Can Humans Fly With Wings?

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Is it possible for humans / human / you to fly with a set of wings?

Humans have wing envy. For thousands of years, we’ve been dreaming up hare-brained schemes to fly like birds.
The ancient Greeks conjured up Icarus and Daedalus, who made wings from bird feathers, strings and wax.
Leonardo da Vinci put a little more thought into it, drafting plans for a mechanical winged contraption known as the ornithopter.

While 20th-century humans are perfectly capable of taking to the skies, there’s something intrinsically unsatisfying about doing so in an aluminum behemoth.
We still want to fly like birds — taking off under our own power and gliding effortlessly once we’re airborne.
After at least two millennia of thoughtful engineering, why are humans still trying to figure out individual flight?
Why can’t we strap on a set of wings and take off?
In this video, you will learn if it is possible for you / us / human / humans to fly with a set of wings.

Music: Space by Igor Dvorkin / Duncan Pittock / Ellie Kidd

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Who here has actually had dreams about flying and it was AMAZING; I have!


How to fix this!
Humans can't fly like birds.. We're too heavy and we have big butts and legs. We would need 24-28 foot wing span and our muscles can't flap something that big and we're still unbalanced as to weight distribution. That's why human winged flight always looks so cringy on film.. Nothing to keep that big butt and legs in the air. However this can be fixed.

Instead of two wings think four.

Keep that pair of wings coming off your upper back and add another set of wings on your hips. This way your back wings could be a 14' wingspan and your hip wings could be a 12'wingspan, giving you an overall lift area of a 26' wingspan. Also it would balance the load where the human weight is concentrated.

If you can genetically figure out how to grow wings on the back, why not grow them on the hips as well. Then give us a birdlike pulmonary system, some carbon nanotube shaped muscles (specific strength of up to 48, 000 kN·m·kg−1, compared to high-carbon steel's 154 kN·m·kg−1.)and we're soaring with the eagles...:)
Would we still be considered human? Maybe, maybe not, but we could still have a human brain.

Bring on that CRISPR CAS 9..

There are always people that tell you things cannot be done. Humans couldn't fly with planes not so long ago, professors said we would never break the sound barrier, and we will never go faster than the speed of light.. There have always been very smart, very educationally ensconced people who say it can't be done..

However there is this thing called paradigm shift, that eventually shuts them up.

College professors and scientists have to stay within theoretical parameters to keep their funding and/or their jobs.
The issue with accepted theories is they are thought of as the law...but that's only until a better theory comes along.
All of our present theories have brought us a long way, but they haven't even gotten us passed a zero type civilization on the Kardashev scale of I -V..(lol, another theory. but we're not even on the scale yet)

As advanced as we are, we still have no idea what we don't know. We think of scientists 200 years ago that were on the right track, but not quite there or completely wrong. What will scientists 200 years from now think of us? The important thing to remember is the questions we ask of science.

What kinds of questions would put us at V on the Kardashev scale, or let us soar like birds? Hopefully we can solve both, because that would be really cool, flying over blue palm trees on a planet in the Andromeda galaxy. You think that's science fiction, it is. Just like everything we do today that would have been thought of as pure nonsense just a hundred years ago.
Go back two hundred years before that, and we would all be burned at the stake for using witchcraft.

A discovery tomorrow could bring a paradigm shift. As long as we keep asking and stop saying that it can't be done, because it breaks some rule of theory that a group of people has accepted as law...

One of the old accepted theories was a flat earth, until it was proven to be round.. Of course now we know it's actually an oblate spheroid.. or so we think at this time, because that's just the three dimensions of it that we can detect with present technology.

Go with your dreams people.


It's theoretically possible to flap your way to glory. IF you build hyperlite and strong wings AND augment your strength with robotic exosuits


What about bionic arms? We can't achieve liftoff with our own human strength but what about achieving a bionic strength enhancer like partial exo-suits? If we use light but strong materials to build it and attach it to our arms, then we should be able to flap the wings with less effort on our part as human beings with lacking arm strength.


What people also may not know is birds have a special bone structure. They actually have holes in their bones. Crazy thought huh? It's part of the reason they are able to even lift themselves into flight.


am I the only person in my dreams to actually want to flap my wings like a bat?
Edit: OMG THANK YOU FOR ALL THE LIKES!!! Did I edit yet?


Isn't it supposed to be impossible for bees to fly, given their strength, size and weight, and yet they do? I'm just saying, bees managed it, maybe we can O.O


**makes giant wings out of light wood and sits in the back of a ute** *IM DETERMINED*


Lets just say we need hella huge wings, and we need to be extremely strong.


nothng is imposible..dnt stop believing your dream..i'm on my way to built my own wings..


What if we build an exoskeleton just for the back and arms and attach wings to it?That way we would have extra-strenght from the exoskeleton, and we could flap our wings with much less effort. Of course, powerful batteries would probably be required. But battery development is on the rise, with the appeareance of electric cars. I say it is doable in about 10-15 years.


Honestly I’d try to focus more on efficient wing gliding rather than powered flight


Why not use large wings made of light, but sturdy enough materials? or Why not take off as a plane does, but use wheels and a propulsion system to do so?

There is a video of a man using a parasailing parachute and a giant fan attached to his back to get into the air and glide around as much as he wants. He even flew to McDonalds this way. There is a video of a man who basically rode around on a giant drone as a hoverboard and flew around a lake. Point being that *self-sustained flight isnt impossible. We already have many of the tools to do so in our larger flying machines and devices. Just have to combine them in clever ways to make flight more personalized.*


Really I think it depends on the type of wings. Wings that are made for gliding would allow for a minimum amount of flapping to cause thrust. If anyone has any other things to add please do

Edit: Plus, it would also depend on whether you're flying with feathered wings or bat wings. It makes all the difference


Wouldn't it be possible to motorise some wings


Jet pack plus wings duh like falcon from civil war you said it jetpacks are right around the corner an the wings aren't rocket science you can make them just gonna be difficult


What about paramotor? It's the best and cheapest way to fly by your own.


Weight distribution is another major factor. Human bodies have their weight in different places to birds and bats, which would add to the complications.


Could we make robotic wings that could be worn? They would probably require a engine and a fuel source so my guess is no...


This video makes some fantastic points! The one about the power required goes up with the square of the added weight for instance. My experiments show it is actually a bit less than that. There is however a human powered ornithopter that maintained a level flight for quite a few seconds, though it was pulled into the air initially. It was called the Snowbird and had about a 120 foot wingspan. There was also a human powered helicopter that flew for over a minute, made by the same group. Also, there are human powered airplanes that have flown for long distances, also using very large wing spans. If you click on my channel icon the the left, you can see an ion propelled aircraft with no moving mechanical parts, that lifts its power supply!
