I was getting rid of the same types of items over and over again. So I stopped buying them.

The truth is, there are plenty of things I don't purchase, but these are the things that are directly related to my decluttering journey. They're a result of the decluttering lessons I learned along the way to a more minimalist life.

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After surviving breast cancer, my whole world changed in so many ways. I lost my beautiful red hair and when it began to grow back, it was really a very pretty gray. I can’t tell you how many women tole me I should color it! To me, it’s my life affirming badge of honor. I also quit worrying about so much makeup. Just sunscreen with a moisturizer, blush and lipstick. So.. be yourself and be happy. I’m 67 and am much happier with my decluttered life💕


Buy once, cry once. Buying the best you can afford can be hard, but if your finances allow it, it's absolutely worth it.


I stopped buying so many magazines and now I just get them from the library. Once I'm done reading them, I return them and am out no money and they're not in my house..:)


Forcing myself to responsibly re-home, recycle, or re-purpose things I want to get rid of has reduced my shopping dramatically. When you are not allowed to simply drop off unwanted items at Goodwill, then you will think long and hard about accumulating more stuff. I do think that when we obtain an item, we are responsible for the entire life of that item, to the best of our ability. I don’t expect anybody to live 100% sustainably, but I know that we all can do better. 😁💜


I also don’t buy or use makeup anymore. I’m the only one of my friends who doesn’t wear makeup, sometimes it’s hard being the odd one out, but I’m actually more comfortable with myself now than I’ve ever been 😊


I've never been a decore person, except during Christmas. I wouldn't buy brand new "everything" but I did buy a few things every year. Well, we've been in our house for 15 years, been together for 27 years, and 3 kids later, plus my grandparents old stuff, that left us with a ton of things in our attic for sure. We'd go up, Thanksgiving weekend, get everything, and bring it down, then put decorations up, box everything up, back in the attic it went. Finally, last year I decided enough is enough. I got EVERYTHING down, put what I wanted up, and the others I sorted and asked the grown children if they wanted things, then tossed a bunch of it. It is doing noone any good being stored and not used. If it didn't work, torn, missing parts, etc. out it went. The kids got their own bins, with their names on it, and they have their stuff. I'm tired of storing everyone's stuff. Don't get me wrong, I still have a lot of stuff, and I add 1 or 2 things a season, but nothing like what I had. If it was sentimental, but I didn't want to keep it (didn't use it), I took a picture, and it'll come up in my memories. I don't have to have that tangible item, someone else may appreciate it more.


This was a helpful reminder for me. And I'm sorry people feel the need to tell you that you "should" buy lotions, creams, etc. I am sure the majority of folks who do so are trying to be helpful, but one of the things I am drying to declutter is "my opinion". I think I share my opinions too much and really, who is that for? Me, or the person on whom I am imparting all that wisdom? 🤣 Me! So I am trying to cut back...


Great video Laura. I used to work in skin care and know it’s all a load of smoke and mirrors. The best thing you can do for your skin (particularly the face) is wear sunblock.


Everyone’s list is going to be different post decluttering.
But we’re all essentially doing the same thing…we’re not buying things that we don’t need…and probably doing more intentional shopping.


I can’t believe people tell you what you “should” buy! Good for you to speak up and say that you are not shaming people and nor should they! Excellent list!!


I have a good way to keep myself from overspending. I keep a small notebook in my purse and if I find something I'm not sure if I should buy..., I write it down.. and if I still want it the next time.. I may buy it. Saves me from all that impulse buying.


When I decided to go small, I stopped buying makeup or toiletries until I used everything I had already. It's been 3 years and I just have to purchase shampoo and conditioner and in makeup mascara. lol Planners and the stuff that goes along with them I have a hard time downsizing yet need to lol


Books! I use the library far more and rarely find that I MUST add a book to the library. Also, jewelry and accessories. Just can't bother.


Hello everyone!
Regarding toiletries, another tip to cut down the space and money they take.
I switched to solid cosmetics (I'm not sure that is the right phrase in English). Basically I use bars: bar soap, shampoo bar, conditioner bar, make-up remover bar etc. They are minimal and could be considered expensive at first but they last for a very long time; e.g.: I use shampoo bars since 2014 and a bar lasts me roughly a year while frequently washing my hair.
To sum up: less space, less money in the long run, same hygiene standards and (depending on the brand) healthier and better for the environment!


Your anguish over physical planners reminds me of all the things I have purchased/“hoarded” for my FANTASY self...the person I would like to be one day. I really have to examine truthfully whether I ever will use these things or should I give up the fantasy and let go. 😒


I think there’s a time in most of our lives when we’re drawn to the cheapest products because we’re on a budget. When we’re young and starting out it’s almost necessary to buy inexpensive products. As I’ve gotten older I’d rather buy less clothes but better quality. Also as I’m trying to declutter my home I want a smaller wardrobe so when replacing clothing, I will bring a quality piece into my home and donate several of the same in return. This minimizes my closet with longer lasting quality clothes. Also with just about everything else we purchase now we will do our research and buy better quality furnishings, appliances, etc. with hopes they they will last us a decent amount of time.


The "cheap-save-money" items are the biggest scam ever. You end up buying it several times over. Not to mention, the gas, time, and aggravation to replace the item that broke. I bought a cheap can opener. It broke on the first can. I bought cheap plastic coat hangers and they snapped getting them out of the wrapper. Save your money and put it to something better in quality. That is how you actually save money.


I'm turning 25 in October (a baby I know) and I've had my laptop since I was 17, and my phone since I was 18. They are starting to struggle now so an upgrade will be due in the near(ish) future but I think I've gotten a decent amount of life out of them! And you're right about features. There aren't any big features that I'm missing from my devices, they're just slow because of age


I would LOVE a video of what you buy MORE of as a minimalist! I'm on my journey and still looking for ways to improve! Love from Minneapolis!


I'm so in love with the feeling of the empty house after the holidays, too! And I don't even put a ton of decor, just my huge tree, with thousands of lights!
