30 Phrases to Talk about your Free Time in English

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What do you do in your free time?
Do you have any interesting hobbies?
Let's find out! 😁


Timestamps for Topics covered in this video:

00:00:00 Welcome
00:00:18 Introduction
00:01:58 The secret to IELTS Speaking
00:03:19 Different types of free time activities
00:05:59 What you do in your free time
00:11:01 Adverbs to talk about your hobby
00:12:47 Different tenses to talk about your hobby
00:16:39 The Benefits of hobbies
00:20:07 How to practice these phrases (Cambly)
00:22:57 The most common mistake



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What do you do in your free time?

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You're a positive and high energy teacher that I've never seen before.


I get up to a lot of things. I'm passionate about reading books. I read whenever I get a chance. I decided to have a go at reading Little Prince last month because I found it so interesting. Now I have been reading four chapters. Not only does it help me relax and unwind after work, but also allows me to relieve my stress and discover many amazing things about life.


You know, whenever I got free time, I get up to a lot of things both indoor and outdoor . In indoor, I'm into reading book, hanging out with my frends and in outdoor activities I tend to playing football, you know I'm not good at it but I enjoy it. All of those things help me a lot, help me stay in discipline, discover from my study ... I love it


I’m really into binge watching videos of Keith on YouTube. No sooner had i seen through his video for the first time, i was attracted and decided to subscribe his channel. If my memory serves, I think i’ve followed him for about 1 year. The way he lectures is brilliant which provides not only guidelines to improve comprehensive English skills but also an insight into the culture. On top of that, his enthusiasm has inspired me to be more confident in practicing English. Thank Keith for all, hope to see your next video


My brother studied languages at the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center in
California. The pace of study was intense. Students had to master the language course in 36-64 weeks. Psychologically it was very difficult, but fortunately he was helped by Yuriy Ivantsiv's book "Polyglot Notes. Practical tips for learning foreign languages”. The book " Polyglot Notes" became a desk book for my brother, because it has answers to all the problems that any student of a foreign language has to face. Thanks to the author of the channel for this interesting video! Good luck to everyone who studies a foreign language and wants to realize their full potential!


You're just freaking good! I wish I had had a teacher like you at school when I was younger, but at least I have u here on the tube. It's a pleasure to watch your videos :)
I got band 8.5 thanks to your lessons. Keep working!


Got the score i needed just by always watching u and applying your strategies! Should speak naturally and confident. Good luck to everyone! Thank u so so much sir keith! All the best


Due to the nature of my work, constant preoccupation, and the quest for continuous learning, I don't get up to much of things.
usually, I like to swim three times per week, or on Fridays sometimes. I'm fond of listening to music. Also, I'm into learning new things every day: English, Piano, Coding, and more...
For example, the last Saturday, I dabbled in cooking lunch for my family.
As I said earlier, I often swim. Before, I couldn't do it, so I almost drowned once. And because I love failure and love to cope with it, I decided to have a go at swimming especially when I moved to an area with a training pool near my house. Now, I am almost good at it.
I find that swimming helps me kick back, be more productive and get into shape. also, it allows me to hang out with new friends. It's quite a nice way to enjoy and benefit.
Finally, swimming has a calming effect and it's really therapeutic.


I get up a lot of things, In my free time I like going to gym, train my body and becoming the strongest version of myself and also I am crazy about watching you and learning something new every day!!


I get up to a lot of things lately. Mostly indoor and creative activities like dancing. I am passionate about dancing. I dance whenever I get a chance as it is one of the things that I always wanted to do since I was young. So I decided to have a go at dancing. It just helps me not only into the good mood but also to get into shape as there’s many body movements. It’s a great stress buster.


Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I study a lot of things from your lesson. I'm fond of studying English on your channel. It helps me improve English skills. I appreciate you.


Keith, my heartfelt thanks for a great, helpful presentation and enlightening speech. You are amazing at what you teach.your friendly, always happy, funny and dedication is beyond words. On a scale from 1 to 10, you are an 11. Educate people is the greatest act of kindness and compassion.


I get up to a lot of different things . I’m passionate about playing basketball . I play basketball as often as i can, i decided to try my hand at playing basketball before 1 month . I found it so interesting . It allows me to meet up with friends. It’s quite a nice way to socialize


I am very aware of my life goals. I always like to spend my free time on self development. So I instructed myself to incorporate my English learning into my spare time. Currently I feel fortunate to see, watching English podcasts of YouTube is in my hobby. Which allowed me to immerse myself in the vast world of English education within relax.


It undoubtedly is a great, great lesson, my dear teacher! Congratulations for such a good lesson and, off course for your work helping so many people that for some reasons couldn't afford paying an English course.


I get up to a lot of things. I just walk around my garden and do necessary stuff at that particular time. I also glance at my gallery and choose a good photo and start to edit and I’man amateur in photography and photo editing. I even go outdoors and play badminton with my friends in our society. Being indoors, I love watching NEWS/Read a newspaper during my free time.


Thank you for the lesson: I regularly read. I decided to have a go at reading because many successful people encouraged me to start to read. So, I’ve been reading for about a year now. It allows me to just relax and unwind after my work. On top of that, it has a calming affect on me.


Thank you so so much Mr Keith, I just received my result test. I got 8 in the listening section and 7.5 overall. I followed your teaching religiously. Thank you so much Sir.


Hi Keith, I frequently follow up your videos and I apply throught writing and speaking practices, thanks for sharing your piece of advice with generosity. I dont get up a lot of things. When I was a child, I enjoy watching documentaries and then I used to write about them like a brief because I dreamed to be a writer, nevetheless I studied something related to (I am a psychologist) :) Currently, I am fond of running nearby home, I try to do regularly at least twice a week, . I find that it helps me to chill out and stay in shape :) I lost 5 kgs :) I promise to practise more. Finally, I dabble in cooking dessert, I am not fan at all... Thanks Keith again


I successfully passed the English language exam for a visa. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your videos helped me quickly prepare for the exam at Trinity College. I fell in love with English thanks to you. I want to speak as well as you, so I want to learn from you online.
