Vegetarians, watch this: The Science of Vitamin B12

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In this video, we explore the crucial role of Vitamin B12 in maintaining nerve health and producing red blood cells. B12 is a nutrient missing in plant-based diets. While traditional Indian vegetarian diets are rich in most micronutrients, they typically lack Vitamin B12, leading to widespread deficiencies. Historically, these deficiencies have been overlooked and we have simply managed to live with it thanks to dairy/milk products providing a small amount. But, with modern understanding, there's a clear opportunity to enhance our wellbeing through supplementation or fortified foods. Dive into the science behind B12, its significance, and practical ways to ensure adequate intake, especially for those on vegetarian or vegan diets

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My mom is 81 years old and is a pure vegetarian, no eggs. She also consumes very little milk. Her B12 has always been at very good levels, in the high 500s. She does eat a lot of fermented foods like idli, dosa etc as well as curds and buttermilk. I am also pure vegetarian and have sufficient B12. I don’t eat as much fermented foods or dairy as my mom does and am still good, in the high 300s. My husband who grew up as a non-vegetarian and has been vegetarian (with a similar diet to mine) for the last 15 years struggles to maintain his B12 levels without supplementation. Perhaps each body’s absorption capability and adaptability also contributes to this.


I am a vegetarian and i had b12 deficiency. Then i started having fermented rice daily and i checked b12 after a month, my deficiency is gone without having supplements.


From Cobalt that's mined in Congo for batteries, to the Cobalt essential to every living animal, and finally to the Cobalt, a metal that can only be produced when a star undergoes a massive supernova explosion. Wow, what a beautiful story telling!!! Kudos🤯


The newest vegetarian B12 is in fermented foods and mango seed powder.


Video misses on an important fact that B12 absorption is based on Intrinsic Factor. B12 deficiency is quite common even among meat eaters who consume it quite often. The best option is to take sublingual supplements or b12 injections that avoid the gut route altogether.


Myself beging a Vegan. I had B12 deficiency and it has troubled me a lot over years and medication was not helping me a lot .At last with help of my friend i came to know eating raw mango seed powder had helped me to overcome this problem within a short span of time.This has neen teated and proved by a Punjab University


I have had nerve probs upon suddenly leaving non veg foods, vit b12 deficiency kicked in after 2-3 yrs, not causing anemia but directly impacting nerves. I did lots and lots research and then understood how to cure myself. I did vit b12 shots even by myself sometimes, then later resorted with sub lingual tabs weekly once, which is enough now. I have literally tons of research on vit b12 for past 10 yrs. All of what krishashok is saying is 100% true. I would still supplement not because I am still vegetarian (avoid eggs too), because food is not enough to top up this vitamin or it's not well observed. Also, you see anyways all foods are supplemented with vit b12 by factories and agencies even the poultry. So it is better to take directly from tabs/supplement. Hats off to you Krish. Perfect video.. Addresses all vit b12 prob.. It is game changer only if people understand and take action.
One last statement - if you have enough vit b12 and vit D, you will be happy mostly, can avoid most type of depressions. You have perfected the art of conveying the concept with lovely story telling


I Started taking B12 shots since last 5 years. I take it once a quarter. Its completely changed my sleep and energy and my memory has improved. My gut was not absorbing oral supplements.


I’ve been a vegetarian for 15 years now. I don’t consume Yogurt. However I consume Bragg’s Nutritional Yeast everyday for breakfast which is fortified with B12. My B12 level is 550 pg/ml. Vegetarians absolutely need B12 supplementation.


Now you have a competitor vegan, mango seed powder.
Fully loaded with vitamin B12.
This is the pickle which saved people from the deficiency.
Now it's your turn to answer..


I have B12 and iron deficiency. I used to feel lethargic and had heart palpitations frequently. My levels were half the recommended values. I started supplementing with ferrous gylcinate and magnesium gylcinate and B12(1500mg). Now I feel energetic and calm.


I recently got over a severe deficiency and would suggest folks to take it very seriously. It's also notoriously difficult to get proper diagnosis. The usual serum B12 tests are necessary but not sufficient (you can be deficient even when serum b12 is high). Better to get tested for MMA or Homocysteine as they tend to be higher if there's a deficiency. Also when you're taking b12 supplements, you'll need to take enough B9 (folate) and b complex in general as they tend to work on unison (cofactors). There are multiple forms of b12 in supplements and it's usually in the form of cyanocobalamin which is not the bio available form. It's better to take methylcobalamin.


by the way I was non vegetarian till 29 years of my life and always had vitamin b12 and iron deficiency. Afterwards, I moved to vegetarian diet, tada no more headaches and weakness and my blood values were good. I only needed it more during and after my pregnancies which I supplemented. so, it cant be true, . Eat fermented food: idly, kimchi, achar for Vitamin b12. As in case you wont get b12 directly, it will improve your gut bacteria which assist in b12 consumption. As b12 absorption is a big problem than b12 consumption.


Good informative video.
One important point, in old days Indians used to drink water from well. That water had minerals and B12 as well. Modern day water filters (RO, UV, etc ) kills everything in water including natural vitamins and minerals .


Another aspect of getting vit B12 is getting water from open well. My family 100% veg but drink a natural well water. Never vit B12 deficient. But when installed RO water purifier problems started. I am assuming the natural well has I wide biodiversity which creates vit B12 rich water..assuming..


At 3:16, you said that plants evolved a completely different biochemical pathway to produce DNA, fatty acids, amino acids, proteins. Please be aware that B12 is NOT THE END, it is the means to an end, namely, production of DNA, fatty acids, amino acids (building blocks of life). If this end is achieved in certain life forms without resorting to B12 synthesis (such as plants, herbivores etc) then its quite possible that vegans and low dairy consuming vegetarians, over several generations, develop the ability to circumvent the need for B12 for optimal health. Many years ago, I saw a video of an Indian joint family from Gujrat who had been raw vegans for several generations. All thirty five of them had excellent health and vitality, but when tested, were paradoxically severely B12 deficient. To summerize, those among us who stand in awe of the wisdom and efficiency of mother nature find it unlikely that she would make ALL animal life on the planet dependent on a rare mineral found in a miniscule region of Earth, the Congo. Science still has a long way to go to understand the power, capacity, and mystery of life in general and rhe human body in particular. Science and scientists are Eurocentric, and patently carnivorous. What is indispensable for them may not be so for other human societies and other forms of animal life.


My guess is, we used to have a couple or more cows at most of our houses and our people cleaned them, used the cow urine, cow dung in so many rituals, even for house flooring. Also, we consume Panchagavya.. Maybe, all this induced the same symbiotic relationship and thus they had those particular gut bacteria as well.. Great video sir, kudos to your profound research!


Very informative. When my recent blood test showed low b12 the first question my doctor asked was "are you vegetarian? "


Just to add up, it's also very crucial for a child's brain development. My daughter(an infant) was identified with b12 deficiency and was given its shot, which is improving her growth and developmental milestones. I'm so glad to find this informative video.


The way you connected the different dots and put it as a whole is really commendable!
