entitled bridezillas that can take this L - REACTION

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entitled bridezillas that can take this L - REACTION

Hey guys, it's Charlotte Dobre here and in today's video, I'm going to be talking about something that's been on my mind lately: dealing with a sister who's turned into a bridezilla!

As someone who's been a bridesmaid more times than I can count, I know how stressful weddings can be. But when your own sister is the one getting married and she's acting like a total diva, things can get even more challenging.

In this video, I'm going to be sharing my personal experiences and some tips on how to handle a bridezilla sister. From dealing with her demands and tantrums to navigating family drama, I've got you covered.

I'll also be sharing some stories from other bridesmaids who've had similar experiences and some of the craziest things they've had to deal with.

So, if you're currently dealing with a bridezilla sister or if you just want to be prepared for the possibility, make sure you tune in to this video. And don't forget to leave a comment below sharing your own experiences and tips on how to handle a bridezilla!

#entitledbridezilla #entitled #bridezillas #sideeye #wedding #bride #groom #justmarried #reaction #charlottedobreio #react #reactionchannel #charlottedobreio #charlottedobre

If you want to submit a story anonymously, you can do so using the following links:
**DISCLAIMER** Due to a high volume of submissions, there is no guarantee that we will feature your story in a video. By submitting your story, you give me, Charlotte Dobre, the right to feature it in a video.

Hi, I'm Charlotte Dobre. I'm an actor, reactor, singer and sometimes (not really) comedian. On this channel I do reactions, commentary and occasionally I make a joke or two. I love poking fun at social media, weddings, entitled people, tiktok and OF COURSE petty people. I upload daily, usually 7 days a week, unless life gets crazy or I get lazy. Come hang out, it's a good time.


Edited By Now Creatives

Produced by: Vanessa Peprah-Addo

End screen song:
Defunk - (Feat. Charlotte Dobre, Sam Klass)
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Psoriasis sufferer here! As someone who is attending a wedding next weekend, that second story hit hard! Finding a dress that covered up active patches/plaques is so hard. That's one way to quickly end a friendship. Applause to that boyfriend - way to support your girlfriend and have her back!


For the final story OP had been engaged for weeks and the step-family knew that, if she did not wear the ring it would have caused a bigger scene of people asking where the ring is; or them assuming that something is wrong in her relationship and that she is not wearing the ring because she is upset.


I’m so sick of this totalitarian authority people think they get when they get married. Having a wedding does not mean that everyone becomes your puppets to play with and force compliance on them. They are your guests not your pawns.


As someone with psoriasis, I feel sad for that lady who got singled out about her psoriasis. It's not like you can control it. Glad she has a beautiful partner. 🥰


"Comparison is the enemy of happiness" ....that is SO true, great word, Charlotte!!


My parents got married during the Great Depression. My father couldn't afford an engagement ring and barely could afford the wedding ring. On their 25th anniversary, he bought my mother a beautiful engagement ring. She had told him that the plain wedding ring was the most precious piece of jewelry she owned.


I was 7 months pregnant at my cousin's wedding and tried to politely decline being in the family photos. She sweetly said that she wanted to remember me being there, and my pregnant belly had nothing to do with who I was to her. Way to make a pregnant lady cry at a wedding 😉


The best aesthetic in wedding photos is having ALL your loved ones, and all of them having huge smiles.


When did the "aesthetic" of a wedding become more important than spending a fun day full of love with family and friends?


The brother who left with his husband didn’t “ruin her day.” She ruined her day by being an absolute homophobe. As Charlotte always says, Actions Have Consequences.


I have never understood how getting married is permission to be a rude, self-centered, prima dona.


My wedding was such a whirlwind, I couldn't tell you what anyone wore much less how they looked. I think unless someone had worn white to my wedding, I was way too happy and busy to notice anything much less how someone's skin looked. God that bride is a witch.


As a person with psoriasis, it's definitely messed up that the so-called friend could be so calluose over something they can't control. There's a lot of stigma attached to psoriasis and it's really horrible how the friend reacted.


"Normalize being happy for other people! Stop comparing what you have to what someone else has. It doesn't help anybody. Comparison is the enemy of happiness."
Perfect statement.


That last story cracks me up! I love the line about the stepsister thinking OP was "upstaging her on her special day." Umm, it wasn't an engagement party for the newly engaged couple, it was a family holiday party that your SO happened to propose at! What do people do at family parties? They chat with all the people they haven't seen in a while and find out what major life events have happened. I don't think I have ever been to a large family party where people weren't talking about someone's promotion, new baby, graduation, new SO, weight loss, etc. A large family party is NEVER going to be just one person's special night! If that's what you want, plan a special event for the sole purpose of you proposing and celebrating the new engagement. Oh, but then you'd have to pay for the party instead of hijacking an already planned party. Never mind...


well said Charlotte, this is why we watch you. Your heart and soul are so beautiful.


If you were going to be upset over the size of the engagement ring, you have no business getting married. Getting engaged does not mean a large ring. It is the union of two people coming together, combining their families, and making a commitment to each other in front of the people they love.


That first story, the bride clearly just wanted to exclude her brother’s husband. It wasn’t about the “aesthetic” at all, you were right on the point. The younger sister made a good compromise, but the bride made it very clear that she didn’t want you there.


I love how step father is more on the side of the girl in the last story than her own mother. He's not a step dad, he's the father


Vanessa is really hitting the mark with her editing lately, it adds so much humor to the video!
