5 ways to make losing weight easier #weightlosstips #fatlosstips

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My name is Adam Wright and I'm on a mission to help you break free from the constraints of diet culture and find true freedom in your relationship with food and fitness.

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For me, it was accepting that some days in weight loss will not always be a good day. Say I fell off the bandwagon, simply saying to myself: "Yes today wasn't a good day but tommarow is a new day and you get to try again."


"Say yes to moving more" is a great mantra. I'm always glad to find short, resonant phrases that I can use for motivation.


I'm 17 and have struggled with being overweight for the past 3 years. In the past 3 months I've lost 25lbs thanks to your encouragement! Biggest tip for people like me who are so scared to have "cheat days" It's fine to treat yourself every one in a while, not too often and not going overboard is key, but it will not halt your progress.


Moving more is the hardest part. As my body is used to my everyday activity and no matter my diet I remain the same weight. So after a clean bill of health I have been given the thumbs up for any exercise I want. With that in mind moving more has become my goal!


Learning to acknowledge the positives no matter how small has helped me a lot. Previously I would have a very all or nothing mindest, if I ran 5km it should have been 10km in the half the time, if I ate a few cookies I've failed because I shouldn't eat any cookies, etc. Thinking like that just made me feel like nothing I did was good enough. Now if I do 5km I think "better than 0km" or if I eat a few cookies I think "better than the whole pack". It's really encouraging.


This has been so helpful for me. After watching this video the first time I started keeping a diary and realized how often I was putting off real food and just snacking until I became over hungry and binged. I'm now taking the time to eat something with nutrients when I feel hungry rather than put it off.


I eat one big meal. But when I eat my body rushes to keep it as fat because ot thinks it will start starving next time. My goal is to move around. I will do treadmill to make me feel like I am walking as s role model as motivation.


The last one is the one that I needed to hear ❤ Thanks, Adam...your content has helped me a lot!


Ig the hardest part for me is realizing that just because you had a bad day of eating, or didn’t work out, it doesn’t mean that all your progress is lost. I like to tell myself that i can’t lose weight overnight, neither can I gain it back overnight.


Love these tips. Would also add that it's okay to stumble little bit. If you go a day or two without sticking to those healthier habits, it's okay, you can always do better tomorrow.


another tip is to not lose track of your goal if you’re injured.


Sounds nice) I like the motivation and the idea of self love you give and your way of simplifying this stuff.
The only downside is that all I see is about weight loss. Any advice for weight gain?


You also forgot to include focusing on non weight Related gains such as sleeping better, Being less winded when going upstairs, being able to enjoy what you like to do more, having mire sustained energy through your day, reducing dependence on medication for symptom management/ getting better blood test results ( under medical supervision of course)


I'm so in love with your shorts❤ maybe you can tell us also about ED recovery?


I always feel so bad after an evening of snacking. Then I remember myself that I had Snack days before, I overate sometimes and even binged and still lost weight. There are slip up’s, but we should allow ourself to just enjoy them and get back on track after!


Got protein bars for my walks with my service dog in training AJ! I am able to walk with him for an hr now 🎉🎉


The only time I had to be patient was in 2019 because of my metabolism being slow not too slow but slow and now my metabolism is extremely slow and I’m trying to be patient but it’s hard when you’re trying to do it the healthy way by doing a calorie deficit and working out until I feel tired but it hasn’t even been 1 minute and I get tired. Before I could do a whole two hours and fourteen minutes but now it’s not even a minute.

Another tip could be that you could have a friend or a relative with you at the gym to distract you from worrying about your appearance and still do your workout.

Does excess skin go away if you’re about around 12-13 stones because it did work a long time ago but it’s been a few years and I’m just concerned because I’ve seen videos of people who had to get surgery if their excess skin didn’t go away after they lost weight and I’m not trying to get another body surgery because of having an appendix surgery a few years ago.


I need this but for keeping the weight off lol


Being patient is the hardest part for me. If I don't see that number move on the scale I want to give up and go have a double helping of macaroni
