What men find most attractive in women | Jordan Peterson and Louise Perry

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What a woman can say is, “I’m sorry. You’re not my husband.” And then leave it at that.


Even as a guy, I don't have much patience for people that insist on testing my boundaries. So if I ever do come up against another person's boundaries, I make every reasonable effort to not test them. Anyone who can't take no for an answer is not someone to associate with.


As a Christian, I really had no problem saying no. I did get into dangerous situations because I was naive and thought they cared about ME. Ha! I met a man who was as convinced as I was to wait until marriage. Been married 42 years today!


You know what is atractive to me as a women? Men who are not testing the thickness of my bounderies


I see a lot of comments on how a woman can say no and yada yada and how that’s attractive but I’ll tell you nothing was more attractive to me than my husband after our first kiss telling me he will always respect me. Then letting me know he wants to wait until marriage, which I had also wanted that. We did wait and we have an incredibly strong and wonderful marriage. Self control and commitment, wonderful qualities for both men and women.


About 6 months into my relationship with my partner we spoke about sex and he expressed that he was ready to make that commitment. I said I wasn’t and he simply told me that it was not an issue and that instead of asking me or bringing it up constantly in the future, it would just be up to me. I think that’s important. Not that women say no and that men constantly test their boundaries, but that 2 people who love each other communicate and neither pressure the other.


Louise Perry and JP. A meeting of two really fine minds 😊


The single biggest predictor of success is the ability to postpone reward.

The biggest prize is a beautiful woman with plenty of admirers who is able to just say no to all of them until the right one comes along.

It's not "sleeping with every person I like because it feels good and I don't care what anyone thinks".


I am of the opinion, it is one thing to get caught up in the moment and initially test a boundary, but if you have made your boundaries clear, and someone keeps insistently testing that boundary and trying to cross it, they don’t respect you. This for me applies to friendships as well, not just romantic relationships.


I think this only applies to sophisticated men.

Immature boys stuck in adult bodies tend to throw tantrums/silent treatment when you say "no" to them.


A woman who has a good heart is more valuable than anything else that they have to offer.


I met a guy at university in my first year and we made friends. He tried a few times and I would set the boundaries. I was only interested in being friends. I’d accept hang-outs that involved causal things, grabbing a beer or studying with a group of people. That kind of thing. I wouldn’t accept anything that could be misconstrued as a date. Anyway, awhile ago he was asking advice for asking out a girl that we both knew. I knew she wasn’t interested but obviously didn’t want to straight up tell him that, that was her job. He would text her constantly and she would always make excuses not to go on dates, take days to reply to him, etc, but she was always really nice about it. So nice in fact, that he still believed he had a chance. Eventually I just thought I’d save him the pain of waiting for a girl that clearly wasn’t interested, I told him that she was probably just too damn nice to hurt his feelings with a loud and clear NO. He told me he “likes that she’s so passive” 🤮 and that’s the kind of girl he wants to marry. I had to stop being friends with him


That's because the boundary tells young men, "There's a real prize behind that boundary, something you ought to see if you can come up to." And that excites them, and gets them going in projects to impress the sophisticated woman. And that's actually very interesting to men, and a good incentive for them to come up to their best, as well.


If a man is testing the thickness of my boundaries he is not a man he is a predator and he’s trying to trespass. A real man respects a woman’s no.


I'd say that the most attractive thing to an honest decent man would be to be with an honest decent attractive woman who has self respect and loves and respects her man. I'm just traditional so that's that.


My mother and I were just talking about this issue. I was brought up in a culture (raised as a Baptist in the south) that taught girls it was their job to set up the boundaries when it comes to sex because men can't control themselves. Yes, a woman should be able to say no. But it is also a man's job as the leader and protector to lead a woman out of temptation, not lead her into it for the purpose of testing her boundaries. Women would more naturally fall into a role of respecting the man they are with if he proved that he was trustworthy, leading her in a Godly way and after her respect, not playing silly games like this.


Any man who "tests the thickness of boundaries" and is hypnotized by a woman's ability to say "no", will immediately start testing boundaries of other women, as soon as this one lets down her guard and opens up to him. To hell with that. A woman needs a man who's psychologically mature and has emotional empathy. Everything else is a matter of personal preference and taste. Don't let any jordan peterson on social media or anywhere else convince you otherwise.


Not just the pill, but loss of traditional Christian practice made it more and more difficult to say no. In the past, 'I might get pregnant, ' and 'I'm saving myself for marriage' were both powerful tool available to women. Now all they've got is 'I don't really like you, ' which is mean and requires a certain cold-heartedness to be able to say.


I made it crystal clear that my first kiss would be my husband, and the day that was guaranteed would be our actual wedding day. My now-husband only had the deepest respect for that boundary and ultimately for me for the nearly 3 years we dated. A high value man needs no excuses or fears about pregnancy, they just need to see a woman who believes in herself and holds high standards. Not to keep a man away or force him to jump through hoops, but to establish a standard of respect and regard. A man is literally willing to die for a woman who reserves herself for him. And yes, we kissed on our wedding day.


The thing is we think we have to have a good reason to say no. But if we feel like saying no, we should just say it and leave it at that, without justifying it in order to make sure the other person does'nt feel hurt
