4 Key vitamins for depression and anxiety: are you missing these vital nutrients?

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Interested in resolving depression and anxiety naturally?

In this video we discuss 4 vitamins for depression and anxiety (vitamins good for depression/ vitamin for anxiety). We cover topics such as
vitamin d for depression, vitamin d for anxiety, vitamin c for depression, depression and b12 and folate for depression (folate and depression). Supplements for anxiety are very helpful if they treat the specific deficiency that you have. If you are interested in vitamins for anxiety and vitamins for depression then subscribe to my YouTube channel. I discuss the best supplements for depression, vitamins to help anxiety, blood testing, diets for mood, hormonal imbalances and genetic weaknesses.

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*Dr Janelle Sinclair received her PhD in biochemistry from the University of Basel, Switzerland in 2003. Her use of "doctor" or "Dr." in relation to herself solely refers to that degree. Dr Janelle is a licensed natural health practitioner in New Zealand. The content contained in this video is strictly the opinion of Dr Janelle Sinclair, and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr Sinclair and you. Dr Janelle nor Conscious Health Ltd are not liable or responsible for any possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content should seek advice from a physician or qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or interactions of supplements with medications. This description may contain affiliate links.
Рекомендации по теме

1. B-12
2. Folate / B-9
3. Vitamin D
4. Vitamin C


Vitamin b12, folate. Vitamin d. Vitamin c a reminder to myself 😊


I suffered anxiety and panic attacks for about 2 months now. I take multivitamins, vitamin d and drink chamomile tea in the morning and 30-45 minutes before bedtime. Idk why but it really helped me a lot with my anxiety it is like 90% better than before.


Anxiety is fear of the future, depression is fear from the past.


My depression is almost gone once I started taking vitamin D and B 12 Thankyou !!!!


I started taking omega 3 and multivitamins and 3 weeks before, my anxiety and depression has decreased drastically.


When I was a newmomI had an older friend that told me how much Niacinhelps the brain if you are prone to any mood disorders. She never took her kids to the doctors because she studied Prevention and only treated with good nutrition and home remedies. She inspired me!Her kids were healthy!


Honestly, as soon I separated myself from my husband my anxiety and depression have vanished. I no longer have depression or anxiety now that I am no longer with my spouse and I am working on filing for divorce next!


For me personally B12+Folate, B1, B6, B3, B2, Biotin, B5 and Potassium, Vitamin C, Zinc, Copper, Sodium, Magnesium are extremely helpful, especially when I take them 2 times a day sometimes 3 times a day due to stress and autistic burnouts.


Thank you for speaking on this. Most doctors would never acknowledge this.


Jesus christ is the cure of anxiety and depression


Omg my tongue has been really sore! I’m overly anxious and I pray and read my Bible daily and could not understand why I wasn’t getting victory over anxiety. Wow it’s a vitamin deficiency


i've started taking more vitamin C vitamins since my space isn't best suited for leaving fruit on the counters.
my depression left me like a fog in early morning valley!


Thank you DrJanelle you are a truly blessed DR . My primary Dr ask me why am I taking so much vitamins but she’s ready to put me on prescriptions drugs with so much side effects . It’s so hard for me to trust any Drs but you so blessed by teaching us the truth


Very helpful. I've found Vitamin B12 one of the most important for me. Took note of the others, too. God bless you xx


I was diagnosed with Vestibular Migraine after 5 years of dizziness and a balance problem. Doctor said I did not have vertigo and sent me to do rehab which made absolutely no difference. Here I am 2 1/2 years later and have discovered my symptoms are similar to Vit B12 deficience and magnesium!!! Going to doctor on Wednesday to have her order glucose tolerance since I have serious shaky feelings on occasion which last weekend started when my little dog woke me up crying. He does have a heart murmer but after xrays, a heartworm test thankfully he's ok...vet put him on a med for his heart but I've been a shaking mess every since, got sick enough at work Saturday and have been out all week, very shaky.... so this is some great info...hopefully getting Vit B12 injections might do the trick... taking magnesium too... and now that Fauci has been caught, maybe everyone can calm down and get the antedote for those horrific shots.


I've sturggled with social anxiety for 13 years I'm going to try to see if this will help me.


I am low on vitamin d, folic acid & b12! I will start my supplements today! Thank you!


Vitamin b6, magnesium glycinat and zinc litteraly vanished my social anxiety . These stuff is no joke take it seriously guys plz !


Then why Psychiatrist prescribe only Antidepressants and not Vitamins and Supplements???
I think they are not Sincere with Patients
