Treating ADHD Without Medication: Managing & Reducing Symptoms Without Drugs

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Children with ADHD don’t necessarily need to take medication to do well in their life, as there’s an alternative and much better option for treating ADHD that doesn’t require any drugs at all.

In this video, Dr. David Velkoff, CoFounder and Medical Director of the Drake Institute of Neurophysical Medicine refutes the common misunderstanding that parents must automatically medicate their children when they’ve been diagnosed with ADHD.

Dr. Velkoff explains a non-drug treatment option that is not only possible, but preferable to drug-based treatments because it can lead to long-lasting improvements in ADHD symptoms.

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For everyone reading this, finding the banned book called “the hidden herbs” by anette ray should be your top priority


You, who has ADHD, stand resilient like a beacon of strength. Don't be disheartened! Let negative words not shake you more than the unwavering certainty within. In a world filled with judgments and swift opinions, it's crucial to remind yourself that your intelligence transcends the fleeting criteria set by others. Disregarding gossip and hollow criticisms is a powerful form of resistance. You, possessing a brilliant mind, should never belittle yourself due to the limited perspectives of others. What truly matters are not the negative words attempting to reach you, but the unshakeable confidence you hold in yourself. Genuine intelligence surpasses labels and hasty judgments, manifesting in actions, resilience, and perpetual growth. Warm regards from Brazil.


I found out as an adult that I had ADHD. How I deal or cope with it is, if I'm working on something that I need to concentrate on, I listen to music, especially when I am on the computer. It keeps me focused and i get a lot down.


I started roller blading and realized it was a neurofeedback exercise. As soon as my focus started to drift I lost my balance. I was forced to maintain focus or else I would fall. It does seem to benefit my condition. Also, they say balance activities are beneficial as they strengthen your cerebellum, which is a possible source of adhd issues.


Attending the Drake Institute was extremely depressing for my teen age son. He was so excited and positive about finding a way to help himself towards more "normal" behavior. but his attendance created more negative feelings toward himself and actually led to a more depressed outlook on his life. As a parent the expense, which would have been fine if he had shown any improvement, was extreme.


Thank you for this video Dr. Velkoff, as a child I was never diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, so it was never treated. For the most part it didn’t fully affect my life and work. I went to school and even got a master’s degree, it was a struggle at times, but I did it. Now at 46 it has completely gotten out of control where it’s affecting my performance in every area of my life. Especially at work, not able to focus during the day to do my work is very frustrating. Late at night is when I’m finally able to hyper focus, it’s very exhausting because then I end up going to bed past 4am and it’s not conducive to productivity in any area of my life. I feel hopeless at times. I do have good eating habits and exercise, but I do have a lot of stress because of this issue which affect me at work. I have been looking for a solution that doesn’t require medication, if at all possible. Do you think this method is something that could help me? I live in Eugene, Oregon do you have any suggestions for someone here for me?


🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:

00:00 🧠 *Understanding ADHD Treatment Options*
- ADHD does not necessarily require medication for effective treatment.
- Introduction to an alternative and preferable option: brain map guided neurofeedback.
- Emphasis on the possibility of successful non-drug treatment for ADHD.
01:23 🚫 *Reasons for Avoiding Medication*
- Dr. Villenkoff's decision not to prescribe ADHD drugs.
- Explanation of brain map guided neurofeedback as a safer and more effective option.
- Recognition of the risks associated with common ADHD medications.
02:18 🧩 *Understanding ADHD Brain Activity*
- Insight into abnormal brainwave activity in children with ADHD.
- Introduction to the concept of a qeeg brain map as a blueprint for treatment.
- Explanation of the under-activated state in the frontal region causing focus issues.
03:52 🎮 *Neurofeedback Treatment Process*
- Description of the neurofeedback technology used in brain map guided treatment.
- Individualized treatment protocols based on brain map findings.
- The patient's active role in modifying brain activity through auditory and visual feedback.
05:11 ⏳ *Long-Lasting Improvements with Neurofeedback*
- Comparison between neurofeedback and drug treatments regarding lasting improvements.
- Emphasis on neuroplasticity and the brain's ability to regulate itself.
- Highlighting the temporary nature of drug treatments and the potential for relapse.
06:06 🌟 *Success Stories and Conclusion*
- Brain map guided neurofeedback as the primary and successful treatment for over 30 years.
- Celebration of clinical successes in improving focus, emotional, and behavioral regulation.
- Encouragement to like, subscribe, and leave questions about non-drug ADHD treatment in the comments.

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My buddy did something similar he found that if he woke up at 4am, and did yoga for 2hrs, he could perform _slightly_ better during the day. Then, he tried Ritalin, and the effect was life changing. I’m the same way.

ADHD is a spectrum, and we have too many Dopamine re-uptake transporters. Long lasting Ritalin makes it so that my Dopamine re-uptake is the same as everyone else’s.

I think the best approach is to just a acknowledge reality, and deal with it. Something like what the doc suggests is expensive, and it’s not going to work.

I.find it very difficult to.manage my Adhd without Medication. Not a popular opinion I know but quitiapine helps me so much, it allows my brain to calm down. I spent years on concerta and it did nothing for me, so sometimes it's about finding out what works for you


Unfortunately most health ins. doesn’t cover this.


Volume 179, issue 12 of The American Journal of Psychiatry contains the study, "Double-Blind, Sham-Controlled Randomized Trial Testing the Efficacy of fMRI Neurofeedback on Clinical and Cognitive Measures in Children With ADHD", which found no significant effect. What's your explanation for that outcome?


Good Doctor, can you tell me, can this be done with an EEG machine and then potentially done at home? It just seems to me that I could buy an EEG machine for a LOT less than the flights, hotels, and Doctors visits... Maybe if you had an option where people (different prices for patients .vs practioners?) could rent machines and get training via a webinar perhaps? You could treat a lot of people at once who could normally not afford this!


Thank you so very much, Dr. Velkoff! This literally brings so much HOPE to families coping with ADHD. Stay Blessed!


How hard would it be to rig that brain wave monitoring thing up to my gaming pc so I can force the game to not work unless my brain is in the zone? does that thing only work with that specific racing game, is the user in control of the car? or just watching it?
If I did this obsessively for weeks on end would it essentially cure my adhd?
Cause if I could fix my adhd while also just doing laps on the Nuremburg ring id be normal in a week. What kind of equipment would I need? is it proprietary software or hardware? Is IT overly Expensive?!



Would you direct me to those studies that support your hypothesis and claims? Thanks, much appreciated


How do you do this with boring stuff?
I get hyperfocused on things I find interesting.
I avoid some things at all costs, which causes problems in my life.

Other stuff just ceases to exist.


Hi I'm trying to call but no one has been answering! Please let me know the best way to reach the Drake Institute.


This field isn't _fully_ a hoax, but promoting it as a fully developed ADHD treatment based on the very small amount of studies and their weak results, to prices that far surpasses those of medication, isn't honest. It's money making.


just discovered that i have adhd through youtube videos, but i couldn't finish any video talking about treatment, can you post a video more appropriate to those who have this condition, im confused 😢


I treated my ADHD symptoms up to 80% for one month by finding my own method. Therefore, I believe it is possible to remove the symptoms updo 80% therefore becoming a normal person by learning about your psyche or mind.
