CGI Animated Short Film: 'Twin Sparks' by Ollie Yao, Heather Yun | CGMeetup
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Sam, a child living in the forest, has a fire spirit inside of them. They feel safe letting out that fire spirit in the safety of their cave. Suddenly, the fire spirit breaks free, and becomes a mirror version of themselves.
Sam must chase down the fire spirit before it sets the forest on fire, and manages to finally corner them on the edge of a lake. Dismayed by the hostility Sam is directing at it, the fire spirit offers to jump in the lake, if it would make Sam happier. Sam tacitly agrees, until they realize that letting the fire spirit die would mean an important part of themselves died with them.
Sam grabs the fire spirit before they can jump in the water, and they reunite and become one again.
Twin Sparks is a 3D animated short film directed by Ollie Yao and Heather Yun, produced at the School of Visual Arts in the 3D Animation and Visual Effects program and completed in May 2023.
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CGI Animated Short Film: "Twin Sparks" by Ollie Yao, Heather Yun | CGMeetup
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