What the hell is the Metaverse?

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The Metaverse, a new digital frontier, the next step in the human/digital interface, a new world, a new reality for everyone!

or, a massive soulless corporate attempt to homogenise every franchise together in the pursuit of the world biggest marketing demographic?

The metaverse is a buzzword, no more real than the matrix, the grid from Tron, or whatever lawnmower man had.

The footage of Fortnite is not me playing, that's my editor Visa, I'm not that good at Fortnite.

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My biggest takeaway from this is that the metaverse is literally nothing being promised as everything.


The metaverse fantasy: "Everything works with everything else" The reality: companies still can't agree on using the same charging plug on mobile phones.


“We are the metaverse. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your business will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.”


Metaverse is a process of getting people used to this new world where EVERY aspect of their life will be monetized. By others.


The term 'Metaverse' is a term coined in an early 90s book called Snow Crash, and its concept in the book is more or less the same as how its being used today. And, ironically enough, Snow Crash is a futuristic, corporate dystopian nightmare, lmao.


Also we've seen this before, but by another name: "appealing to a wider audience". That's really all this is. The problem is, is that when you appeal to everyone, you appeal to no one. When nothing feels special or unique, then why should anyone bother outside of their actual interests? This is either gonna crash and die immediately, or get huge super fast then fall off a cliff.


Corporations: "what can we ruin today?"

"How about we take those special events where we occasionally cross over with other corporations proprietary media, sparking great joy, and instead of doing it 'occasionally', we do it all the time rendering the event boring and commonplace"

This is how I'll view the Metaverse


We're reaching a point now where companies no longer market their products to paying customers, but instead, to each other. Anytime you see a bunch of rich companies spending millions of advertising dollars to market vague corporate buzzwords, you just know something is wrong.


So what I'm getting from this is that I'll be saving a lot of money by just getting into all the fun games, movies, music and literature I missed in the past 50 years and not buying into any of this forced metaverse crap. Sounds about right.


Fantastic video. Hope this will shake some heads, especially over LinkedIn, where people blindly jumps on bandwagons because "its new"


The amount this shit has been pushed into the public's face, without ever wanting or asking for it, should be a massive red flag to everyone.


I’ve noticed that when the techbros pushing Metaverse imagine a VR escape where anything is possible, the player avatars and world assets look bland and downright fugly.

But when artists imagine that same VR escape, the imagination runs wild. It actually looks like a digital world you’d want to be apart of. Compare the world of U from the movie “Belle” and Metaverse and tell me which one you want.


Unsurprisingly Zuck looks more human in the MetaVerse than in real life.


Between the Metaverse and NFTs, this really is the age of companies pushing shit that consumers don't want, but the returns are so risk/cost free that they're determined to force them on us.


The Metaverse is nothing short of connecting your real I.D. with everything you do online. The Metaverse is just short hand for ending online anonymity.


The metaverse perfectly captures what I don’t like about the corporate internet. It’s a soulless and sterile. I miss the flash games we’d all play in class rather than working. Or just finding hidden gems that stayed with you for years. I remember when I first stumbled across the SCP foundation and how much fun that was. It’s harder to find that stuff when it’s all just corporate and wants your money


Oh god... I didn't want anything to do with the Metaverse considering Facebook's shoddy track record in general but finding out it's basically a project by corporations to, essentially, trap you in a giant ad staring every franchise you've ever known that never ends & you don't have the option to skip... Yeah, im definitely staying the hell way from anything with "metaverse"

Last thing I want is ending up in a real life version of The Emoji Movie/Wreck-it-Ralph 2 where Naruto, Freddy Fazbear, & Kratos are chasing me down in VR to get me to buy something from Amazon... Or more incidents like FF15's Cup Noodle questline in literally every franchise I've known


I know someone who was in at Amazon a few years ago. Back when Amazon was "trying" to do drone delivery, it was known that it would be impossible from multiple points of view (logistical, political, you name it). I asked why they would release videos and advertisements about it, knowing full well that it wasn't going to go anywhere.

It was to get the media to talk about the drones instead of some other mishap. The entire world started talking about drone delivery for years, and still do, and nobody has a clue what the 'mishap' was.

The same is true for Facebook and Metaverse. Facebook knew the stocks were going to plummet, they knew they were limiting their growth well before anyone else did. So what did they do? Create this "metaverse" to get everyone hooked on the idea of it, specifically to have people talking about it instead of something else.


I'm almost old enough to be a "Boomer", I am computer literate, but never worked in any technological industry, and could tell you what the "BULLSH!T METAVERSE" was the first time companies started spewing this crap everywhere.
If you are under 70, and needed this video to explain it to you...

Simple rules in life:

If a corporation says "You Need a Thing"... you don't. They need your money
If a Politician says "You Need a Thing"... you don't. They need your mindless approval.
If your boss says "They cannot afford to give you something" They mean: They don't have to, so piss off.


The metaverse is massive tech company's desire to sell you real estate, but online, where there is infinite amounts of it for them but not for you.
