PHREAK should NOT be receiving hate 😤

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Your content makes Toplane so much less depressing. Thank u man


Vel'Koz players: Do anything except buff his passive please
Phreak: Nah y'all stupid and give bad critiques *buffs passive*


He’s not getting hate for the riven comments. It’s the “by the way you can just type Karthus ult” is what he said.


The Vel'Koz situation is VASTLY different from this 😅
The hate is well deserved


The take on her AD scaling so accurate. Anytime a riven builds these health based mythics, they miss out on applying kill pressure because her ult relies heavily on getting the opponent down to execute range. Sure she can survive due to her shield, mobility and cc, but she just doesn't do well in late game situations against a champ like Jax.

She definitely does better with at least a 1 item lead.


Phreak deserves at least a little of the hate, he's a terrible person to have as your line of communication with your community. He'll say things like "We got no useful feedback about Vel'Koz" when people like Azapp are pointing at the giant mountains of real feedback the Vel'Koz community has posted, reddit posts, videos, forum posts... and then coming in and saying "Yeah there's no Vel'Koz E bug, you guys clearly don't know what you're talking about", ignoring that Vel'Koz players have been talking about it for YEARS.

Rather than giving us in-roads to show him what we're talking about, he just says "You guys are just dumb" and moves on like that changes anything. We wouldn't hate him for being condescending (I mean he plays league of legends, what did you expect) ... but he's also often demonstrably wrong while he's talking down to us.


I agree with your title regarding this topic, but there are some comments he's made that were very disrespectful to other champion main communities, like Vel'Koz. So he isn't cleared across the board and shouldn't receive ANY hate, he does have some coming to him if he's going to be disrespectful. Which isn't right or correct, but League players in my experience have a hard time letting those kinds of things go.


Imho, and I only play Riven occasionally, her problem is being an AD Caster skirmisher with no sustain that's also really dependent on AD. Aatrox, for example, also an AD caster skirmisher(+juggernaut?) gets a lot of "free damage" plus innate healing, meaning he can go for AD + HP/resistance items without losing a lot of damage. Skirmishers are naturally vulnerable due to their kits, thus the need for bruiser items.


Honestly True, I have a hard time playing Riven in general but I always do good when I am an entire item and a half ahead. Anytime I'm even I never do good.


As much as I disagree with a lot of Phreak's takes, I think that what he meant by "sharply scaling" wasn't actually that she scales well into the late game. Rather, I think he meant that Riven spikes *extremely* hard from her AD scaling; ie, a Riven spikes harder off of a Pickaxe than almost any other Champion with a Pickaxe.


I think the new items from what i've seen could solve a lot of the issues riven has early. Brutalizer is coming back with lethality, cdr, ad so it would be a solid component purchase to where you can hold it and then maybe build other items before finishing it.


Champ literally has 210% scaling on q, 110% on w, 100% on e, 60% on passive, and a 25%BONUS ad on r and you gonna sit here and say she dosnt scale well? Those are absolutely insane ratios for a champ with base stats/stat growth per lvl like hers… 😂


I think a lot of the hate Phreak gets is over his attitude and the fact that he's in the spotlight with game design decisions. He's the only one on the champion balance team that has a comment section people can complain in.

He still dedicates hours out of his week going over every single new patch, every PBE patch, and larger changes he works on. That level of communication is something League has needed for a long time.


If they want to make riven a champion that went with the bruiser items they have to give her some form of sustain but i feel like that just makes her a shittier aatrox. the other route they could give her some form of armor penetration like armor break on her w or something idk


Riven players telling you their champ has been underpowered for 10 years while dominating every single season in high ranks


I was wondering what if they add something to her passive autos like armor pen or healing
Idk I play singed


"The problem also with this is that for example Goredrinker, Divine Sunderer. These bruiser mythics they build health instead of raw ad. That is also why it's kind of awkward for Riven, she needs to go these lethality more so assassin mythics instead of being able to go for those bruiser mythics." If they made a bruiser item that just gave raw ad and haste it wouldn't be a bruiser mythic. We already have that item in the game its called eclipse (and ravenous hydra kind of). I guess you could make another assassin item and just give it a health gain effect but eclipse is pretty damn close. I do not understand what item you could even hypothetically make that would fit the criteria better than eclipse and ravenous.


Even if she doesn't scale for a 1v1 situation vs most other strong top layers she is still far more deadly in a team fight situation played correctly so that would argue she scaled just as hard if not more significantly than others. Thank you


i think riven is an outdated champion who needs a mini-rework or some type of new passive on her abilities. as it stands, she needs to do a lot more work to achieve the same level of effectiveness as other bruiser champions, all of whom are more reliable and arguably better than riven at performing the same job.


Riven is just chronically physical damage. You're always thinking about only AD and armor penetration. You're also looking to deal consistent physical damage in a skirmisher style, instead of chunking someone with a hit and run style. She has potential as a Sheen user, but her main agency is to mow you down with Q's woven with autos. She is highly countered with armor and she doesn't have much hybrid damage potential. Her problem is the lack of versatility and her general gameplay goals are predictable, while her skill expression tries to fight against that predictability.
