Dr Joe Dispenza - Break the Habit of Being Yourself

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Dr Joe Dispenza is a New York Times best-selling author, international lecturer, researcher, and educator, Dr Joe Dispenza specializes in teaching people to rewire their brains and recondition their bodies to make lasting changes. His focus is the intersection of neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics, and is driven by the conviction that each of us has the potential for greatness.

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Viktor Frankl:

"It did not really matter what we expected from life, but rather what life expected from us. We needed to stop asking about the meaning of life, and instead to think of ourselves as those who were being questioned by life—daily and hourly. Our answer must consist, not in talk and meditation, but in right action and in right conduct. Life ultimately means taking the responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and to fulfill the tasks which it constantly sets for each individual."

Marcus Aurelius:

"It remains then for you to understand what type of work fits your character; for he who rules all things will certainly have a use for you, and he will fit you in among some part of the co-operators and of those whose labors conduce to one end."

Abraham Lincoln:
"When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad.

That is my religion."


The big aha moment for me from this video was the part about how our body memorizes our feelings and we have to recondition the body to a new mind. Great video! Thank you.


This is exactly what I mean by “Be yourself but don’t get too comfortable being yourself”


One of the most impactful moments in Dr. Joe Dispenza's talk occurs at 6:56. He emphasizes that "to truly change is to think greater than your environment." This statement resonates deeply, reminding us that our thoughts shape our reality. It encourages us to break free from the confines of our habitual thinking and to envision a future that we desire, even if we can't see it yet. 🌟 This idea is a powerful call to action for anyone looking to transform their life.


"When routine bites hard and ambitions are low."


I truly believe that your guys channel is one of the most positive and influential channels on the internet. SO easy to digest and the fantastic art to help resonate with great speakers of all walks of life.

After Skool, Thank You!!! you have helped me a ton multiple times now.

This episode and Tim DIllion The big lie are my two favorites for certain.
awesome job.


I find the hardest part about making change is not making time it is making it stick. I have made profound changes to my life over and over only to realize 2 weeks to 2 months later it faded away with only the slightest change sticking long term, if at all. It takes years of performing repetitive actions to get your brain's neurons to change physically so to enact real change you need environmental change or external motivators. Self-reflexive change is rare in my experience.


I healed from a debilitating illness with Dr. Joe Dispenza’s meditations… very gratifying ❤ Breaking the Habit is Key.


Working on my new me, and this content is gold.


Thank you I knew all this but I needed to be reminded of it and I was heading down a deep rut and this helped me avoid it.


The universe is mental - held in the mind of the ALL.


This is me now, literally visualizing my first home purchase, getting excited of the family gatherings and simple mornings. I know I will buy my house in the next 3 years❤


Variety is the spice of life.
If you do the same routine too often, you live life on autopilot.


Make the time for your precious self 💖


Incredible. I didn’t want this to end. Does anyone know where the rest of this live speech can be found? I’ve listened to Dr. Joe but this particular speech really spoke to me.


The synchronicity of this is amazing! I’m at the end of atomic habits where James clear is mentioning identity, and together this is hardcore motivating.


I've been watch After Skool for a long time. This video has hit me the hardest. The talk by Joe Dispenza is brilliant. The images make every point land so much more clearly.


The hardest part is ALLOWING yourself to feel joy. Not time.


Think good.
Do good.
Feel good.
Be good.


When I worked in education I visited a teacher who complained that she had a terrible class, that they were very negative and wouldn’t do what they asked. I suggested that she begin rewarding the class members individually for each positive contribution they made. The positivity was to be denoted by a marble in the jar and when the jar was full of marbles the whole class was to be rewarded. So Jane puts her hand up to answer a question, marble in the jar. Tommy stands back to allow a classmate in the door first, marble in the jar. Dora is waiting patiently for lessons to begin, marble in the jar. The marble is for any positive action or word the individual performs, and are given out like confetti at a wedding. What happens when the jar is full can be decided by the class, but give them options eg. extra story time, more playtime etc. I left the teacher with these instructions and returned the following week to see how she was getting on. When asked she said they couldn’t do it, they just couldn’t do it. My mistake was not to apply the marble in the jar to her interaction with the class, ie putting a notional marble into a notional jar with each positive interaction she had with the class. When the notional jar was full, I’d praise her on her positivity with the class. Adults who have had insufficient praise in their lives find it very difficult to paise, more often they reinforce negative ideas and behaviours. It’s exactly the same when dealing with ourselves if we focus on the positive it’s amazing how much we’ll want to continue focussing on the positive. 😂😂😂😂😂
