'Creating Balance' – A Handstand Online Course Trailer

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Often, out of great respect, people avoid the handstand - but often without a justified reason. What looks like a difficult circus trick on the outside, is in reality a movement that is not so difficult to learn with the right instructions. Step by step you will approach the target movement (free standing handstand) in this online course and learn about what really matters.

If you want to learn the handstand, there is no way around training the body in many ways: strengthening the body's core, body awareness and balance, overcoming mental blockages, risk management and fall school, confidence and improving mobility, especially overhead. There is no prefabricated way: many variations allow individual progress and problem solving - there will always be possibilities to make the exercises easier or more difficult. At the end of the course you will have received enough tools to practice independently and sustainably by your self.

Each week, in addition to the practical exercises, there is a short video lecture in which theoretical background knowledge is conveyed. You will also be provided with sufficient strength and flexibility exercises - we attach great importance to good preparation. This course is in English!



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